답안 #580471

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
580471 2022-06-21T09:52:01 Z danikoynov Harbingers (CEOI09_harbingers) C++14
70 / 100
1000 ms 31880 KB
 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||l |||e |||i |||n |||a |||d ||


#define endl '\n'

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;

void speed()
const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;

int n;
ll depth[maxn], dp[maxn], to_start[maxn], spd[maxn];
vector < pair < int, ll > > g[maxn];

void add_edge(int v, int u, ll d)
    g[v].push_back({u, d});
    g[u].push_back({v, d});

const double inf = 1e18;
struct line
    ll k, m; /// k * x + m

    line(ll _k = 0, ll _m = 0)
        k = _k;
        m = _m;

    double intersect(const line &l1, const line &l2)
        if (l1.k == l2.k)
            if (l1.m > l2.m)
                return inf;
            return - inf;
        return (double)(l2.m - l1.m) / (double)(l1.k - l2.k);

struct bunch
    vector < pair < int, line > > bh;
    int res_sz;

line st[maxn];
int sz;

bunch add_line(ll k, ll m)
    line l(k, m);
    bunch cur;
    cur.res_sz = sz;
    while(sz > 1 &&  intersect(st[sz - 1], l) <= intersect(st[sz - 1], st[sz]))
            cur.bh.push_back({sz, st[sz]});
            sz --;
    st[++ sz] = l;
    return cur;

void restore_line(bunch cur)
    for (int i = 0; i < cur.bh.size(); i ++)
        pair < int, line > tp = cur.bh[i];
        st[tp.first] = tp.second;
    sz = cur.res_sz;

ll query(ll x)
    /**ll best = inf;
    for (int i = 1; i <= sz; i ++)
        ll cur = st[i].k * x + st[i].m;
        if (cur < best)
            best = cur;
    return best;*/
    int l = 1, r = sz - 1;
    while(l <= r)
        int m = (l + r) / 2;
        if (intersect(st[m], st[m + 1]) <= (double)(x))
            l = m + 1;
            r = m - 1;
    return st[l].k * x + st[l].m;

void dfs(int v, int p)
    if (v != 1)
        /// calculate answer
        dp[v] = depth[v] * spd[v] + to_start[v] + query(spd[v]);

    /// add line

    bunch cur = add_line(- depth[v], + dp[v]);

    for (pair < int, ll > nb : g[v])
        if (nb.first == p)
        depth[nb.first] = depth[v] + nb.second;
        dfs(nb.first, v);

    /// restore lines

void solve()
    cin >> n;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i ++)
        int v, u, d;
        cin >> v >> u >> d;
        add_edge(v, u, d);
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i ++)
        cin >> to_start[i] >> spd[i];

    dfs(1, - 1);

    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i ++)
        cout << dp[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;

int main()
    return 0;

Compilation message

harbingers.cpp: In function 'void restore_line(bunch)':
harbingers.cpp:81:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<std::pair<int, line> >::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
   81 |     for (int i = 0; i < cur.bh.size(); i ++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Correct 2 ms 4180 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 4 ms 4948 KB Output is correct
3 Correct 45 ms 15440 KB Output is correct
4 Correct 75 ms 20496 KB Output is correct
5 Correct 83 ms 26544 KB Output is correct
6 Correct 110 ms 31880 KB Output is correct
7 Correct 62 ms 15512 KB Output is correct
8 Execution timed out 1087 ms 21680 KB Time limit exceeded
9 Execution timed out 1093 ms 16704 KB Time limit exceeded
10 Execution timed out 1083 ms 23152 KB Time limit exceeded