제출 #542937

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
542937blueDynamic Diameter (CEOI19_diameter)C++17
42 / 100
4500 ms391708 KiB
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <set> using namespace std; using ll = long long; #define int ll using vi = vector<int>; using vvi = vector<vi>; using vll = vector<ll>; using vvll = vector<vll>; using pll = pair<ll, ll>; using vpll = vector<pll>; #define sz(x) int(x.size()) const int mx = 100'000; const int lg = 17; const ll INF = 2'000'000'000'000'000'000LL; int n, q; ll w; vi a(1+mx), b(1+mx); vll c(1+mx); vi edge[1+mx]; vpll edgepair[1+mx]; multiset<ll> centmaxvals; multiset<ll> subtreemaxvals[1+mx]; vi banned(1+mx, 0); //nodes & edges indexed from 1, everything else from 0 vi depth(1+mx); vi subtree(1+mx); int cent; void dfs0(int u, int p, vi& lst) { lst.push_back(u); subtree[u] = 1; for(int v : edge[u]) { if(v == p) continue; if(banned[v]) continue; depth[v] = 1 + depth[u]; dfs0(v, u, lst); subtree[u] += subtree[v]; } } vi grouplist[1+mx]; //done vi centsubtree[1+mx]; //done vi centnormdepth[1+mx]; //done vll centnormdist[1+mx]; //done vi centanc[1+mx]; //done int centancind[1+mx][1+lg]; //done int currind; //done vi currnodeind(1+mx); //done vi centprocessord; //done vi centtreedepth(1+mx, 0); //done vi reprlist[1+mx]; void dfs1(int u, int p) { //this is preset to -1 for the root and p == u !!! for(pll vp : edgepair[u]) { int v = vp.first; ll w = vp.second; if(v == p) continue; if(banned[v]) continue; // cerr << "used edge : " << u << " -> " << v << " at " << w << '\n'; currind++; currnodeind[v] = currind; grouplist[cent][currind] = v; centsubtree[cent][currind] = 1; centnormdepth[cent][currind] = 1 + centnormdepth[cent][ currnodeind[u] ]; centnormdist[cent][currind] = w + centnormdist[cent][ currnodeind[u] ]; // cerr << "centnormdist " << cent << ' ' << currind << " = " << centnormdist[cent][currind] << '\n'; dfs1(v, u); centsubtree[cent][ currnodeind[u] ] += centsubtree[cent][ currnodeind[v] ]; } } struct segtree { int S; int Z; vi l, r; vll mxv, lp; segtree() { ; } void build(int i, int L, int R, vll& lst) { l[i] = L; r[i] = R; if(l[i] == r[i]) { mxv[i] = lst[l[i]]; } else { build(2*i, L, (L+R)/2, lst); build(2*i+1, (L+R)/2+1, R, lst); mxv[i] = max(mxv[2*i], mxv[2*i+1]); } } void add(int i, int L, int R, ll V) { if(R < l[i] || r[i] < L) return; else if(L <= l[i] && r[i] <= R) { mxv[i] += V; lp[i] += V; } else { add(2*i, L, R, V); add(2*i+1, L, R, V); mxv[i] = lp[i] + max(mxv[2*i], mxv[2*i+1]); } } ll rangemax(int i, int L, int R) { if(R < l[i] || r[i] < L) return -INF; else if(L <= l[i] && r[i] <= R) return mxv[i]; else return lp[i] + max(rangemax(2*i, L, R), rangemax(2*i+1, L, R)); } segtree(vll& lst) { S = sz(lst); Z = 4*S; l = r = vi(1+Z); mxv = lp = vll(1+Z, 0); build(1, 0, sz(lst)-1, lst); } }; segtree CST[1+mx]; //done bool firstbuild = 1; int build(int u) { // cerr << "building " << u << '\n'; depth[u] = 0; cent = -1; vi lst; dfs0(u, u, lst); // cerr << "X\n"; if(firstbuild) firstbuild = 0; else { for(int f : lst) { reprlist[f].push_back(u); } } for(int k : lst) { if(2*subtree[k] < sz(lst)) continue; if(cent == -1 || depth[k] > depth[cent]) cent = k; } centprocessord.push_back(cent); // cerr << "F\n"; grouplist[cent] = centsubtree[cent] = centnormdepth[cent] = vi(sz(lst)); centnormdist[cent] = vll(sz(lst)); currind = 0; currnodeind[cent] = 0; // cerr << "Z\n"; grouplist[cent][0] = cent; centsubtree[cent][0] = 1; centnormdepth[cent][0] = 0; centnormdist[cent][0] = 0; // cerr << "Y\n"; dfs1(cent, cent); // cerr << "\n\n\n"; // cerr << "currently building centroid = " << cent << '\n'; // cerr << "grouplist = "; // for(int z : grouplist[cent]) cerr << z << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; // cerr << "distances = "; // for(ll z : centnormdist[cent]) cerr << z << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; CST[cent] = segtree(centnormdist[cent]); int localcent = cent; banned[localcent] = 1; // cerr << "Z\n"; for(int z : edge[localcent]) { if(banned[z]) continue; // cerr << "build : " << cent << " -> " << z << '\n'; int d = build(z); centanc[d].push_back(localcent); } banned[localcent] = 0; return localcent; }; ll gettwosum(int u) { auto it = subtreemaxvals[u].rbegin(); auto it2 = it; it2++; return *it + *it2; } void disablemax(int u) { centmaxvals.erase(gettwosum(u)); } void enablemax(int u) { centmaxvals.insert(gettwosum(u)); } signed main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cin >> n >> q; cin >> w; for(int e = 1; e <= n-1; e++) { cin >> a[e] >> b[e] >> c[e]; edge[a[e]].push_back(b[e]); edge[b[e]].push_back(a[e]); edgepair[a[e]].push_back({b[e], c[e]}); edgepair[b[e]].push_back({a[e], c[e]}); } // cerr << "A\n"; //init for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { centanc[i].push_back(i); centancind[i][0] = 0; } int rt = build(1); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // cerr << "\n\n\n seeing reprlist of " << i << "\n"; reprlist[i].push_back(i); reverse(reprlist[i].begin(), reprlist[i].end()); // for(int t : reprlist[i]) cerr << t << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; } // cerr << "B\n"; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) while(centanc[i].back() != rt) centanc[i].push_back( centanc[ centanc[i].back() ][1] ); // cerr << "B1\n"; for(int u : centprocessord) { centtreedepth[u] = sz(centanc[u]) - 1; } // cerr << "B2\n"; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { for(int z = 0; z < sz(grouplist[i]); z++) { int j = grouplist[i][z]; centancind[j][ centtreedepth[j] - centtreedepth[i] ] = z; } } // for(int qv : grouplist[5]) cerr << qv << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; // cerr << "cent tree depth = "; // for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cerr << centtreedepth[i] << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; // cerr << "C\n"; // cerr << "5 ind = "; // for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cerr << centancind[i][centtreedepth[i] - centtreedepth[5]] << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // cerr << "\n\n\n"; // cerr << "i = " << i << '\n'; subtreemaxvals[i].insert(0); subtreemaxvals[i].insert(0); // for(int h = 0; h < sz(grouplist[i]); h++) cerr << CST[i].rangemax(1, h, h) << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; for(int j : edge[i]) { if(centtreedepth[j] <= centtreedepth[i]) continue; int jrep = reprlist[j][ centtreedepth[j] - centtreedepth[i] ]; // cerr << "checking " << i << " -> " << j << " = " << jrep << '\n'; int dd = centtreedepth[jrep] - centtreedepth[i]; // cerr << "dd = " << dd << '\n'; int jrepid = centancind[jrep][dd]; int jrepst = centsubtree[i][ jrepid ]; // for(int h = 0; h < sz(grouplist[i]); h++) // cerr << grouplist[i][h] << " - " << centsubtree[i][h] << '\n'; // cerr << "j interval = "; // cerr << jrepid << ' ' << jrepst << '\n'; // cerr << "#\n"; subtreemaxvals[i].insert(CST[i].rangemax(1, jrepid, jrepid+jrepst-1)); } // cerr << i << " done\n"; } // cerr << "D\n"; // cerr << "\n\n\n\n\n"; // for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) // { // cerr << '\n'; // cerr << i << " : "; // for(int j : grouplist[i]) cerr << j << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; // cerr << i << " : "; // for(ll y : subtreemaxvals[i]) cerr << y << ' '; // cerr << '\n'; // } // cerr << "\n\n\n\n\n"; // ce for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) centmaxvals.insert(gettwosum(i)); // cerr << "preliminary answer = " << *centmaxvals.rbegin() << '\n'; ll last = 0; for(int j = 1; j <= q; j++) { // cerr << "\n\n"; // cerr << "j = " << j << " started\n"; ll d; ll e; cin >> d >> e; // cerr << e << " + " << last << '\n'; d = ((d + last) % ll(n-1)) + 1; e = (e + last) % w; // cerr << "actual values = " << d << ' ' << e << '\n'; ll delta = e - c[d]; c[d] = e; //update int x = a[d], y = b[d]; if(centtreedepth[x] > centtreedepth[y]) swap(x, y); int depx = centtreedepth[x], depy = centtreedepth[y]; int depu = depx, depv = depy; int u = x, v = y; // cerr << "#\n"; // cerr << "???\n"; // cerr << u << ' ' << depu << " : " << v << ' ' << depv << '\n'; for(int ndep = depx; ndep >= 0; ndep--) { // cerr << "\n\n"; // cerr << "ndep = " << ndep <<'\n'; if(centanc[u][depu - ndep] != centanc[v][depv - ndep]) continue; // cerr << "entered\n"; if(centnormdepth[centanc[u][depu - ndep]][centancind[u][depu - ndep]] > centnormdepth[centanc[v][depv - ndep]][centancind[v][depv - ndep]]) { swap(u, v); swap(depu, depv); } // cerr << "hello\n"; int a = centanc[u][depu - ndep]; // cerr << "a = " << a << '\n'; // cerr << "segment tree = "; // for(int li = 0; li < sz(grouplist[a]); li++) // cerr << CST[a].rangemax(1, li, li) << ' '; // cerr << "\n"; disablemax(a); // cerr << "max disabled at " << a << '\n'; // cerr << "index of " << v << " at " << a << " = " << vid << '\n'; int vid = centancind[v][depv - ndep]; // cerr << "index of " << v << " at " << a << " = " << vid << '\n'; int vst = centsubtree[a][vid]; // cerr << "hello\n"; // cerr << a << ' ' << sz(grouplist[a]) << ' ' << vid << ' ' << vst << '\n'; // cerr << "trying to erase " << CST[a].rangemax(1, vid, vid+vst-1) << '\n'; // for(ll rv : subtreemaxvals[a]) cerr << "rv = " << rv << '\n'; // cerr << "inspecting\n"; // cerr << "value erased\n"; int vrep = reprlist[v][depv - ndep]; int vrepid = centancind[vrep][ centtreedepth[vrep] - centtreedepth[a] ]; int vrepst = centsubtree[ a ][ vrepid ]; subtreemaxvals[a].erase(subtreemaxvals[a].find(CST[a].rangemax(1, vrepid, vrepid+vrepst-1))); // cerr << "reached flag\n"; CST[a].add(1, vid, vid+vst-1, delta); subtreemaxvals[a].insert(CST[a].rangemax(1, vrepid, vrepid+vrepst-1)); enablemax(a); } // cerr << "centroid = 2\n"; // for(ll b : subtreemaxvals[2]) // cerr << "b = " << b << '\n'; // cerr << "\n\n\n\n DECLARING ANSWER\n"; last = *centmaxvals.rbegin(); cout << last << '\n'; } }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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