Submission #500737

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
500737 2022-01-01T04:24:52 Z innocentkitten Sails (IOI07_sails) C++14
100 / 100
640 ms 9344 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define f first
#define s second
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define p push
#define ins insert
#define t top
#define fr front

#define T1 10
#define T2 100
#define T3 1000
#define T4 10000
#define T5 100000
#define T6 1000000

#define H1 11
#define H2 105
#define H3 1010
#define H4 10010
#define H5 100010
#define H6 1000010

#define woof 31051
#define mod 998244353
#define MOD 1000000007
#define lnf 0
#define inf 1069999999
#define INF 2099999999
#define LNF 5e18

#define tc(T) template <class T>
#define tcc(S, T) template <class S, class T>
#define tccc(S, T, U) template <class S, class T, class U>

using namespace std;
mt19937 mr(time(0));
typedef long long int ll;
typedef string str;
typedef double dbl;
struct LL {

    static ll m; // set to LNF for nomod
    long long int val;

    LL(ll v) {val=reduce(v);};
    LL(int v) {val=reduce((ll)v);};
    LL() {val=0;};
    LL(const LL& l) {val=l.val;};
    LL& operator=(int l) {val=l; return *this;}
    LL& operator=(ll l) {val=l; return *this;}
    LL& operator=(LL l) {val=l.val; return *this;}

    static void setMod(ll m) { assert(m); LL::m = m; }

    static long long int reduce(ll x, ll md = m) {
        x %= md;
        while (x >= md) x-=md;
        while (x < 0) x+=md;
        return x;

    bool operator<(const LL& b) { return val<b.val; }
    bool operator<=(const LL& b) { return val<=b.val; }
    bool operator!=(const LL& b) { return val!=b.val; }
    bool operator==(const LL& b) { return val==b.val; }
    bool operator>=(const LL& b) { return val>=b.val; }
    bool operator>(const LL& b) { return val>b.val; }

    LL operator+(const LL& b) { return LL(val+b.val); }
    LL operator+(const ll& b) { return (*this+LL(b)); }
    LL& operator+=(const LL& b) { return (*this=*this+b); }
    LL& operator+=(const ll& b) { return (*this=*this+b); }

    LL operator-(const LL& b) { return LL(val-b.val); }
    LL operator-(const ll& b) { return (*this-LL(b)); }
    LL& operator-=(const LL& b) { return (*this=*this-b); }
    LL& operator-=(const ll& b) { return (*this=*this-b); }

    LL operator*(const LL& b) { return LL(val*b.val); }
    LL operator*(const ll& b) { return (*this*LL(b)); }
    LL& operator*=(const LL& b) { return (*this=*this*b); }
    LL& operator*=(const ll& b) { return (*this=*this*b); }

    static LL exp(const LL& x, const ll& y){
        ll z = y;
        z = reduce(z,m-1);
        LL ret = 1;
        LL w = x;
        while (z) {
            if (z&1) ret *= w;
            z >>= 1; w *= w;
        return ret;
    LL& operator^=(ll y) { return (*this=LL(val^y)); }

    LL operator/(const LL& b) { return ((*this)*exp(b,-1)); }
    LL operator/(const ll& b) { return (*this/LL(b)); }
    LL operator/=(const LL& b) { return ((*this)*=exp(b,-1)); }
    LL& operator/=(const ll& b) { return (*this=*this/LL(b)); }

}; ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const LL& obj) { return os << obj.val; }
ll LL::m = MOD;

typedef pair<int,int> pii;
typedef pair<int,ll> pil;
typedef pair<int,LL> piL;
typedef pair<ll,ll> pll;
typedef pair<LL,LL> pLL;
typedef pair<dbl,dbl> pdd;
using namespace std;
// sacrilege

#define bts(a,x,b) ((a<x)&&(x<b))
#define btw(a,x,b) ((a<=x)&&(x<=b))

#define F0(x,n) for(ll x = 0; x < n; ++x)
#define Fr(x,L,R) for(ll x = L; x < R; ++x)
#define R0(x,n) for(ll x = n-1; x >= 0; --x)
#define F1(x,n) for(ll x = 1; x <= n; ++x)
#define FR(x,L,R) for(ll x = L; x <= R; ++x)
#define R1(x,n) for(ll x = n; x >= 1; --x)
#define RR(x,L,R) for(ll x = R; x >= L; --x)
#define Rr(x,L,R) for(ll x = R-1; x >= L; --x)
#define FE(x,ls) for(auto x : ls)
#define FER(x,ls) for(auto &x : ls)

#define srt(x) sort(x.begin(),x.end())
#define srtc(x,c) sort(x.begin(),x.end(),c)
#define rev(x) reverse(x.begin(),x.end())

#define UB upper_bound
#define LB lower_bound
#define ub(x,v) upper_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),v)
#define lb(x,v) lower_bound(x.begin(),x.end(),v)
#define bs(x,v) binary_search(x.begin(),x.end(),v)
#define dst(x,y) (ll)distance(x,y)
#define nlt(x,v) (ll)dst(x.begin(),lb(x,v))
#define nle(x,v) (ll)dst(x.begin(),ub(x,v))

ll cases,N,M,Q,K,X,Y;

//ifstream fin("");
//ofstream fout("exercise.out");
ll rd() {ll x;cin>>x; return x;}
dbl rdd() {dbl x;cin>>x; return x;}
str rds() {str x;cin>>x; return x;}
tc(T) void rds(char* S, T* sz) {*sz=strlen(strcpy(S,rds().c_str()));}
tc(T) void rG(int sz, vector<vector<T>>& adj, int E = -18852946) {
    if (E == -18852946) E = sz-1;
    F0(i,sz+1) adj.pb(vector<T>());
    F0(i,E) {
        T a = rd(); T b = rd();
        adj[a].pb(b); adj[b].pb(a);
tcc(S,T) void rdv(vector<S>& vec, T* sz, bool flag = 1) {
    if (flag) *sz = rd();
    F0(i,*sz) vec.pb(rd());

void fl() {cout.flush();}
void ds(int v) { cout << v << " "; }
void ds(ll v) { cout << v << " "; }
void ds(LL v) { cout << v << " "; }
void ds(dbl v) { cout << v << " "; }
void ds(char v) { cout << v << " "; }
void ds(str v) { cout << v << " "; }
void ds(char* v) { cout << v << " "; }
tc(T) void ds(T* v, int t) {
    auto x = v;
    F0(i,t) ds(*(x++)); cout << endl;
tcc(S,T) void ds(pair<S,T> v) {cout << "( "; ds(v.f); cout << ", "; ds(v.s); cout << ") ";}
tc(T) void ds(vector<T> v) { FE(x,v) ds(x); cout << endl; }
tc(T) void panic(T out) { ds(out); exit(0); }

tcc(S,T) bool updmin(S &a, T b) {
    S B = (S)b;
    if (B < a) {a = B; return 1;}
    return 0;

tcc(S,T) bool updmax(S &a, T b) {
    S B = (S)b;
    if (B > a) {a = B; return 1;}
    return 0;

tcc(S,T) S min(S a, T b) {
    S c = a; updmin(c, b); return c;

tcc(S,T) S max(S a, T b) {
    S c = a; updmax(c, b); return c;

// witness
bool witness(LL a, ll d, ll m) {
    LL x = LL::exp(a,m);
    if (x==LL(1)) return 1;
    F0(r,d) {
        if (x==LL(-1)) return 1;
        x = x*x;
    return 0;

// O(log^3 n) test
bool isPrime(ll x) {
    if (x < T6) {
        int j = 2;
        while (j*j <= x) {
            if (x%j==0) return 0;
        return 1;
    ll d = 0;
    ll m = 0;
    ll y = x;
    ll cur = LL::m;
    LL::m = x;
    bool ret = 1;
    while (y>>=1) {
        ++d; if (y&1) break;
    m = y;
    if (x < 1e12) {
        ret = witness(2,d,m)
            && witness(13,d,m)
            && witness(23,d,m)
            && witness(1662803,d,m);
    } else {
        ret = witness(2,d,m)
            && witness(3,d,m)
            && witness(5,d,m)
            && witness(7,d,m)
            && witness(11,d,m)
            && witness(13,d,m)
            && witness(17,d,m)
            && witness(19,d,m)
            && witness(23,d,m)
            && witness(29,d,m)
            && witness(31,d,m)
            && witness(37,d,m)
            && witness(41,d,m);
    LL::m = cur;
    return ret;

#define H H5
#define HH 43

ll gcd(ll a, ll b) {
    return b?gcd(b, a % b):a;

void precalc() {

void reset() {

bool cmp(pii a, pii b) {
    return (a.s==b.s)?(a.f<b.f):(a.s<b.s);

bool debug = 0;
struct Cheese {

    ll F(ll a, ll b) {
        return a+b;

    int sz;
    vector<ll> ST;
    vector<ll> lazy;
    void start(int n) {
        sz = n;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4*n; i++) { ST.pb(0); lazy.pb(0); }

    void build(ll * A, int idx, int b, int e) {
        if(b == e) {
            ST[idx] = A[b];
        } else {
            int mid = (b + e) / 2;
            build(A, 2*idx, b, mid);
            build(A, 2*idx+1, mid+1, e);
            ST[idx] = F(ST[2*idx],ST[2*idx+1]);
    void build(ll * A) { build(A, 1, 0, sz-1); }

    void update(int idx, int b, int e, int l, int r, ll val) {
        if (lazy[idx] != 0) {
            ST[idx] += lazy[idx];
            if(b != e) {
                lazy[idx*2] += lazy[idx];
                lazy[idx*2+1] += lazy[idx];
            lazy[idx] = 0;
        if ((b > e) || (b > r) || (e < l)) return;
        if ((b >= l) && (e <= r)) {
            ST[idx] += val;
            if (b != e) {
                lazy[idx*2] += val;
                lazy[idx*2+1] += val;
        int mid = (b + e) / 2;
        update(idx*2, b, mid, l, r, val);
        update(idx*2 + 1, mid + 1, e, l, r, val);
        ST[idx] = F(ST[idx*2],ST[idx*2+1]);
    void update(int l, int r, ll val) { update(1,0,sz-1,l,r,val); }

    ll query(int idx, int b, int e, int l, int r) {
        if ((b > e) || (b > r) || (e < l)) return 0;
        if (lazy[idx] != 0) {
            ST[idx] += lazy[idx];
            if (b != e) {
                lazy[idx*2] += lazy[idx];
                lazy[idx*2+1] += lazy[idx];
            lazy[idx] = 0;
        if(b >= l and e <= r) return ST[idx];
        int mid = (b + e) / 2;
        ll p1 = query(idx*2, b, mid, l, r);
        ll p2 = query(idx*2 + 1, mid + 1, e, l, r);
        return F(p1,p2);
    ll query(int l, int r) { return query(1,0,sz-1,l,r); }
    ll query(int l) { return query(l,l); }

} ST;

vector<pii> Qs;
void read() {
    F0(i,N) {
        int h = rd(); int k = rd();
    FE(x,Qs) {
        int h = x.f; int k = x.s;
        int L,R,lm,rm,key;
        key = ST.query(h-k);
        L = 0, R = h-k;
        while (L<R) {
            int M = (L+R)>>1;
            if (ST.query(M)==key) { R = M; }
            else { L = M+1; }
        L = h-k, R = h-1;
        while (L<R) {
            int M = (L+R+1)>>1;
            if (ST.query(M)==key) { L = M; }
            else { R = M-1; }
        int dist = rm-(h-k);
    ll ans = 0;
    F0(i,H) {
        ll k = ST.query(i);
    cout << ans << endl;

int main() {


    bool trials = 0;
    bool interactive = 0;

    if (!interactive) {

    if (trials) cases=rd();
    else cases=1;
    while (cases--) {


Compilation message

sails.cpp: In function 'void ds(T*, int)':
sails.cpp:120:17: warning: this 'for' clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
  120 | #define F0(x,n) for(ll x = 0; x < n; ++x)
      |                 ^~~
sails.cpp:176:5: note: in expansion of macro 'F0'
  176 |     F0(i,t) ds(*(x++)); cout << endl;
      |     ^~
sails.cpp:176:25: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the 'for'
  176 |     F0(i,t) ds(*(x++)); cout << endl;
      |                         ^~~~
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 18 ms 6772 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 18 ms 6808 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 17 ms 6828 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 17 ms 6836 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 17 ms 6824 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 19 ms 6824 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 21 ms 6824 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 21 ms 6824 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 26 ms 6824 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 25 ms 6844 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 59 ms 6800 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 148 ms 7384 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 102 ms 7092 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 283 ms 7508 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 579 ms 8204 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 493 ms 9124 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 511 ms 8336 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 250 ms 9020 KB Output is correct
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 640 ms 8404 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 375 ms 9344 KB Output is correct