Submission #99852

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
99852 2019-03-07T20:50:45 Z eriksuenderhauf Teams (IOI15_teams) C++11
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "teams.h"
using namespace std;
static struct IO {
  char REC; bool REMC = false;
  inline void ignore(); inline void flush();
  template <typename T> inline bool RIN(T &x); template <typename T> inline bool RST(T &x);
  template<size_t N> inline bool RCHA(char (&x)[N]); template<size_t N> inline bool RVR(char (&x)[N]);
  template <typename T> inline bool RCH(T &x); inline bool RCHA(char*& x); inline bool RGL(string &x);
  template <typename T> inline bool RFL(T &x); template <typename T> inline bool RDB(T &x);
  template<size_t N> inline bool RBT(bitset<N> &bit); template<size_t N> inline bool RVR(bitset<N> &bit);
  inline bool RVR(bool &x); inline bool RVR(short int &x); inline bool RVR(int &x); 
  inline bool RVR(long int &x); inline bool RVR(long long int &x); inline bool RVR(unsigned short int &x);
  inline bool RVR(unsigned int &x); inline bool RVR(unsigned long &x); inline bool RVR(unsigned long long &x);
  inline bool RVR(string &x); inline bool RVR(char &x); inline bool RVR(char*& x); inline bool RVR(float &x);
  inline bool RVR(double &x); inline bool RVR(long double &x); template <typename T> inline void WINT(T x);
  inline void WSTRING(string &x); inline void WCHAR(char x); inline void WCHAR_ARRAY(const char *x);
  inline void WFLOAT(float x); template <typename T> inline void WDOUBLE(T x); inline void WVAR(bool x);
  inline void WVAR(short int x); inline void WVAR(int x); inline void WVAR(long int x); inline void WVAR(long long int x);
  inline void WVAR(unsigned short int x); inline void WVAR(unsigned int x); inline void WVAR(unsigned long x);
  inline void WVAR(unsigned long long x); inline void WVAR(char x); inline void WVAR(const char *x); 
  inline void WVAR(string &x); inline void WVAR(float x); inline void WVAR(double x); inline void WVAR(long double x);
  template<size_t N> inline void WVAR(bitset<N> &bit); template<size_t N> inline void WBITSET(bitset<N> &bit);
} __FIO__;

typedef long long ll;
const int INF = 1e9 + 7;
const int MAXN = 1e6 + 5;
int dp[MAXN];
int L[MAXN*50], R[MAXN*50], tree[MAXN*50];
int cnt = 0, m = 0, n = 0, root[MAXN*50];
vector<int> pos, arr[MAXN];

int create(int k) {
    int ret = cnt++;
    tree[ret] = tree[k];
    L[ret] = L[k], R[ret] = R[k];
    return ret;

int qry(int l, int r, int k, int x, int y) {
    if (y < l || r < x) return 0;
    if (x <= l && r <= y)
        return tree[k];
    int mi = (l + r) / 2;
    return qry(l, mi, L[k], x, y) + qry(mi + 1, r, R[k], x, y);

int upd(int l, int r, int k, int x, int v) {
    if (r < x || x < l) return k;
    int nk = create(k);
    if (x <= l && r <= x) {
        tree[nk] += v;
        return nk;
    int mi = (l + r) / 2;
    L[nk] = upd(l, mi, L[nk], x, v);
    R[nk] = upd(mi + 1, r, R[nk], x, v);
    tree[nk] = tree[L[nk]] + tree[R[nk]];
    return nk;

int build(int l, int r) {
    int cur = cnt++;
    if (l == r)
        return cur;
    int mi = (l + r) / 2;
    L[cur] = build(l, mi);
    R[cur] = build(mi + 1, r);
    tree[cur] = tree[L[cur]] + tree[R[cur]];
    return cur;

void init(int n, int a[], int b[]) {
    ::n = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        arr[a[i] - 1].pb(b[i]);
    root[n] = build(0, n+1);
    for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        root[i] = root[i + 1];
        for (int j: arr[i])
            root[i] = upd(0, n+1, root[i], j, 1);

int gt(int x, int y) {
    int lo = y, hi = m + 1;
    while (lo < hi) {  
        int mi = (lo + hi) / 2;
        if (dp[x] + qry(0, n+1, root[pos[x]], 0, pos[mi] - 1) >= dp[y] + qry(0, n+1, root[pos[y]], 0, pos[mi] - 1))
            hi = mi;
            lo = mi + 1;
    return lo;

int can(int m, int k[]) {
    ::m = m;
    pos = {0};
    vector<int> tmp;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    sort(pos.begin(), pos.end());
    vector<int> d;
    int curCnt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
        if (i > 0) {
            while (d.size() > 1 && gt(d[d.size()-2], d.back()) <= i)
            dp[i] = dp[d.back()] + qry(0, n+1, root[pos[d.back()]], 0, pos[i] - 1) + pos[i];
        curCnt = max(curCnt, dp[i] + qry(0, n+1, root[pos[i]], 0, n));
        if (curCnt > n)
            return 0;
        while (d.size() > 1 && gt(d[d.size()-2], d.back()) <= gt(d.back(), i))
    return 1;

inline void IO::ignore() {
  if(REMC == true) REMC = false; else REC = getchar();
inline void IO::flush() {
template <typename T>
inline bool IO::RIN(T &x) {
  x = 0; T sig = 1;
  if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
  while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
  if(REC == EOF) return REMC = false, false;
  while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
  x *= sig; REMC = true;
  return true;
template <typename T>
inline bool IO::RST(T &x) {
  x = "";
  if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
  while ((REC == '\n' || REC == '\t' || REC == ' ')) REC = getchar();
  if(REC == EOF) return REMC = false, false;
  while ((REC != '\n' && REC != '\t' && REC != ' ' && REC != EOF)) x += REC, REC = getchar();
  REMC = true;
  return true;
inline bool IO::RGL(string &x) {
  x = "";
  if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
  if(REC == EOF) return REMC = false, false;
  while ((REC != '\n' && REC != EOF)) x += REC, REC = getchar();
  REMC = false;
  return true;
template <typename T>
inline bool IO::RCH(T &x) {
  if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
  if(REC == EOF) return REMC = false, false;
  while ((REC == '\n' || REC == '\t' || REC == ' ')) REC = getchar();
  x = REC; REMC = false;
  return true;
template<size_t N>
inline bool IO::RCHA(char (&x)[N]) {
  if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
  while ((REC == '\n' || REC == '\t' || REC == ' ')) REC = getchar();
  if(REC == EOF) return REMC = false, false;
  char *ptr = &x[0];
  while ((REC != '\n' && REC != '\t' && REC != ' ' && REC != EOF)) *ptr++ = REC, REC = getchar();
  *ptr = '\0', REMC = true;
  return true;
inline bool IO::RCHA(char*& x) {
  string y;
  if(RST(y) == false)
    return false;
  x = new char[(int)y.size() + 1];
  strcpy(x, y.c_str());
  return true;
template <typename T>
inline bool IO::RFL(T &x) {
  return (scanf("%f", &x) != EOF);
template <typename T>
inline bool IO::RDB(T &x) {
  double y;
  if(scanf("%lf", &y) == EOF) return false;
  x = y;
  return true;
template<size_t N>
inline bool IO::RBT(bitset<N> &x) {
  if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
  while ((REC == '\n' || REC == '\t' || REC == ' ')) REC = getchar();
  if(REC == EOF) return REMC = false, false;
  int i = 0; REMC = true;
  while (REC == '0' || REC == '1') x[i++] = REC - '0', REC = getchar();
  return true;
inline bool IO::RVR(short int &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(int &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(long int &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(long long int &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(unsigned short int &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(unsigned int &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(unsigned long &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(unsigned long long &x) {
  return RIN(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(string &x) {
  return RST(x);    
inline bool IO::RVR(char &x) {
  return RCH(x);
template<size_t N>
inline bool IO::RVR(char (&x)[N]) {
  return RCHA(x);
inline bool IO::RVR(char*& x) {
  return RCHA(x);
inline bool IO::RVR(float &x) {
  return RFL(x);
inline bool IO::RVR(double &x) {
  return RDB(x);
inline bool IO::RVR(long double &x) {
  return RDB(x);
template<size_t N>
inline bool IO::RVR(bitset<N> &x) {
  return RBT(x);
template <typename T>
inline void IO::WINT(T x) {
  if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; }
  char writeBuffer[20], *writePtr = writeBuffer;
  do {
    *writePtr++ = '0' + x % 10;
    x /= 10;
  while (x);
  do  { putchar(*--writePtr); }
  while (writePtr > writeBuffer);
inline void IO::WCHAR(char x) {
inline void IO::WCHAR_ARRAY(const char *x) {
  while(*x != '\0')
inline void IO::WSTRING(string &x) {
  for(char c: x) 
inline void IO::WFLOAT(float x) {
  printf("%f", x);
template <typename T>
inline void IO::WDOUBLE(T x) {
  printf("%lf", (double)x);
template<size_t N>
inline void IO::WBITSET(bitset<N> &x) {
  for(int i = (int)x.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    putchar(x[i] + 48);
inline void IO::WVAR(bool x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(short int x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(int x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(long int x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(long long int x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(unsigned short int x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(unsigned int x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(unsigned long x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(unsigned long long x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(string &x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(char x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(const char *x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(float x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(double x) {
inline void IO::WVAR(long double x) {
template<size_t N>
inline void IO::WVAR(bitset<N> &x) {

Compilation message

teams.cpp: In function 'void init(int, int*, int*)':
teams.cpp:74:34: warning: declaration of 'n' shadows a global declaration [-Wshadow]
 void init(int n, int a[], int b[]) {
teams.cpp:31:21: note: shadowed declaration is here
 int cnt = 0, m = 0, n = 0, root[MAXN*50];
teams.cpp:77:23: error: 'class std::vector<int>' has no member named 'pb'
         arr[a[i] - 1].pb(b[i]);
teams.cpp: In function 'int can(int, int*)':
teams.cpp:98:23: warning: declaration of 'm' shadows a global declaration [-Wshadow]
 int can(int m, int k[]) {
teams.cpp:31:14: note: shadowed declaration is here
 int cnt = 0, m = 0, n = 0, root[MAXN*50];
teams.cpp: In member function 'void IO::ignore()':
teams.cpp:126:52: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(REMC == true) REMC = false; else REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In member function 'bool IO::RGL(std::__cxx11::string&)':
teams.cpp:153:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:155:62: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while ((REC != '\n' && REC != EOF)) x += REC, REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RST(T&) [with T = std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>]':
teams.cpp:179:11:   required from here
teams.cpp:144:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:145:67: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while ((REC == '\n' || REC == '\t' || REC == ' ')) REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:147:91: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while ((REC != '\n' && REC != '\t' && REC != ' ' && REC != EOF)) x += REC, REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = short int]':
teams.cpp:206:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:57: warning: conversion to 'short int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:41: warning: conversion to 'short int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:138:5: warning: conversion to 'short int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   x *= sig; REMC = true;
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = int]':
teams.cpp:209:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = long int]':
teams.cpp:212:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = long long int]':
teams.cpp:215:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = short unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:218:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:57: warning: conversion to 'short unsigned int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:41: warning: conversion to 'short unsigned int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:138:5: warning: conversion to 'short unsigned int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   x *= sig; REMC = true;
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:221:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = long unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:224:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RIN(T&) [with T = long long unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:227:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:134:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:135:85: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (!isdigit(REC) && REC != EOF) sig = (REC == '-' ? -sig : sig), REC = getchar();
teams.cpp:137:61: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while (isdigit(REC)) x = x * 10 + REC - '0', REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'bool IO::RCH(T&) [with T = char]':
teams.cpp:233:15:   required from here
teams.cpp:161:26: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if(!REMC) REC = getchar(), REMC = true; else REMC = false;
teams.cpp:163:67: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   while ((REC == '\n' || REC == '\t' || REC == ' ')) REC = getchar();
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = bool]':
teams.cpp:291:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:257:9: warning: comparison of constant '0' with boolean expression is always false [-Wbool-compare]
   if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; }
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
     *writePtr++ = '0' + x % 10;
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = short int]':
teams.cpp:294:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:257:31: warning: conversion to 'short int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; }
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
     *writePtr++ = '0' + x % 10;
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = int]':
teams.cpp:297:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = long int]':
teams.cpp:300:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'long int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = long long int]':
teams.cpp:303:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'long long int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = short unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:306:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:257:31: warning: conversion to 'short unsigned int' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; }
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
     *writePtr++ = '0' + x % 10;
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:309:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'unsigned int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = long unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:312:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'long unsigned int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
teams.cpp: In instantiation of 'void IO::WINT(T) [with T = long long unsigned int]':
teams.cpp:315:9:   required from here
teams.cpp:260:23: warning: conversion to 'char' from 'long long unsigned int' may alter its value [-Wconversion]