제출 #780459

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
780459trucmai공장들 (JOI14_factories)C++17
15 / 100
596 ms524288 KiB
//i_love_aisukiuwu #include "factories.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #ifdef LOCAL #include "/home/trucmai/.vim/tools.h" #define debug(x...) cerr << "\e[91m"<<__func__<<":"<<__LINE__<<" [" << #x << "] = ["; _print(x); cerr << "\e[39m" << endl; #else #define debug(x...) #endif #define ll long long #define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end() #define vi vector<ll> #define pi pair<ll,ll> #define pii pair<ll,pair<ll,ll>> #define fi first #define se second #define gcd __gcd #define mset(a,v) memset(a, v, sizeof(a)) #define endl '\n' #define spc " " const int MN1 = 1e6 + 5,MN2 = 1e4 + 5,LOG = 27; const ll MOD = 1e9 + 7,INF = 1e18; ll tin[MN1],tout[MN1],dis[MN1],el[MN1],h[MN1],cc[MN1]; ll sptin[MN1],sptout[MN1]; pi sp[MN1][LOG]; vector<pi>adj[MN1],vt[MN1]; ll timer = 0,sptimer = 0; void dfs(ll u,ll pre){ tin[u] = ++timer; sp[++sptimer][0] = {h[u],u}; sptin[u] = sptimer; for(auto [v,w] : adj[u]){ if(v == pre) continue; dis[v] = dis[u] + w; h[v] = h[u] + 1; dfs(v,u); sp[++sptimer][0] = {h[u],u}; } tout[u] = timer; } ll lg_floor(ll u){return 63 - __builtin_clzll(u);} void sparse(){ for(ll i = 1;i < LOG;++i) for(ll j = 0;j + (1LL<<i) - 1 <= sptimer;++j) sp[j][i] = min(sp[j][i-1],sp[j + (1LL<<(i-1))][i-1]); } ll lca(ll u,ll v){ ll tu = sptin[u],tv = sptin[v]; if(tu > tv) swap(tu,tv); ll k = lg_floor(tv - tu + 1); return min(sp[tu][k],sp[tv - (1LL<<k) + 1][k]).se; } pi dpfs(ll u,ll pre,ll &res){ pi short_dis = {INF,INF}; //cout << u << " " << pre << " " << res << endl; if(cc[u] == 0) short_dis.fi = 0; else if(cc[u] == 1) short_dis.se = 0; for(auto [v,w] : vt[u]){ if(v == pre) continue; pi tmp = dpfs(v,u,res); //cout << tmp.fi << " " << tmp.se << endl; res = min(res, min(short_dis.fi + tmp.se, short_dis.se + tmp.fi) + w); short_dis.fi = min(short_dis.fi,tmp.fi + w); short_dis.se = min(short_dis.se,tmp.se + w); } debug(u,pre,short_dis,res); return short_dis; } void Init(int n, int a[],int b[],int d[]){ mset(cc,-1); for(ll i = 0;i < n;++i){ adj[a[i]].emplace_back(b[i],d[i]); adj[b[i]].emplace_back(a[i],d[i]); } dfs(0,0); sparse(); } long long Query(int s,int x[],int t,int y[]){ vector<ll>a; for(ll i = 0;i < s;++i){ a.emplace_back(x[i]); cc[x[i]] = 0; } for(ll i = 0;i < t;++i){ a.emplace_back(y[i]); cc[y[i]] = 1; } sort(all(a),[&](ll x,ll y){return tin[x] < tin[y];}); for(ll i = 0;i + 1 < s + t;++i) a.push_back(lca(a[i],a[i+1])); sort(all(a),[&](ll x,ll y){return tin[x] < tin[y];}); a.resize(unique(all(a))-a.begin()); auto is_anc=[&](ll u,ll v)->bool{ return tin[u] <= tin[v] && tout[u] >= tin[v]; }; //create virtual tree stack<ll>st; auto add=[&](ll u,ll v,ll w)->void{ vt[u].emplace_back(v,w); vt[v].emplace_back(u,w); }; for(ll i = 0;i < a.size();++i){ while(!st.empty() && !is_anc(st.top(),a[i])) st.pop(); if(!st.empty()) add(st.top(),a[i],dis[a[i]] - dis[st.top()]); st.push(a[i]); } ll res = INF; dpfs(a[0],0,res); for(ll i = 0;i < a.size();++i) vt[a[i]].clear(); for(ll i = 0;i < s;++i) cc[x[i]] = -1; for(ll i = 0;i < t;++i) cc[y[i]] = -1; return res; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

factories.cpp: In function 'long long int Query(int, int*, int, int*)':
factories.cpp:111:18: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'long long int' and 'std::vector<long long int>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  111 |   for(ll i = 0;i < a.size();++i){
      |                ~~^~~~~~~~~~
factories.cpp:118:18: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'long long int' and 'std::vector<long long int>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  118 |   for(ll i = 0;i < a.size();++i) vt[a[i]].clear();
      |                ~~^~~~~~~~~~
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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