답안 #31977

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
31977 2017-09-20T03:22:05 Z gs14004 두 개의 원 (balkan11_2circles) C++14
50 / 100
553 ms 10084 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 50005;
typedef long long lint;

// N//    
///// ////  
///y N///y////
//`y `/`/y/// 
`N` -     
h -N     
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--- N--N 
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using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
typedef pair<double, double> pdd;
typedef pair<double, int> pdi;

const double EPS = 1e-8;
const double PI = acos(-1);

double sq(double x){ return x*x; }
ll sq(ll x){ return x*x; }
int sign(ll x){ return x < 0? -1 : x > 0? 1 : 0; }
int sign(int x){ return x < 0? -1 : x > 0? 1 : 0; }
double sign(double x){ return abs(x) < EPS? 0 : x < 0? -1 : 1; }

pii operator+(const pii &l, const pii &r){ return pii(l.first + r.first, l.second + r.second); }
pii operator-(const pii &l, const pii &r){ return pii(l.first - r.first, l.second - r.second); }
ll operator^(const pii &l, const pii &r){ return (ll)l.first * r.second - (ll)l.second * r.first; }
ll operator/(const pii &l, const pii &r){ return (ll)l.first * r.second - (ll)l.second * r.first; }
ll operator*(const pii &l, const pii &r){ return (ll)l.first * r.first + (ll)l.second * r.second; }
pii operator*(const pii &l, const int &r){ return pii(l.first * r, l.second * r); }
pii operator-(const pii &l){ return pii(-l.first, -l.second); }

pdd operator+(const pdd &l, const pdd &r){ return pdd(l.first + r.first, l.second + r.second); }
pdd operator-(const pdd &l, const pdd &r){ return pdd(l.first - r.first, l.second - r.second); }
double operator^(const pdd &l, const pdd &r){ return l.first * r.second - l.second * r.first; }
double operator/(const pdd &l, const pdd &r){ return l.first * r.second - l.second * r.first; }
double operator*(const pdd &l, const pdd &r){ return l.first * r.first + l.second * r.second; }
pdd operator*(const pdd &l, const double &r){ return pdd(l.first * r, l.second * r); }
pdd operator-(const pdd &l){ return pdd(-l.first, -l.second); }

double size(pdd x){ return hypot(x.first, x.second); }
double size2(pdd x){ return sq(x.first) + sq(x.second); }
ll size2(pii x){ return sq((ll)x.first) + sq((ll)x.second); }
double polar(pdd x){ return atan2(x.second, x.first); }
pdd unit(double a){ return pdd(cos(a), sin(a)); }
pdd norm(pdd a){ return a * (1.0 / size(a)); }
pdd rotate(pdd v, double a){ return unit(a) * v.first + unit(a + PI / 2) * v.second; }
pdd r90(pdd v){ return pdd(-v.second, v.first); }

void normalize(double &a){
	while (a < 0) a += 2 * PI;
	while (a >= 2 * PI) a -= 2 * PI;

struct circle{
	circle(pdd O, double r):O(O), r(r){}
	pdd O;
	double r;

int tangent(circle &A, circle &B, pdd des[4]){
	// outer
	int top = 0;
	double d = size(A.O - B.O), a = polar(B.O - A.O), b = PI + a;

	double t = sq(d) - sq(A.r - B.r);
	if (t >= 0){
		t = sqrt(t);
		double p = atan2(B.r - A.r, t);
		des[top++] = pdd(a + p + PI / 2, b + p - PI / 2);
		des[top++] = pdd(a - p - PI / 2, b - p + PI / 2);
	// inner
	t = sq(d) - sq(A.r + B.r);
	if (t >= 0){
		t = sqrt(t);
		double p = atan2(B.r + A.r, t);
		des[top++] = pdd(a + p - PI / 2, b + p - PI / 2);
		des[top++] = pdd(a - p + PI / 2, b - p + PI / 2);
	return top;

int intersect(circle &A, circle &B, pdd des[2]){
	double d = size(A.O - B.O), t = (sq(A.r) + sq(d) - sq(B.r)) / 2 / A.r / d, u = (sq(B.r) + sq(d) - sq(A.r)) / 2 / B.r / d;
	if (abs(d) < EPS) return 0;
	if (1 - t*t < 0 || 1 - u*u < 0) return 0;
	double a = atan2(sqrt(1 - t*t), t), b = atan2(sqrt(1 - u*u), u), p = polar(B.O - A.O), q = PI + p;
	des[0] = pdd(p + a, q - b);
	des[1] = pdd(p - a, q + b);
	return 2;

int intersect(circle A, pdd s, pdd d, pdd des[2]){
	double c = size2(A.O - s) - sq(A.r), b = d * (s - A.O), a = size2(d);

	if (b*b - a*c < 0) return 0;
	des[0].second = (-b - sqrt(b*b - a*c)) / a;
	des[1].second = (-b + sqrt(b*b - a*c)) / a;
	des[0].first = polar(s + d*des[0].second - A.O);
	des[1].first = polar(s + d*des[1].second - A.O);
	return 2;

int intersect(pdd a, pdd b, pdd u, pdd v, pdd &des){
	if (abs(b^v) < EPS) return 0;
	des = pdd(((a - u) ^ v) / (v^b), ((a - u) ^ b) / (v^b));
	return 1;

double dist(const pdd &A, const pdd &p, const pdd &d){
	if( size(A-p) <= EPS ) return 0;
	else if( size(d) <= EPS ) return size(A-p);
	double sina = ((A-p) ^ d) / size(A-p) / size(d);
	double cosa = ((A-p) * d) / size(A-p) / size(d);
	double r = abs(size(A - p) * sina), e = size(A - p) * cosa;
	if (0 < e && e < size(d));
	else r = min(size(A - p), size(A - p - d));
	return r;

int get_circle(pdd a, pdd b, double R, circle des[2]){
	pdd m = (a+b) * 0.5, t = (b-a);
	double d = (R*R - size2(m-a));
	if( d < 0 ) return 0;
	d = sqrt(d);
	pdd p = norm(pdd(t.second, -t.first));
	des[0] = circle(m + p*d, R);
	des[1] = circle(m - p*d, R);
	return 2;

int get_circle(pdd p0, pdd p1, pdd p2, circle &des){
	pdd a = (p0+p1) * 0.5, b = r90(p0-p1);
	pdd u = (p0+p2) * 0.5, v = r90(p0-p2), R;
	if( !intersect(a, b, u, v, R) ) return 0;
	des = circle(a+b*R.first, size(a+b*R.first - p0));
	return 1;

struct v3{
	double x, y, z;
	v3(double x, double y, double z) :x(x), y(y), z(z){}

	v3 operator-()const{ return v3(-x, -y, -z); }
	v3 operator-(const v3 &l)const{ return v3(x - l.x, y - l.y, z - l.z); }
	v3 operator+(const v3 &l)const{ return v3(x + l.x, y + l.y, z + l.z); }
	v3 operator*(const double c)const{ return v3(x*c, y*c, z*c); }
	double operator*(const v3 &l)const{ return x*l.x + y*l.y + z*l.z; }
	v3 operator^(const v3 &l)const{ return v3(y*l.z - z*l.y, z*l.x - x*l.z, x*l.y - y*l.x); }

	double size(){ return sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z)); }
	double size2(){ return sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z); }

	v3 norm(){
		double p = size();
		return v3(x / p, y / p, z / p);
	void print(){ printf("%lf %lf %lf\n", x, y, z); }

	bool operator < (const v3 &l) const {
		if (abs(x - l.x) >= EPS) return x < l.x;
		if (abs(y - l.y) >= EPS) return y < l.y;
		if (abs(z - l.z) >= EPS) return z < l.z;
		return false;
	bool operator == (const v3 &l) const {
		return abs(x - l.x) < EPS && abs(y - l.y) < EPS && abs(z - l.z) < EPS;

struct Quad{
	double a;
	v3 v;
	Quad(double a, v3 v) :a(a), v(v){}
	Quad operator * (const double &c)const{ return Quad(a * c, v * c); }
	Quad operator~() const { return Quad(-a, -v); }
	Quad operator-() const { return Quad(a, -v) * (1 / (sq(a) + sq(v.x) + sq(v.y) + sq(v.z))); }
	Quad operator * (const Quad &l)const{ return Quad(a*l.a - v*l.v, l.v*a + v*l.a + (v^l.v)); }

	v3 apply(v3 p){
		return ((*this) * Quad(0, p) * -(*this)).v;

double size(v3 a){ return a.size(); }
double size2(v3 a){ return a.size2(); }
v3 norm(v3 a){ return a.norm(); }
v3 unit(double a, double b){ return v3(cos(a)*cos(b),sin(a)*cos(b),sin(b)); }

Quad set_rotate(v3 axis, double a){
	return Quad(cos(a / 2), axis.norm() * sin(a / 2));

struct sphere{
	sphere(v3 O, double r):O(O), r(r){}
	v3 O;
	double r;

//sphere - line
int intersect(sphere A, v3 s, v3 d, double des[2]){
	double c = (A.O - s).size2() - sq(A.r), b = d * (s - A.O), a = d.size2();

	if (b*b - a*c < 0) return 0;
	des[0] = (-b + sqrt(b*b - a*c)) / a;
	des[1] = (-b - sqrt(b*b - a*c)) / a;
	return 2;

// face - face
int intersect(v3 u, v3 v, v3 p, v3 q, v3 &s, v3 &d){ // v.size(), q.size() == 1
	if( abs(v*q-1) < EPS ) return 0;
	d = v^q;
	double t = v*q;
	s = v*((u*v - p*q*t) / (1-t*t)) + q*((u*v*t - p*q) * 1.0 / (t*t-1));
	return 1;

// face - line
int intersect(v3 u, v3 v, v3 p, v3 q, v3 &s){ // v.size(), q.size() == 1
	if( abs(q*v) <= EPS ) return 0;
	s = p + q * (((p-u)*v) / (q*v));
	printf("%.10lf\n", (u-s)*v);
	return 1;

bool isintersect(pdd &a, pdd &b, pdd &u, pdd &v){
	if( (((u-a)^(b-a)) < 0) ^ (((v-a)^(b-a)) < 0) );
	else return false;
	if( (((a-u)^(v-u)) < 0) ^ (((b-u)^(v-u)) < 0) ) return true;
	else return false;

double area(circle C, double s, double e)
	double p = C.O.first, q = C.O.second, r = C.r;
	return (p*r*(sin(e) - sin(s)) + q*r*(cos(s)-cos(e)) + r*r*(e-s)) * 0.5;

template<typename T>
void convex_hull(vector<T> &L, vector<T> &R){
	int mn = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i < L.size(); i++){
		if( L[mn] < L[i] ) mn = i;
	swap(L[mn], L[0]);
	T t = L[0];
	for(int i = 1; i < L.size(); i++) L[i] = L[i] - L[0];
	L[0] = T(0, 0);
	sort(L.begin()+1, L.end(), [](T l, T r){
			if( sign(l^r) != 0 ) return sign(l^r) < 0;
			return size(l) < size(r);
	for(T c : L){
		while(R.size() >= 2 && sign((R[R.size()-2] - R.back()) ^ (c - R.back())) <= 0 ) R.pop_back();
	for(T &c : R) c = c + t;

double area(pdd A[4], pdd B[4]){
	vector<pdd> L;
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) L.push_back(A[i]);
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) L.push_back(B[i]);
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
			pdd R;
			if( !intersect(A[i], A[i+1]-A[i], B[j], B[j+1] - B[j], R) ) continue;
			if( R.first < -EPS || R.first > 1+EPS || R.second < -EPS || R.second > 1+EPS ) continue;
			L.push_back(A[i] + (A[i+1]-A[i]) * R.first);

	vector<pdd> tmp;
	swap(tmp, L);
	for(pdd c : tmp){
		bool ch = 1;
		for(int i = 0; ch && i < 3; i++){
			if( ((A[i+1]-A[i]) ^ (c-A[i])) > EPS ) ch = 0;
		for(int i = 0; ch && i < 3; i++){
			if( ((B[i+1]-B[i]) ^ (c-B[i])) > EPS ) ch = 0;
		if( ch ) L.push_back(c);
	if( L.size() == 0 ) return 0;

	sort(L.begin(), L.end());
	L.resize(unique(L.begin(), L.end()) - L.begin());

	vector<pdd> R; convex_hull(L, R);

	double ans = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i+1 < R.size(); i++) ans += R[i+1] ^ R[i];
	return ans;

circle make_circle(vector<pdd> Q){
	if( Q.size() == 0 ) return circle(pdd(0, 0), 0);
	if( Q.size() == 1 ) return circle(Q[0], 0);
	circle res;
	for(int i = 0; i < Q.size(); i++){
		swap(Q.back(), Q[i]);
		res = circle((Q[0]+Q[1]) * 0.5, size(Q[0]-Q[1])/2);
		bool ch = 1; for(pdd c : Q) if( size2(c-res.O) > sq(res.r) + EPS ) ch = 0;
		if( ch ) return res;
		swap(Q.back(), Q[i]);
	get_circle(Q[0], Q[1], Q[2], res);
	return res;

circle smallest_circle(vector<pdd> &P, vector<pdd> &Q, int N)
	circle c = make_circle(Q);
	if( N == 0 || Q.size() >= 3 ) return c;
	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
		if( size2(c.O - P[i]) > sq(c.r) ){
			c = smallest_circle(P, Q, i);
	return c;

void convex_hull(vector<v3> &L, vector<v3> &R, vector<v3> &O, vector<v3> &D, vector<v3> &X)
	int N = L.size();
	static bool chk[1005][1005];
	static bool in[1005];
	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) for(int j = 0; j < N; j++) chk[i][j] = 0, in[i] = 0;

	int q1 = 0, q2 = 1;
	queue<pii> Q;
	vector<pair<pii, int>> F;
	for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) if( L[i].z < L[q1].z ) q1 = i, q2 = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
		if( i == q1 ) continue;
		if( (norm(L[i] - L[q1]) * v3(0, 0, 1)) < (norm(L[q2]-L[q1]) * v3(0, 0, 1)) ) q2 = i;
	Q.push(pii(q1, q2)); chk[q1][q2] = 1;
		pii f = Q.front(); Q.pop();
		int a = f.first, b = f.second, c = -1;
		in[a] = in[b] = 1;
		for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
			if( i == a || i == b ) continue;
			if( c == -1 || ((L[i]-L[a])^(L[c]-L[a]))*(L[b]-L[a]) < 0 ) c = i;
		if( !chk[c][b] ) Q.push(pii(c, b)), chk[c][b] = 1;
		if( !chk[a][c] ) Q.push(pii(a, c)), chk[a][c] = 1;
		if( a > b ) swap(a, b); 
		if( b > c ) swap(b, c); 
		if( a > b ) swap(a, b);
		F.emplace_back(pii(a, b), c);
	sort(F.begin(), F.end());
	F.resize(unique(F.begin(), F.end()) - F.begin());

	for(auto f : F){
		int a = f.first.first, b = f.first.second, c = f.second;
		O.push_back(L[a]); X.push_back(norm(L[a] - L[b]));
	for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) if( in[i] ) R.push_back(L[i]);

// C : conter_clockwise(C[0] == C[N])
// return highest point in C <- P(clockwise) or -1 in convex
// recommend : strongly convex, C.size() >= 3, C[i] != P
// up^down == 0 : on line

int convex_tangent(vector<pii> &C, pii P, int up = 1){
	auto sign = [&](ll c){ return c > 0 ? up : c == 0 ? 0 : -up; };
	auto local = [&](pii P, pii a, pii b, pii c) { 
		return sign((a - P) ^ (b - P)) <= 0 && sign((b - P) ^ (c - P)) >= 0; 

	assert(C.size() >= 2);
	int N = C.size()-1, s = 0, e = N, m;
	if( local(P, C[1], C[0], C[N-1]) ) return 0;
	//	for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) if( local(P, C[i-1], C[i], C[i+1])) return i;
	while(s+1 < e){
		m = (s+e) / 2;
		if( local(P, C[m-1], C[m], C[m+1]) ) return m;
		if( sign((C[s]-P) ^ (C[s+1]-P)) < 0 ){ // up
			if( sign((C[m]-P) ^ (C[m+1]-P)) > 0 ) e = m;
			else if( sign((C[m]-P) ^ (C[s]-P)) > 0 ) s = m;
			else e = m;
		else{ // down
			if( sign((C[m]-P) ^ (C[m+1]-P)) < 0 ) s = m;
			else if( sign((C[m]-P) ^ (C[s]-P)) < 0 ) s = m;
			else e = m;
	if( s && local(P, C[s-1], C[s], C[s+1]) ) return s;
	if( e != N && local(P, C[e-1], C[e], C[e+1]) ) return e;
	return -1;

// lo = 1 : lower_convex

int cmp_flag = 0, cmp_lo = 0;
struct Convex{
	struct line{
		line(pii x){
			if( !cmp_flag ) s = x;
			else d = x;
		line(pii s, pii d):s(s), d(d){}
		pii s, d;
		bool operator<(const line &l)const{
			if( !cmp_flag ) return s < l.s;
			return cmp_lo ? d/l.d > 0 : d/l.d < 0;
	int lo;
	set<line> C;

	void add(pii p){
		cmp_flag = 0;
		auto pos = [&](ll x){ return lo ? x >= 0 : x <= 0; };
		auto neg = [&](ll x){ return lo ? x <= 0 : x >= 0; };

		auto e = C.upper_bound(line(p)), d = e;
		if( e != C.end() && d != C.begin() ){ d--;
			if( pos((e->s - d->s)/(p - d->s)) ) return;
		if( lo && e == C.end() && C.size() && C.rbegin()->s.first == p.first ) return;
		if( !lo && e == C.begin() && C.size() && e->s.first == p.first ) return;
			d = C.upper_bound(line(p)), e = d;
			if( d == C.end() || ++e == C.end()) break;
			if( neg((d->s - p)/(e->s - p)) ) C.erase(d);
			else break;
			d = C.upper_bound(line(p)), e = d;
			if( d == C.begin() || --e == C.begin()) break;
			d = e; --e; if( pos((d->s - p)/(e->s - p)) ) C.erase(d);
			else break;
		if( lo && C.size() && C.rbegin()->s.first == p.first) C.erase(--C.end());
		if( !lo && C.size() && C.begin()->s.first == p.first) C.erase(C.begin());
		d = C.upper_bound(line(p));
		if( d != C.begin() ){ 
			e = prev(d);
			line t = line(e->s, p - e->s);
			C.erase(e); C.insert(t);
		if( d == C.end() ) C.insert(line(p, pii(0, lo? 1 : -1))); 
		else C.insert(line(p, d->s - p));
	// x * -m.second + y * m.first minimize
	ll get_mn(pii m){ 
		cmp_flag = 1; cmp_lo = lo;
		auto d = C.lower_bound(m);
		return (ll)d->s.first * -m.second + (ll)d->s.second * m.first;

namespace halfplane_intersection{
	const int INF = 1e9;
	struct line{
		line(pdd u, pdd v):u(u), v(v){}
		pdd u, v;
	double C(line A, line B){
		return B.v / A.v == 0 ? 1e18 : ((A.u - B.u)/B.v) / (double)(B.v/A.v);
	bool V(line A, line B, double cur){
		double l = (cur - A.u.first) / A.v.first * A.v.second + A.u.second;
		double r = (cur - B.u.first) / B.v.first * B.v.second + B.u.second;
		return l >= r;
	pdd W(line A, line B){
		return (pdd)A.v * C(A, B) + (pdd)A.u;

	void chain(vector<line> &X, double l,double r, int up){
		vector<line> R; 
		sort(X.begin(), X.end(), [&](line l, line r){ return l.v/r.v*up < 0; });
		R.emplace_back(pdd(l, 0), pdd(0, up));
		X.emplace_back(pdd(r, 0), pdd(0, -up));
		for(line c : X){
			while(R.size() >= 2 && C(R[R.size()-2], R.back()) >= C(R[R.size()-2], c)) R.pop_back();
		} swap(R, X);
		X.pop_back(); X.erase(X.begin());

	int reduce(vector<line> &X, vector<line> &Y, double &cur, int left){
		while(X.size() && Y.size()){
			if( V(X.back(), Y.back(), cur) ) break;
			if( X.back().v/Y.back().v*left >= 0 ) return 0;
			cur = W(X.back(), Y.back()).first;
			int ch = 0;
			while(X.size() >= 2 && !V(X[X.size()-2], X.back(), cur)) X.pop_back(), ch = 1;
			while(Y.size() >= 2 && V(Y[Y.size()-2], Y.back(), cur)) Y.pop_back(), ch = 1;
			if( !ch ) break;
		return 1;

	// U + kV, CCW(Ex. ->: up, <-: down)
	// 0 : empty, 1 : convex
	// R -> 0: empty, 1: ccw order closed points
	// added -1e9 ~ 1e9 x -1e9 ~ 1e9 bounding box

	int run(vector<pdd> &U, vector<pdd> &V, vector<pdd> &R, double l = -INF, double r = INF, 
			double u = -INF, double d = INF){
		U.emplace_back(0, u); V.emplace_back(1, 0);
		U.emplace_back(0, d); V.emplace_back(-1, 0);

		vector<line> X, Y; // X : up convex, Y : down convex
		int N = V.size();
		for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
			if( V[i].first == 0 ){
				if( V[i].second > 0 ) r = min(r, U[i].first);
				else l = max(l, U[i].first);
			else if( V[i].first < 0 ) X.emplace_back(U[i], -V[i]);
			else Y.emplace_back(U[i], V[i]); 
		chain(X, l, r, 1);
		chain(Y, l, r, -1);

		double left = l, right = r;
		auto rv = [](vector<line> &t){ reverse(t.begin(), t.end()); };
		if( !reduce(X, Y, right, -1) ){
			return 0;
		rv(X), rv(Y); reduce(X, Y, left, 1); rv(Y);

		vector<line> L;
		if( left == l ) L.emplace_back(pdd(l, 0), pdd(0, 1));
		for(line c : Y) L.push_back(c);
		if( right == r ) L.emplace_back(pdd(r, 0), pdd(0, -1));
		for(line c : X) L.push_back(c);

		for(int i = 0; i+1 < L.size(); i++) R.push_back(W(L[i], L[i+1]));
		R.push_back(W(L.back(), L[0]));
		R.resize(unique(R.begin(), R.end()) - R.begin());
		return 1;

double area(pdd A, pdd B, double R) {
	auto helper = [](pdd A, pdd B, double R){ return R*R*atan2(A^B, A*B) / 2; };
	auto is_valid = [](double x) { return 0 <= x && x <= 1; };
	double ans = 0, rv = 1;
	pdd C, D, res[2];

	if( size2(A) > size2(B) ) swap(A, B), rv = -1;
	if (size2(B) <= R*R) ans = (A^B) / 2;
	else if (size2(A) <= R*R) {
		if (!intersect(circle(pdd(0, 0), R), A, B-A, res)) ans = (A^B) / 2;
		else C = A + (B-A) * (is_valid(res[1].second)? res[1].second : res[0].second), ans = (A^C) / 2 + helper(C, B, R);
	else {
		if (!intersect(circle(pdd(0, 0), R), A, B-A, res) || 
				res[0].second < 0 && res[1].second < 0 || res[0].second > 1 && res[1].second > 1) ans = helper(A, B, R);
		else C = A + (B-A) * res[0].second, D = A + (B-A) * res[1].second, ans = helper(A, C, R) + (C^D) / 2 + helper(D, B, R);
	return ans * rv;

#define PI 3.14159
typedef pair<double, double> pi;

struct point{
	double x, y;
}w[100100], Deq[50100];
double S;
int n;
bool ccw(point p, point q, point r){
	return (q.x - p.x)*(r.y - p.y) - (q.y - p.y)*(r.x - p.x) > 0;
point inter(point a, point b, point c, point d){
	double t = (-(a.y - b.y)*(d.x - b.x) + (a.x - b.x)*(d.y - b.y)) / ((a.y - b.y)*(c.x - d.x) - (a.x - b.x)*(c.y - d.y));
	point R;
	R.x = t*c.x + (1 - t)*d.x;
	R.y = t*c.y + (1 - t)*d.y;
	return R;
double dis(point a, point b){
	return (b.x - a.x)*(b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y)*(b.y - a.y);

const double eps = 1e-6;

pi sub(vector<pi> &v, int x, int y){
	x %= v.size(), y %= v.size();
	return pi(v[y].first - v[x].first, v[y].second - v[x].second);

double dist(pi a, pi b){
	return hypot(b.second - a.second, b.first - a.first);

double ccw(pi a, pi b, pi c){
	double dx1 = b.first - a.first;
	double dy1 = b.second - a.second;
	double dx2 = c.first - a.first;
	double dy2 = c.second - a.second;
	return dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2;

bool IsPossible(double R){
	int i, h = 1, t = 0, ck = 0, pv;
	double dx, dy, L;
	vector<pi> U, V;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
		dx = -(w[i + 1].y - w[i].y);
		dy = w[i + 1].x - w[i].x;
		L = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
		dx = dx*R / L, dy = dy*R / L;
		pi x = pi(w[i].x + dx, w[i].y + dy);
		pi y = pi(w[i+1].x - w[i].x, w[i+1].y - w[i].y);
	reverse(U.begin(), U.end());
	reverse(V.begin(), V.end());
	vector<pi> w;
	fprintf(stderr, "!?");
	if(!halfplane_intersection::run(U, V, w, -1e9, 1e9, -1e9, 1e9)) return false;
	fprintf(stderr, "?!");
	double ret = 0;
	int p = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<w.size(); i++){
		fprintf(stderr, "%.10f %.10f\n", w[i].first, w[i].second);
	if(w.size() == 2) return false;
	for(int i=0; i<w.size(); i++){
		while(ccw(pi(0, 0), sub(w, p+1, p), sub(w, i, i+1)) > -eps){
			ret = max(ret, dist(w[i], w[p]));
			p = (p+1)%w.size();
			ret = max(ret, dist(w[i], w[p]));
		ret = max(ret, dist(w[i], w[p]));
	fprintf(stderr, "ok\n");
	return ret >= 2 * R;
int main()
	int i;
	double B, E, R;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		scanf("%lf%lf", &w[i].x, &w[i].y);
	w[n] = w[0];
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		S += w[i].x*w[i + 1].y - w[i].y*w[i + 1].x;
	if (S < 0)S = -S;
	S /= 2;
	B = 0, E = sqrt(S / (2 * PI));
	while (E-B > 0.0001){
		R = (B + E)*0.5;
		if (IsPossible(R))B = R;
		else E = R;
	printf("%.3lf\n", R);

Compilation message

2circles.cpp: In function 'double area(pdd*, pdd*)':
2circles.cpp:346:21: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for(int i = 0; i+1 < R.size(); i++) ans += R[i+1] ^ R[i];
2circles.cpp: In function 'circle make_circle(std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >)':
2circles.cpp:354:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for(int i = 0; i < Q.size(); i++){
2circles.cpp: In function 'int halfplane_intersection::run(std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, double, double, double, double)':
2circles.cpp:595:22: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
   for(int i = 0; i+1 < L.size(); i++) R.push_back(W(L[i], L[i+1]));
2circles.cpp: In function 'double area(pdd, pdd, double)':
2circles.cpp:616:23: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses]
     res[0].second < 0 && res[1].second < 0 || res[0].second > 1 && res[1].second > 1) ans = helper(A, B, R);
2circles.cpp:616:65: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' [-Wparentheses]
     res[0].second < 0 && res[1].second < 0 || res[0].second > 1 && res[1].second > 1) ans = helper(A, B, R);
2circles.cpp: In function 'bool IsPossible(double)':
2circles.cpp:689:16: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for(int i=0; i<w.size(); i++){
2circles.cpp:693:16: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for(int i=0; i<w.size(); i++){
2circles.cpp:668:9: warning: unused variable 'h' [-Wunused-variable]
  int i, h = 1, t = 0, ck = 0, pv;
2circles.cpp:668:16: warning: unused variable 't' [-Wunused-variable]
  int i, h = 1, t = 0, ck = 0, pv;
2circles.cpp:668:23: warning: unused variable 'ck' [-Wunused-variable]
  int i, h = 1, t = 0, ck = 0, pv;
2circles.cpp:668:31: warning: unused variable 'pv' [-Wunused-variable]
  int i, h = 1, t = 0, ck = 0, pv;
2circles.cpp: In instantiation of 'void convex_hull(std::vector<_RealType>&, std::vector<_RealType>&) [with T = std::pair<double, double>]':
2circles.cpp:342:33:   required from here
2circles.cpp:294:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for(int i = 1; i < L.size(); i++){
2circles.cpp:299:19: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for(int i = 1; i < L.size(); i++) L[i] = L[i] - L[0];
2circles.cpp: In function 'int main()':
2circles.cpp:708:17: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  scanf("%d", &n);
2circles.cpp:710:36: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   scanf("%lf%lf", &w[i].x, &w[i].y);
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Correct 3 ms 5640 KB Output is correct
2 Incorrect 0 ms 5640 KB Output isn't correct
3 Correct 9 ms 5640 KB Output is correct
4 Correct 6 ms 5640 KB Output is correct
5 Correct 63 ms 6124 KB Output is correct
6 Runtime error 533 ms 7652 KB Execution timed out (wall clock limit exceeded)
7 Runtime error 506 ms 7592 KB Execution timed out (wall clock limit exceeded)
8 Correct 173 ms 8108 KB Output is correct
9 Runtime error 553 ms 10084 KB Execution timed out (wall clock limit exceeded)
10 Runtime error 0 ms 0 KB -1: Interrupted system call