제출 #440883

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
44088379brueShopping (JOI21_shopping)C++14
100 / 100
146 ms47308 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Anna.h" #ifdef TEST #define my_printf printf #else static void my_printf(const char* s, ...){ } #endif // TEST using namespace std; typedef long long ll; namespace Anna{ int n, l, r, m; int firstVertex, firstL, firstR, depth; int turnsLeft = 18; int arr[1000002]; int binaryL, binaryR, binaryM; int nowL, nowR; int start, len; int notIncludeL, notIncludeR; vector<bool> finalInfo; vector<int> link[1000002]; int par[1000002]; int minCover(int x){ for(int i=1; i<=30; i++) if(x <= (1<<i)) return i; exit(1); } void InitA(int N, int L, int R){ n = N, l = L, r = R; n = 1000000; firstVertex = 0, firstL = 0, firstR = n-1; while(depth < 13){ int m = (firstL + firstR) / 2; if(r <= m){ firstVertex *= 2; depth++; firstR = m; } else if(l > m){ firstVertex = firstVertex * 2 + 1; depth++; firstL = m+1; } else break; } if(depth <= 1){ SendA(0); SendA(0); SendA(depth); turnsLeft -= 3; } else{ depth += 2; SendA(!!(depth & 8)); SendA(!!(depth & 4)); SendA(!!(depth & 2)); SendA(!!(depth & 1)); turnsLeft -= 4; depth -= 2; } for(int i=0; i<depth; i++) SendA(!!(firstVertex & (1<<i))); turnsLeft -= depth; binaryL = 1; binaryR = firstR-firstL; binaryM = (binaryL + binaryR) / 2; m = (firstL+firstR)/2; nowL = firstL, nowR = firstR; notIncludeL = m, notIncludeR = m+1; start = 0; len = minCover(min(m, nowR-binaryM) - max(nowL, m+1-binaryM) + 1); my_printf("Initialize Result (Anna): firstL %d, firstR %d, m %d\n", firstL, firstR, m); } void RecieveA(bool x){ if(!turnsLeft){ finalInfo.push_back(x); return; } len--; start = start*2+x; if(!len){ int minAble = max(nowL, m+1-binaryM); int p = minAble + start; int q = p + binaryM; my_printf("Anna: %d %d %d %d\n", nowL, nowR, notIncludeL, notIncludeR); my_printf("Want to ask: [%d, %d] / Send: %d\n", p, q, start); if(p <= l && r <= q){ SendA(1); nowL = p, nowR = q; binaryR = binaryM-1; binaryM = (binaryL + binaryR) / 2; start = 0; len = minCover(min(m, nowR-binaryM) - max(nowL, m+1-binaryM) + 1); } else{ SendA(0); notIncludeL = p, notIncludeR = q; binaryL = binaryM+1; binaryM = (binaryL + binaryR) / 2; start = 0; len = minCover(min(m, nowR-binaryM) - max(nowL, m+1-binaryM) + 1); } turnsLeft--; } } void dfs(int x, int y){ arr[x] = y; for(auto nxt: link[x]) dfs(nxt, y+1); } int Answer(){ int rangeMin = 0; for(int i=0; i<20; i++) if(finalInfo[i]) rangeMin += (1<<i); reverse(finalInfo.begin(), finalInfo.end()); for(int i=0; i<20; i++) finalInfo.pop_back(); reverse(finalInfo.begin(), finalInfo.end()); vector<int> indices; for(int i=nowL; i<notIncludeL; i++) indices.push_back(i); indices.push_back(rangeMin); for(int i=notIncludeR+1; i<=nowR; i++) indices.push_back(i); my_printf("Anna: indices size %d, finalInfo size %d\n", (int)indices.size(), (int)finalInfo.size()); for(int i=nowL; i<=nowR; i++) arr[i] = 1e9; assert(finalInfo.size() == indices.size() * 2); int pnt = 0; vector<int> stk; memset(par, -1, sizeof(par)); for(auto x: indices){ while(1){ int child = -1; if(pnt == (int)finalInfo.size()) break; if(finalInfo[pnt] == 1){ if(!stk.empty()) par[x] = stk.back(); stk.push_back(x); pnt++; break; } else{ if(child != -1) par[child] = stk.back(); par[stk.back()] = x, child = stk.back(); stk.pop_back(); pnt++; } } } int root = -1; for(auto x: indices){ if(par[x] != -1) link[par[x]].push_back(x); else root = x; } dfs(root, 0); return min_element(arr+l, arr+r+1) - arr; } } void InitA(int N, int L, int R){ Anna::InitA(N, L, R); } void ReceiveA(bool x){ Anna::RecieveA(x); } int Answer() { return Anna::Answer(); }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "Bruno.h" #ifdef TEST #define my_printf printf #else static void my_printf(const char* s, ...){ } #endif // TEST using namespace std; typedef long long ll; namespace Bruno{ int n; int arr[1000002]; int l, r; int depth, state, start, cnt; int turnsLeft = 18; int m, len; int rangeL[1000002], rangeR[1000002]; int binaryL, binaryR, binaryM; int nowL, nowR; int notIncludeL, notIncludeR; void InitB(int N, vector<int> P) { n = N; for(int i=0; i<1000000; i++){ if(i < n) arr[i] = P[i]; else arr[i] = i; } n = 1000000; } void init_binary(){ rangeL[1] = m, rangeR[1] = m+1; for(int i=2; i<=r-l; i++){ if(rangeL[i-1] == l) rangeL[i] = l, rangeR[i] = rangeR[i-1]+1; else if(rangeR[i-1] == r) rangeR[i] = r, rangeL[i] = rangeL[i-1]-1; else if(arr[rangeL[i-1]-1] > arr[rangeR[i-1]+1]) rangeL[i] = rangeL[i-1]-1, rangeR[i] = rangeR[i-1]; else rangeL[i] = rangeL[i-1], rangeR[i] = rangeR[i-1]+1; } binaryL = 1, binaryR = r-l; } int minCover(int x){ for(int i=1; i<=30; i++) if(x <= (1<<i)) return i; exit(1); } void ReceiveB(bool y){ bool alreadyUsed = 0; cnt++, turnsLeft--; if(state == 0){ /// 아직 깊이도 완성하지 못한 상태 depth = depth * 2 + y; if(cnt == 3 && depth<=1) state = (depth==0 ? 2 : 1), cnt = 0; else if(cnt == 4) state = 1, depth-=2, cnt = 0; if(state!=2) return; else goto term; } if(state == 1){ /// 시작 정점을 입력받는 중인 상태 start = start * 2 + y; if(depth == cnt){ term: state = 2, cnt = 0; l = 0, r = n-1; for(int i=0; i<depth; i++){ int M = (l+r) / 2; if(start & (1<<i)) l = M+1; else r = M; } m = (l+r)/2; init_binary(); binaryL = 1; binaryR = r-l; binaryM = (binaryL + binaryR) / 2; nowL = l, nowR = r; notIncludeL = m, notIncludeR = m+1; start = 0; len = minCover(min(m, nowR-binaryM) - max(nowL, m+1-binaryM) + 1); alreadyUsed = 1; state = 2; my_printf("Initialize Result (Bruno): firstL %d, firstR %d, m %d\n", l, r, m); } else return; } if(!alreadyUsed){ if(y){ /// Bruno가 물어본 구간에 Anna의 구간이 포함된다. nowL = rangeL[binaryM], nowR = rangeR[binaryM]; binaryR = binaryM-1; binaryM = (binaryL + binaryR) / 2; start = 0; len = minCover(min(m, nowR-binaryM) - max(nowL, m+1-binaryM) + 1); } else{ notIncludeL = rangeL[binaryM], notIncludeR = rangeR[binaryM]; binaryL = binaryM+1; binaryM = (binaryL + binaryR) / 2; start = 0; len = minCover(min(m, nowR-binaryM) - max(nowL, m+1-binaryM) + 1); } } if(turnsLeft){ /// 이분 탐색을 진행해야 하는 상태 int minAble = max(nowL, m+1-binaryM); int val = rangeL[binaryM] - minAble; assert(val < (1<<len)); my_printf("Bruno: %d %d %d %d\n", nowL, nowR, notIncludeL, notIncludeR); my_printf("Want to ask: [%d, %d] / Send: %d\n", rangeL[binaryM], rangeR[binaryM], val); for(int i=len-1; i>=0; i--) SendB(!!(val & (1<<i))); return; } /// 카르테시안 트리 보내기 int rangeMin = notIncludeL; for(int i=notIncludeL+1; i<=notIncludeR; i++){ if(arr[rangeMin] > arr[i]) rangeMin = i; } for(int i=0; i<20; i++) SendB(!!(rangeMin & (1<<i))); vector<pair<int, int> > vec; stack<int> stk; for(int i=nowL; i<notIncludeL; i++) vec.push_back(make_pair(i, arr[i])); vec.push_back(make_pair(rangeMin, arr[rangeMin])); for(int i=notIncludeR+1; i<=nowR; i++) vec.push_back(make_pair(i, arr[i])); my_printf("Bruno: vec size %d\n", (int)vec.size()); for(auto x: vec){ while(!stk.empty() && stk.top() > x.second){ stk.pop(); SendB(0); } stk.push(x.second); SendB(1); } while(!stk.empty()){ stk.pop(); SendB(0); } } } void InitB(int N, vector<int> P){ Bruno::InitB(N, P); } void ReceiveB(bool x){ Bruno::ReceiveB(x); }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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