제출 #306340

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
306340syy공장들 (JOI14_factories)C++17
100 / 100
4392 ms163756 KiB
#include "factories.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> pi; #define f first #define s second vector <pi> adjlist[500005]; int sub[500005], lvl[500005], p[500005]; ll dist[500005][19], ans[500005]; stack <int> st; ll INF = 1e18; int subtrsz(int x, int par, int l) { sub[x] = 1; //subtree size is 1 for (auto it:adjlist[x]) { if (lvl[it.f] != -1) continue; // already added to centroid tree if (it.f == par) continue; if (l) dist[it.f][l-1] = dist[x][l-1] + it.s; sub[x] += subtrsz(it.f, x, l); } return sub[x]; } int findcent(int x, int par, int n) { //n is size of subtree for (auto it:adjlist[x]) { if (lvl[it.f] != -1) continue; // Already added to centroid tree if (it.f != par and sub[it.f] > n/2) { return findcent(it.f, x, n); } } return x; // No subtree has size > n/2 // so you are the centroid } //building from node x, with parent par, level l void build(int x, int par, int l) { int n = subtrsz(x, par, l); int cent = findcent(x, par, n); // find centroid with the subtree size if (par == -1) par = cent; //par of root is itself p[cent] = par; //set parent of centroid // to be the previous centroid lvl[cent] = l; for (auto it:adjlist[cent]) { if (lvl[it.f] != -1) continue; // already added to centroid tree dist[it.f][l] = it.s; // distance from this node to the centroid at level l build(it.f, cent, l+1); } } void update(int x) { int l = lvl[x]; int y = x; while (l != -1) { ans[y] = min(ans[y], dist[x][l]); //ans[y] = min distance from any node //of Factory A to y. //here we process by x st.push(y); y = p[y]; l--; } } ll findans(int x) { ll ret = INF; int l = lvl[x]; int y = x; while (l != -1) { ret = min(ret, ans[y] + dist[x][l]); //for every centroid, add dist from //best Factory A node to querying Factory B node //then min with running answer y = p[y]; l--; } return ret; } void Init(int N, int A[], int B[], int D[]) { for (int i = 0; i < N-1; i++) { adjlist[A[i]].push_back(pi(B[i], D[i])); adjlist[B[i]].push_back(pi(A[i], D[i])); } memset(lvl, -1, sizeof lvl); build(0, -1, 0); //build centroid tree for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) ans[i] = INF; //for (int i=0;i<N;++i)cout<<p[i]<<' '<<lvl[i]<<' '<<dist[i][0]<<'\n';cout<<'\n'; } long long Query(int S, int X[], int T, int Y[]) { for (int i = 0; i < S; i++) update(X[i]); //find min dist from every node to Factory A nodes ll ret = INF; for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) ret = min(ret, findans(Y[i])); //find min dist from every node to Factory B nodes while (st.size()) { ans[st.top()] = INF; st.pop(); } return ret; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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