답안 #332198

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
332198 2020-12-01T16:19:58 Z Sho10 CONSUL (info1cup19_consul) C++14
컴파일 오류
0 ms 0 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> //Andrei Alexandru a.k.a Sho10
#include "grader.h"
#define ll long long
#define double long double
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#define all(a) (a).begin(), (a).end()
#define f first
#define s second
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define pi pair
#define rc(s) return cout<<s,0
#define endl '\n'
#define mod 1000007
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define MAXN 100005
#define INF 1000000005
#define LINF 1000000000000000005ll
#define CODE_START  ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
using namespace std;
void solve(int n){
ll pos=0;
auto seed = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
 mt19937 mt_rand(seed);
ll nr=bind(uniform_int_distribution<int> (1, n),mt_rand);
for(ll i=1;i<=25;i++)
return -1;
int32_t main(){

Compilation message

consul.cpp: In function 'void solve(int)':
consul.cpp:26:11: error: cannot convert 'std::_Bind_helper<false, std::uniform_int_distribution<int>, std::mersenne_twister_engine<long unsigned int, 32, 624, 397, 31, 2567483615, 11, 4294967295, 7, 2636928640, 15, 4022730752, 18, 1812433253>&>::type' {aka 'std::_Bind<std::uniform_int_distribution<int>(std::mersenne_twister_engine<long unsigned int, 32, 624, 397, 31, 2567483615, 11, 4294967295, 7, 2636928640, 15, 4022730752, 18, 1812433253>)>'} to 'long long int' in initialization
   26 | ll nr=bind(uniform_int_distribution<int> (1, n),mt_rand);
      |       ~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |           |
      |           std::_Bind_helper<false, std::uniform_int_distribution<int>, std::mersenne_twister_engine<long unsigned int, 32, 624, 397, 31, 2567483615, 11, 4294967295, 7, 2636928640, 15, 4022730752, 18, 1812433253>&>::type {aka std::_Bind<std::uniform_int_distribution<int>(std::mersenne_twister_engine<long unsigned int, 32, 624, 397, 31, 2567483615, 11, 4294967295, 7, 2636928640, 15, 4022730752, 18, 1812433253>)>}
consul.cpp:29:12: error: 'nr' cannot be used as a function
   29 |     pos=nr();
      |            ^
consul.cpp:36:9: error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void' [-fpermissive]
   36 | return -1;
      |         ^