문제ID | 내 점수 | 제목 | 해결한 사람 수 |
IOI18_combo | 콤보 Interactive | 1410 | |
JOI18_stove | Stove Batch | 1343 | |
IOI16_molecules | Detecting Molecules Batch | 1096 | |
IOI19_shoes | Arranging Shoes Batch | 1044 | |
IOI11_race | 경주 (Race) Batch | 969 | |
JOI18_art | Art Exhibition Batch | 963 | |
IZhO14_bank | 은행 Batch | 919 | |
IOI13_cave | 동굴 Interactive | 879 | |
JOI18_commuter_pass | Commuter Pass Batch | 850 | |
JOI19_ho_t1 | Bitaro the Brave Batch | 753 | |
NOI18_knapsack | Knapsack Batch | 751 | |
IOI14_game | 게임 Interactive | 741 | |
IOI14_wall | 벽 Batch | 722 | |
IOI13_dreaming | 꿈 Batch | 698 | |
IOI15_boxes | 선물상자 Batch | 662 | |
APIO14_sequence | 수열 Batch | 658 | |
IOI20_supertrees | 슈퍼트리 잇기 Batch | 654 | |
BOI13_tracks | Tracks in the Snow Batch | 646 | |
JOI17_foehn_phenomena | Foehn Phenomena Batch | 638 | |
CEOI18_glo | Global Warming Batch | 608 | |
APIO15_skyscraper | Jakarta Skyscrapers Batch | 606 | |
IOI11_crocodile | 악어의 지하 도시 Batch | 605 | |
IOI11_ricehub | 쌀 창고 Batch | 603 | |
BOI16_bosses | Bosses Batch | 600 | |
APIO16_gap | Gap Interactive | 587 |