제출 #575846

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
575846PedroBigMan크레이피쉬 글쓰는 기계 (IOI12_scrivener)C++14
34 / 100
402 ms262144 KiB
/* Author of all code: Pedro BIGMAN Dias Last edit: 15/02/2021 */ #pragma GCC optimization ("O3") #pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops") #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <map> #include <unordered_map> #include <set> #include <unordered_set> #include <queue> #include <deque> #include <list> #include <iomanip> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <cstring> using namespace std; typedef int ll; typedef unsigned long long int ull; typedef long double ld; #define REP(i,a,b) for(ll i=(ll) a; i<(ll) b; i++) #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define pl pair<ll,ll> #define ff first #define ss second #define whole(x) x.begin(),x.end() #define DEBUG(i) cout<<"Pedro Is The Master "<<i<<endl #define INF 1000000000000000000LL #define EPS ((ld)0.00000000001) #define pi ((ld)3.141592653589793) #define VV(vvvv,NNNN,xxxx); REP(iiiii,0,NNNN) {vvvv.pb(xxxx);} ll mod=1000000007LL; template<class A=ll> void Out(vector<A> a) {REP(i,0,a.size()) {cout<<a[i]<<" ";} cout<<endl;} template<class A=ll> void In(vector<A> &a, ll N) {A cur; REP(i,0,N) {cin>>cur; a.pb(cur);}} // C++ program to implement persistent segment // tree. #define MAXN 1000002 /* data type for individual * node in the segment tree */ struct node { // stores sum of the elements in node int val; // pointer to left and right children node* left, *right; // required constructors........ node() {} node(node* l, node* r, int v) { left = l; right = r; val = v; } }; // input array int arr[MAXN]; // root pointers for all versions node* version[MAXN]; // Constructs Version-0 // Time Complexity : O(nlogn) void build(node* n,int low,int high) { if (low==high) { n->val = arr[low]; return; } int mid = (low+high) / 2; n->left = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); n->right = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); build(n->left, low, mid); build(n->right, mid+1, high); n->val = n->left->val + n->right->val; } /** * Upgrades to new Version * @param prev : points to node of previous version * @param cur : points to node of current version * Time Complexity : O(logn) * Space Complexity : O(logn) */ void upgrade(node* prev, node* cur, int low, int high, int idx, int value) { if (idx > high or idx < low or low > high) return; if (low == high) { // modification in new version cur->val = value; return; } int mid = (low+high) / 2; if (idx <= mid) { // link to right child of previous version cur->right = prev->right; // create new node in current version cur->left = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); upgrade(prev->left,cur->left, low, mid, idx, value); } else { // link to left child of previous version cur->left = prev->left; // create new node for current version cur->right = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); upgrade(prev->right, cur->right, mid+1, high, idx, value); } // calculating data for current version // by combining previous version and current // modification cur->val = cur->left->val + cur->right->val; } int query(node* n, int low, int high, int l, int r) { if (l > high or r < low or low > high) return 0; if (l <= low and high <= r) return n->val; int mid = (low+high) / 2; int p1 = query(n->left,low,mid,l,r); int p2 = query(n->right,mid+1,high,l,r); return p1+p2; } /*int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { // creating Version-0 // storing root node for version-0 version[0] = root; // upgrading to version-1 version[1] = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); upgrade(version[0], version[1], 0, n-1, 4, 1); // upgrading to version-2 version[2] = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); upgrade(version[1],version[2], 0, n-1, 2, 10); cout << "In version 1 , query(0,4) : "; cout << query(version[1], 0, n-1, 0, 4) << endl; cout << "In version 2 , query(3,4) : "; cout << query(version[2], 0, n-1, 3, 4) << endl; cout << "In version 0 , query(0,3) : "; cout << query(version[0], 0, n-1, 0, 3) << endl; return 0; }*/ ll N; vector<ll> com; //last index of Seg Tree after command i vector<ll> s; //size of word after command i ll V; void Init() { N=1000000; REP(i,0,N) {arr[i]=0;} node* root = new node(NULL, NULL, 0); build(root, 0, MAXN-1); version[0]=root; V=1; s.pb(0); com.pb(0); } void TypeLetter(char L) { ll u = (ll) (L-'a'); version[V] = new node(NULL,NULL,0); upgrade(version[V-1],version[V],0,MAXN-1,s.back(),u); s.pb(s.back()+1); com.pb(V); V++; } void UndoCommands(int U) { ll root_ind = com[com.size()-1-U]; ll cursize = s[com.size()-1-U]; s.pb(cursize); version[V] = new node(NULL,NULL,0); upgrade(version[root_ind],version[V],0,MAXN-1,MAXN-1,0); com.pb(V); V++; } char GetLetter(int P) { ll ans = query(version[V-1],0,MAXN-1,P,P); char c_ans = (char) ('a' + ans); return c_ans; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

scrivener.cpp:5: warning: ignoring '#pragma GCC optimization' [-Wunknown-pragmas]
    5 | #pragma GCC optimization ("O3")
scrivener.cpp:6: warning: ignoring '#pragma GCC optimization' [-Wunknown-pragmas]
    6 | #pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops")
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...