Submission #530160

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
530160HanksburgerWall (IOI14_wall)C++17
100 / 100
545 ms77476 KiB
#include "wall.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int lazyMax[8000005], lazyMin[8000005]; vector<int> vec; void build(int i, int l, int r) { lazyMax[i]=-1; lazyMin[i]=-1; if (l==r) return; int mid=(l+r)/2; build(i*2, l, mid); build(i*2+1, mid+1, r); } void push(int i, int op, int h) { if (op==1) { if (lazyMax[i]!=-1) lazyMax[i]=max(lazyMax[i], h); else lazyMax[i]=h; if (lazyMin[i]!=-1) lazyMin[i]=max(lazyMin[i], h); } else { if (lazyMax[i]!=-1) lazyMax[i]=min(lazyMax[i], h); if (lazyMin[i]!=-1) lazyMin[i]=min(lazyMin[i], h); else lazyMin[i]=h; } } void update(int i, int l, int r, int op, int ql, int qr, int h) { // cout << "update " << i << ' ' << l << ' ' << r << ' ' << op << ' ' << ql << ' ' << qr << ' ' << h << '\n'; if (ql<=l && r<=qr) { // cout << "updated: " << l << "-" << r << " from " << lazyMax[i] << ' ' << lazyMin[i] << " to "; push(i, op, h); // cout << lazyMax[i] << " " << lazyMin[i] << '\n'; return; } // cout << "push " << lazyMax[i] << " and " << lazyMin[i] << " into [" << l << "-" << (l+r)/2 << "] and [" << (l+r)/2+1 << "-" << r << "]" << '\n'; if (lazyMax[i]!=-1) { push(i*2, 1, lazyMax[i]); push(i*2+1, 1, lazyMax[i]); lazyMax[i]=-1; } if (lazyMin[i]!=-1) { push(i*2, 2, lazyMin[i]); push(i*2+1, 2, lazyMin[i]); lazyMin[i]=-1; } int mid=(l+r)/2; if (l<=qr && ql<=mid) update(i*2, l, mid, op, ql, qr, h); if (mid+1<=qr && ql<=r) update(i*2+1, mid+1, r, op, ql, qr, h); } void query(int i, int l, int r) { // cout << "query " << i << ' ' << l << ' ' << r << '\n'; if (l==r) { vec.push_back(max(0, lazyMax[i])); return; } // cout << "push " << lazyMax[i] << " and " << lazyMin[i] << " into [" << l << "-" << (l+r)/2 << "] and [" << (l+r)/2+1 << "-" << r << "]" << '\n'; if (lazyMax[i]!=-1) { push(i*2, 1, lazyMax[i]); push(i*2+1, 1, lazyMax[i]); lazyMax[i]=-1; } if (lazyMin[i]!=-1) { push(i*2, 2, lazyMin[i]); push(i*2+1, 2, lazyMin[i]); lazyMin[i]=-1; } int mid=(l+r)/2; query(i*2, l, mid); query(i*2+1, mid+1, r); } void buildWall(int n, int k, int op[], int l[], int r[], int h[], int fh[]) { build(1, 0, n-1); for (int i=0; i<k; i++) // { update(1, 0, n-1, op[i], l[i], r[i], h[i]); // query(1, 0, n-1); // cout << "vec: "; // for (int j=0; j<n; j++) // cout << vec[j] << ' '; // cout << '\n'; // vec.clear(); // } query(1, 0, n-1); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) fh[i]=vec[i]; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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