Submission #737673

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
737673cig32Monkey and Apple-trees (IZhO12_apple)C++17
100 / 100
245 ms173660 KiB
#include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; #define int long long const int MAXN = 2e5 + 10; const int MOD = 1e9 +7; mt19937_64 rng((int)std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); int rnd(int x, int y) { int u = uniform_int_distribution<int>(x, y)(rng); return u; } int bm(int b, int p) { if(p==0) return 1 % MOD; int r = bm(b, p >> 1); if(p&1) return (((r*r) % MOD) * b) % MOD; return (r*r) % MOD; } int inv(int b) { return bm(b, MOD-2); } int fastlog(int x) { return (x == 0 ? -1 : 64 - __builtin_clzll(x) - 1); } void printcase(int i) { cout << "Case #" << i << ": "; } struct node { int lc = 0, rc = 0, lazy = 0, sum = 0; bool have = 0; } st[10000000]; int unused = 1; void push_down(int idx, int lc, int rc, int llen, int rlen) { if(st[idx].have == 0) return; st[lc].have = 1; st[lc].lazy = st[idx].lazy; st[lc].sum = st[idx].lazy * llen; st[rc].have = 1; st[rc].lazy = st[idx].lazy; st[rc].sum = st[idx].lazy * rlen; st[idx].have = 0; st[idx].lazy = 0; } void push_up(int idx, int lc, int rc) { st[idx].sum = st[lc].sum + st[rc].sum; } void u(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // range := val if(l <= constl && constr <= r) { st[idx].have = 1; st[idx].lazy = val; st[idx].sum = val * (constr - constl + 1); return; } int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1; if(st[idx].lc == 0) st[idx].lc = unused++; if(st[idx].rc == 0) st[idx].rc = unused++; push_down(idx, st[idx].lc, st[idx].rc, mid - constl + 1, constr - mid); if(mid < l || r < constl) u(l, r, mid+1, constr, st[idx].rc, val); else if(constr < l || r < mid+1) u(l, r, constl, mid, st[idx].lc, val); else { u(l, r, constl, mid, st[idx].lc, val); u(l, r, mid+1, constr, st[idx].rc, val); } push_up(idx, st[idx].lc, st[idx].rc); } int qu(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx) { if(l <= constl && constr <= r) { return st[idx].sum; } int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1; if(st[idx].lc == 0) st[idx].lc = unused++; if(st[idx].rc == 0) st[idx].rc = unused++; push_down(idx, st[idx].lc, st[idx].rc, mid - constl + 1, constr - mid); if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu(l, r, mid+1, constr, st[idx].rc); else if(constr < l || r < mid+1) return qu(l, r, constl, mid, st[idx].lc); else return qu(l, r, constl, mid, st[idx].lc) + qu(l, r, mid+1, constr, st[idx].rc); } void solve(int tc) { int m; cin >> m; int c=0; for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { int d, x, y; cin >> d >> x >> y; x += c, y += c; if(d == 1) { c = qu(x, y, 1, 1000000000, 0); cout << c << "\n"; } else { u(x, y, 1, 1000000000, 0, 1); } } } int32_t main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); int t = 1; //cin >> t; for(int i=1; i<=t; i++) solve(i); } // 搏盡
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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