제출 #1099903

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
1099903model_code스핑크스 (IOI24_sphinx)C++17
100 / 100
343 ms3272 KiB
// correct/solution-author-refactor.cpp #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "sphinx.h" using namespace std; const int MAX_N = 250 + 10; const int ACTUAL_COLOR = -1; using pii = pair<int, int>; struct ComponentCounter { int n; vector<vector<int>> adjlist; int TT; vector<int> seen; ComponentCounter(vector<vector<int>> _adjlist) : n(_adjlist.size()), adjlist(_adjlist), TT(0), seen(n) {} ComponentCounter() : ComponentCounter(vector<vector<int>>()) {} /* * Marks all vertices in u's connected color component as seen, so long as * u's color is constant and known as per proposed_colors. * * proposed_colors is a list of colors that would be used to query. * u is a starting vertex */ // Mark all as seen from u. void dfs(vector<int> &proposed_colors, int u) { seen[u] = TT; for (auto v : adjlist[u]) { if (proposed_colors[u] != ACTUAL_COLOR && proposed_colors[u] == proposed_colors[v] && seen[v] != TT) { dfs(proposed_colors, v); } } } /* * Return number of connected color-components among vertices, according to * proposed_colors (only among known colors). */ int num_components(vector<int> &proposed_colors, vector<int> &vertices) { TT++; int ret = 0; for (auto u : vertices) { if (seen[u] != TT) { ret++; dfs(proposed_colors, u); } } return ret; } }; struct Groups { int n; vector<int> groupOf; vector<vector<int>> members; Groups() : Groups(0) {} Groups(int _n) : n(_n), groupOf(_n), members(_n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { groupOf[i] = i; members[i].push_back(i); } } int group_of(int x) { return groupOf[x]; } void join_groups_of(int x, int y) { int gx = group_of(x); int gy = group_of(y); if (members[gx].size() > members[gy].size()) { swap(gx, gy); } for (auto u : members[gx]) { groupOf[u] = gy; members[gy].push_back(u); } members[gx].clear(); } vector<int> non_empty_groups() { vector<int> res; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!members[i].empty()) { res.push_back(i); } } return res; } // Moves groups to the front void compress() { auto non_empty_group_indices = non_empty_groups(); int upto = 0; for (auto g : non_empty_group_indices) { for (auto u : members[g]) { groupOf[u] = upto; } upto++; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { members[i].clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { members[groupOf[i]].push_back(i); } } /* * Facilitate a query on the "grouping" graph. * * This is equivalent to setting all vertices in a group to the group's color. * If group's color is ACTUAL_COLOR, then all vertices in the group will be * set to ACTUAL_COLOR. Note that this color must be the same for all vertices * in that group, since vertices in the same group belong to the same * color-connected component. * * Returns the number of color-connected components. * Note that this is always the same in the grouping graph as in the original * graph. */ int queryGroups(vector<int> mask) { vector<int> proposed_colors(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { proposed_colors[i] = mask[groupOf[i]]; } return perform_experiment(proposed_colors); } }; /* * Identifies the color-connected components, but not their exact colors. */ struct Collapser { ComponentCounter componentCounter; int n; Groups grouper; Collapser(ComponentCounter _componentCounter) : componentCounter(_componentCounter), n(_componentCounter.n), grouper(n) {} // query for number of components in groups [s, e] union {cur} int queryOnly(vector<int> &groups, int s, int e, int cur) { vector<int> proposed_colors(n, n); for (int i = s; i < e; i++) { for (auto u : grouper.members[groups[i]]) { proposed_colors[u] = ACTUAL_COLOR; } } proposed_colors[cur] = ACTUAL_COLOR; vector<int> others; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (proposed_colors[i] == n) { others.push_back(i); } } int others_components = componentCounter.num_components(proposed_colors, others); auto found = perform_experiment(proposed_colors); auto res = found - others_components; return res; } // how many edges are from cur to vertices in groups [s, e) ? int extra_edges(vector<int> &groups, int s, int e, int cur) { auto if_none = e - s + 1; auto components = queryOnly(groups, s, e, cur); auto edges = if_none - components; return edges; } // there are num_edges edges from cur to vertices in groups [s,e). // find them and unionise with cur. void solve(vector<int> &groups, int s, int e, int num_edges, int cur) { if (num_edges == 0) return; if (e - s == num_edges) { for (int i = s; i < e; i++) { auto u = grouper.members[groups[i]].front(); grouper.join_groups_of(cur, u); } return; } int mid = (e + s) / 2; auto left_edges = extra_edges(groups, s, mid, cur); solve(groups, s, mid, left_edges, cur); solve(groups, mid, e, num_edges - left_edges, cur); } void go() { for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { auto non_empty_groups = grouper.non_empty_groups(); vector<int> groups; for (auto g : non_empty_groups) { if (g < i) { groups.push_back(g); } } auto edges = extra_edges(groups, 0, groups.size(), i); solve(groups, 0, groups.size(), edges, i); } } Groups find_colors() { go(); return grouper; } }; struct TwoColor { vector<vector<int>> adjlist; vector<int> mark; // Defines a connected graph TwoColor(vector<vector<int>> _adjlist) : adjlist(_adjlist), mark(adjlist.size(), -1) {} void dfs(int u) { for (auto v : adjlist[u]) { if (mark[v] == -1) { mark[v] = mark[u] ^ 1; dfs(v); } } } // Returns a vector which is a 2-coloring of the graph, starting at 0. vector<int> two_color() { mark[0] = 0; dfs(0); return mark; } }; // solution to subtask where graph is a coloring namespace coloring { Groups grouper; ComponentCounter componentCounter; vector<int> proposed_colors; int known_colors[MAX_N]; // Find all of a particular color in subject, and write it to known_colors, and // return it. Invariant: at least one of color in subject. Invariant: // proposed_colors of all of test is color, proposed_colors of all of subject is // ACTUAL_COLOR (or the actual color). here is number of components for // proposed_colors vector<int> find_of_color(int color, vector<int> &subject, vector<int> &test, int here) { vector<int> ret; if (subject.size() <= 1) { for (auto u : subject) { known_colors[u] = color; ret.push_back(u); } return ret; } auto mid = subject.begin() + (subject.size() / 2); auto left = vector<int>(subject.begin(), mid); auto right = vector<int>(mid, subject.end()); // check if any on left first for (auto u : right) { test.push_back(u); proposed_colors[u] = color; } int if_none = left.size() + componentCounter.num_components(proposed_colors, test); auto actual = grouper.queryGroups(proposed_colors); if (actual < if_none) { // there's some on the left ret = find_of_color(color, left, test, actual); } for (auto u : right) { test.pop_back(); proposed_colors[u] = ACTUAL_COLOR; } // check if left accounts for everything for (auto u : left) { test.push_back(u); if (known_colors[u] == color) { proposed_colors[u] = color; } } auto test_components = componentCounter.num_components(proposed_colors, test); int if_none_right = right.size() + test_components; if (here < if_none_right) { // there's some on the right auto ret_right = find_of_color(color, right, test, here); for (auto u : ret_right) { ret.push_back(u); } } for (auto u : left) { proposed_colors[u] = ACTUAL_COLOR; test.pop_back(); } return ret; } vector<int> find_colors(Groups _grouper, ComponentCounter _componentCounter, int num_colors) { grouper = _grouper; componentCounter = _componentCounter; int n = componentCounter.n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { proposed_colors.push_back(ACTUAL_COLOR); known_colors[i] = -1; } if (grouper.non_empty_groups().size() == 1) { for (int f = 0; f < num_colors; ++f) { vector<int> ord(num_colors, f); ord[0] = -1; if (perform_experiment(ord) == 1) return {f}; } } vector<int> parts[2]; int comp[2]; TwoColor twoColor(componentCounter.adjlist); auto marks = twoColor.two_color(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { parts[marks[i]].push_back(i); } for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) { for (auto u : parts[z]) { proposed_colors[u] = 0; } comp[z] = componentCounter.num_components(proposed_colors, parts[z]); for (auto u : parts[z]) { proposed_colors[u] = ACTUAL_COLOR; } } for (int c = 0; c < num_colors; c++) { for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++) { for (auto u : parts[z ^ 1]) { proposed_colors[u] = c; } int if_none = parts[z].size() + comp[z ^ 1]; auto init = grouper.queryGroups(proposed_colors); if (init < if_none) { find_of_color(c, parts[z], parts[z ^ 1], init); } for (auto u : parts[z ^ 1]) { proposed_colors[u] = ACTUAL_COLOR; } } } return vector<int>(known_colors, known_colors + n); } } // namespace coloring vector<int> find_colours(int n, vector<int> a, vector<int> b) { vector<vector<int>> adjlist(n); int m = a.size(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { auto u = a[i]; auto v = b[i]; adjlist[u].push_back(v); adjlist[v].push_back(u); } ComponentCounter componentCounter(adjlist); // Returned solution has the property that every color component has a // distinct value. We use this for grouping. Collapser collapser(componentCounter); auto collapsed_groups = collapser.find_colors(); collapsed_groups.compress(); int collapsedNodes = collapsed_groups.non_empty_groups().size(); vector<vector<int>> collapsedAdjlist(collapsedNodes); for (int u = 0; u < collapsedNodes; u++) { unordered_set<int> neighbors; for (auto uMember : collapsed_groups.members[u]) { for (auto vMember : adjlist[uMember]) { auto v = collapsed_groups.group_of(vMember); if (u != v) { neighbors.insert(v); } } } for (auto v : neighbors) { collapsedAdjlist[u].push_back(v); } } ComponentCounter collapsedCounter(collapsedAdjlist); auto groupedColors = coloring::find_colors(collapsed_groups, collapsedCounter, n); vector<int> known_colors; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { known_colors.push_back(groupedColors[collapsed_groups.group_of(i)]); } return known_colors; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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