제출 #981820

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
981820hariaakas646Two Currencies (JOI23_currencies)C++14
0 / 100
688 ms72940 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define scd(t) scanf("%d", &t) #define sclld(t) scanf("%lld", &t) #define forr(i, j, k) for (int i = j; i < k; i++) #define frange(i, j) forr(i, 0, j) #define all(cont) cont.begin(), cont.end() #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define f first #define s second typedef long long int lli; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<bool> vb; typedef vector<lli> vll; typedef vector<string> vs; typedef vector<pii> vii; typedef vector<vi> vvi; typedef map<int, int> mpii; typedef set<int> seti; typedef multiset<int> mseti; typedef long double ld; void usaco() { freopen("/media/hariaakash646/785EF1075EF0BF46/CompetitiveProgramming/input.in", "r", stdin); // freopen("problem.out", "w", stdout); } void fastio() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); } template <class T> struct BIT { int size; vector<T> bit; vector<T> vec; BIT(int n) : size(n), bit(n + 1), vec(n + 1) {} int lsb(int x) { return x & (-x); } void set(int id, T v) { add(id, v - vec[id]); } void add(int id, T v) { if (id == 0) return; vec[id] += v; while (id <= size) { bit[id] += v; id += lsb(id); } } T query(int id) { T tot = 0; if (id == 0) return tot; while (id >= 1) { tot += bit[id]; id -= lsb(id); } return tot; } }; int n, m, q; vvi graph; vii edg; vector<pair<lli, int>> ckpt; vi depth; vi st, en; vvi lift; int timer = 0; void dfs(int x, int p) { depth[x] = depth[p] + 1; st[x] = ++timer; lift[0][x] = p; for(auto e : graph[x]) { if(e != p) { dfs(e, x); } } en[x] = ++timer; } int binlift(int x, int c) { frange(i, 20) { if(c & (1<<i)) { x = lift[i][x]; } } return x; } int lca(int a, int b) { if(depth[a] > depth[b]) swap(a, b); b = binlift(b, depth[b]-depth[a]); if(a == b) return a; for(int i=19; i>=0; i--) { int at = lift[i][a]; int bt = lift[i][b]; if(at != bt) { a = at; b = bt; } } return lift[0][a]; } struct Query { int id, st, en; lli x, y; }; vector<vector<int>> pos; BIT<lli> bit(0); void rec(int l, int r, vector<Query> vec) { if(l == r) { for(auto p : vec) pos[l-1].pb(p.id); return; } int mid = (l+r)/2; forr(i, l, mid+1) { auto p = ckpt[i]; bit.add(st[p.s], p.f); bit.add(en[p.s], -p.f); } vector<Query> lv, rv; for(auto p : vec) { int l = lca(p.st, p.en); lli v1 = bit.query(st[p.st]) + bit.query(st[p.en]) - 2*bit.query(st[l]); if(v1 <= p.y) { p.y -= v1; rv.pb(p); } else { lv.pb(p); } } forr(i, l, mid+1) { auto p = ckpt[i]; bit.add(st[p.s], -p.f); bit.add(en[p.s], p.f); } rec(l, mid, lv); rec(mid+1, r, rv); } int main() { // usaco(); fastio(); cin >> n >> m >> q; graph = vvi(n+1); edg = vii(n); frange(i, n-1) { int a, b; cin >> a >> b; graph[a].pb(b); graph[b].pb(a); edg[i+1] = mp(a, b); } depth = st = en = vi(n+1); lift = vvi(20, vi(n+1)); dfs(1, 0); forr(i, 1, 20) { forr(j, 1, n+1) { lift[i][j] = lift[i-1][lift[i-1][j]]; } } ckpt.pb(mp(0LL, 0)); frange(i, m) { int p; lli c; cin >> p >> c; int a = edg[p].f; int b = edg[p].s; if(depth[a]>depth[b]) swap(a, b); ckpt.pb(mp(c, b)); } sort(all(ckpt)); vector<Query> quer(q); frange(i, q) { quer[i].id = i; cin>>(quer[i].st)>>(quer[i].en)>>(quer[i].x)>>(quer[i].y); } pos = vvi(m+1); bit = BIT<lli>(timer); rec(0, m, quer); BIT<lli> bit2(timer); for(auto p : ckpt) { bit2.add(st[p.s], 1); bit2.add(en[p.s], -1); } vll out(q); frange(i, m+1) { auto p = ckpt[i]; bit2.add(st[p.s], -1); bit2.add(en[p.s], 1); bit.add(st[p.s], p.f); bit.add(en[p.s], -p.f); for(auto e : pos[i]) { int a = quer[e].st; int b = quer[e].en; int l = lca(a, b); lli v = bit2.query(st[a]) + bit2.query(st[b]) - 2*bit2.query(st[l]); out[e] = max(-1LL, quer[e].x-v); } } for(auto e : out) cout << e << "\n"; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

currencies.cpp: In function 'void usaco()':
currencies.cpp:30:12: warning: ignoring return value of 'FILE* freopen(const char*, const char*, FILE*)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
   30 |     freopen("/media/hariaakash646/785EF1075EF0BF46/CompetitiveProgramming/input.in", "r", stdin);
      |     ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...