# | Time | Username | Problem | Language | Result | Execution time | Memory |
455186 | blue | Sky Walking (IOI19_walk) | C++17 | 0 ms | 0 KiB |
This submission is migrated from previous version of oj.uz, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
#include "walk.h"
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int N;
vector<int> X;
vector<int> H;
int M;
vector<int> L;
vector<int> R;
vector<int> Y;
int S;
int G;
const int INF = 1e9 + 1;
const int MX = 100'000;
const long long LONG_INF = 1'000'000'000'000'000'0LL;
int higher_skywalk(int w1, int w2)
if(w1 == -1) return w2;
else if(w2 == -1) return w1;
else if(Y[w1] == Y[w2]) return max(w1, w2);
else if(Y[w1] > Y[w2]) return w1;
else return w2;
bool skywalk_leq(int w1, int w2)
if(w1 == -1) return 1;
if(w2 == -1)
return 0;
if(Y[w1] == Y[w2]) return w1 <= w2;
return Y[w1] < Y[w2];
bool skywalk_less(int w1, int w2)
if(w1 == -1 && w2 == -1) return 0;
else if(w1 == -1 && w2 != -1) return 1;
else if(w1 != -1 && w2 == -1) return 0;
if(w1 == w2) return 0;
if(Y[w1] == Y[w2]) return w1 < w2;
return Y[w1] < Y[w2];
struct point
int b; //building
int s; //skywalk
int i;
point(int B, int S)
b = B;
s = S;
point(int B, int S, int I)
b = B;
s = S;
i = I;
bool operator < (point A, point B)
if(A.b == B.b) return A.s < B.s;
return A.b < B.b;
set<point> points;
struct walk_segtree
int l;
int r;
vector<int> w;
walk_segtree* left = NULL;
walk_segtree* right = NULL;
walk_segtree(int L, int R)
l = L;
r = R;
if(l == r) return;
int m = (l+r)/2;
left = new walk_segtree(l, m);
right = new walk_segtree(m+1, r);
void add_skywalk(int W)
if(R[W] < l || r < L[W]) return;
else if(L[W] <= l && r <= R[W])
void sort_skywalks()
sort(w.begin(), w.end(), [] (int u, int v)
return Y[u] < Y[v];
if(left != NULL)
int locate_lower(int I, int W)
if(r < I || I < l) return -1;
int ind = -1;
for(int bit = 20; bit >= 0; bit--)
if(ind + (1 << bit) >= w.size()) continue;
if(skywalk_leq(W, w[ind + (1 << bit)])) continue;
ind += (1 << bit);
int curr_best = (ind == -1 ? -1 : w[ind]);
if(left != NULL)
curr_best = higher_skywalk(curr_best, left->locate_lower(I, W));
curr_best = higher_skywalk(curr_best, right->locate_lower(I, W));
return curr_best;
int taller_building(int b1, int b2)
if(b1 == -1) return b2;
else if(b2 == -1) return b1;
else if(H[b1] > H[b2]) return b1;
else return b2;
struct build_segtree
int l;
int r;
int h; //maximum height of a building
build_segtree* left = NULL;
build_segtree* right = NULL;
build_segtree(int L, int R)
l = L;
r = R;
if(l == r) h = H[L];
int m = (l+r)/2;
left = new build_segtree(l, m);
right = new build_segtree(m+1, r);
h = max(left->h, right->h);
int rangemax(int L, int R)
if(R < L) return -INF;
else if(R < l || r < L) return -INF;
else if(L <= l && r <= R) return h;
else return max(left->rangemax(L, R), right->rangemax(L, R));
vector<int>* edge;
vector<long long>* dist;
vector<long long> src_dist(100+MX, LONG_INF);
void add_edge(int u, int v, long long w)
// cerr << u << ' ' << v << ' ' << w << '\n';
assert(w >= 0);
struct pos
int i;
bool operator < (pos A, pos B)
if(src_dist[A.i] == src_dist[B.i]) return A.i < B.i;
return src_dist[A.i] < src_dist[B.i];
long long min_distance(vector<int> x, vector<int> h, vector<int> l, vector<int> r, vector<int> y, int s, int g)
// cerr << "A\n";
N = x.size();
X = x;
H = h;
M = l.size();
L = l;
R = r;
Y = y;
S = s;
G = g;
walk_segtree S_W(0, N-1);
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
// cerr << "B\n";
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
int LL = S_W.locate_lower(L[j], j);
if(LL != -1)
points.insert(point(L[j], LL));
int RL = S_W.locate_lower(R[j], j);
if(RL != -1)
points.insert(point(R[j], RL));
// cerr << "C\n";
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
if(L[j] <= S && S <= R[j] && Y[j] <= H[S])
points.insert(point(S, j));
if(L[j] <= G && G <= R[j] && Y[j] <= H[G])
points.insert(point(G, j));
// cerr << "D\n";
build_segtree S_B(0, N-1);
// cerr << "E\n";
int S_skywalk = M;
int G_skywalk = M+1;
// cerr << "F\n";
for(int j = 0; j < M; j++)
// cerr << "j = " << j << '\n';
for(int PT: vector<int>{S, G})
// S_B.rangemax(L[j], min(R[j], PT));
// cerr << "query done\n";
if(L[j] <= PT && S_B.rangemax(L[j], min(R[j], PT)) >= Y[j])
// cerr << "entered if statement\n";
int lo = L[j];
int hi = min(R[j], PT);
int mid;
// cerr << "check\n";
while(lo != hi)
mid = (lo+hi)/2 + 1;
// cerr << lo << ' ' << hi << ' ' << mid << '\n';
if(S_B.rangemax(mid, hi) >= Y[j])
lo = mid;
hi = mid-1;
// cerr << lo << ' ' << hi << '\n';
mid = lo;
if(H[mid] >= Y[j])
int tmp = S_W.locate_lower(mid, j);
if(tmp != -1)
points.insert(point(mid, j));
points.insert(point(mid, tmp));
// else cerr << "not entered\n";
// cerr << "left done\n";
if(PT <= R[j] && S_B.rangemax(max(L[j], PT), R[j]) >= Y[j])
int lo = max(L[j], PT);
int hi = R[j];
int mid;
while(lo != hi)
mid = (lo+hi)/2;
if(S_B.rangemax(lo, mid) >= Y[j])
hi = mid;
lo = mid+1;
mid = lo;
if(H[mid] >= Y[j])
int tmp = S_W.locate_lower(mid, j);
if(tmp != -1)
points.insert(point(mid, j));
points.insert(point(mid, tmp));
// cerr << "G\n";
int P = points.size();
vector<point> points_vector;
int ct = 0;
point pt = *points.begin();
pt.i = ct-1;
// cerr << "H\n";
points_vector.push_back(point(S, S_skywalk, ct-1));
int S_vertex = ct-1;
points_vector.push_back(point(G, G_skywalk, ct-1));
int G_vertex = ct-1;
// for(point pt: points_vector) cerr << X[pt.b] << ' ' << Y[pt.s] << '\n';
// cerr << "check\n";
// cerr << "I\n";
edge = new vector<int>[ct];
dist = new vector<long long>[ct];
sort(points_vector.begin(), points_vector.end(), [] (point p1, point p2)
if(p1.b == p2.b) return (skywalk_less(p1.s, p2.s));
return p1.b < p2.b;
for(int z = 0; z+1 < points_vector.size(); z++)
point p1 = points_vector[z];
point p2 = points_vector[z+1];
if(p1.b == p2.b)
add_edge(p1.i, p2.i, Y[p2.s] - Y[p1.s]);
// cerr << p1.b << ' ' << p1.s << " " << p2.b << ' ' << p2.s << '\n';
// cerr << "adding edge from " << X[p1.b] << ' ' << Y[p1.s] << " to " << X[p2.b] << ' ' << Y[p2.s] << " with weight " << Y[p2.s] - Y[p1.s] << '\n';
sort(points_vector.begin(), points_vector.end(), [] (point p1, point p2)
if(p1.s == p2.s) return p1.b < p2.b;
return skywalk_less(p1.s, p2.s);
for(int z = 0; z+1 < points_vector.size(); z++)
point p1 = points_vector[z];
point p2 = points_vector[z+1];
if(p1.s == p2.s)
add_edge(p1.i, p2.i, X[p2.b] - X[p1.b]);
// cerr << "adding edge from " << X[p1.b] << ' ' << Y[p1.s] << " to " << X[p2.b] << ' ' << Y[p2.s] << " with weight " << X[p2.b] - X[p1.b] << '\n';
// cerr << "Q\n";
src_dist[S_vertex] = 0;
set<pos> tbv;
for(int i = 0; i < ct; i++) tbv.insert(pos{i});
int u = tbv.begin()->i;
// cerr << "u = " << u << '\n';
// cerr << src_dist[u] << '\n';
for(int e = 0; e < edge[u].size(); e++)
int v = edge[u][e];
long long w = dist[u][e];
if(src_dist[v] > src_dist[u] + w)
src_dist[v] = src_dist[u] + w;
// cerr << "w = " << w << '\n';
// cerr << "Z\n";
long long ans = src_dist[G_vertex];
if(ans >= LONG_INF)
ans = -1;
return ans;