제출 #981085

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
981085midi참나무 (IOI23_beechtree)C++17
컴파일 에러
0 ms0 KiB
#include "beechtree.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef long double ld; #define vc vector typedef vc<ll> vcll; typedef vc<bool> vcb; #define pr pair typedef pr<ll, ll> prll; typedef map<ll,ll> mapll; #define umap unordered_map typedef umap<ll,ll> umapll; #define f0r(i,a,n) for ((i)=(a); (i)<=(n); (i)++) #define r0f(i,n,a) for ((i)=(n); (i)>=(a); (i)--) #define pb push_back #define ppb pop_back #define pf push_front #define ppf pop_front #define mp make_pair #define fi first #define se second #define sz size #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define all0(x, n) (x).begin(), (x).begin()+n #define all1(x, n) (x).begin()+1, (x).begin()+n+1 #define allrev(x) (x).rbegin(), (x).rend() #define in(v, s) ((s).find((v)) != (s).end()) #define GCD(x, y) __gcd(abs((x)), abs((y))) #define INF (LLONG_MAX>>3ll) #define MOD (1'000'000'007ll) #define mxN (200'010ll) inline void maxa(ll &a, ll b) { if (a<b) a=b; } inline void mina(ll &a, ll b) { if (a>b) a=b; } ll n, m; vcb ans(mxN); vcll par(mxN), clr(mxN); vc<vcll> gr(mxN); ll root; vcb nds(mxN); vc<vcll> clr_nds(mxN); vc<vcll> sz_clrs(mxN); void build_nds (ll u) { nds[u]=1; for (const ll &v:gr[u]) build_nds(v); } void build_nds() { nds.assign(n+5, 0); build_nds(root); nds[root]=0; } bool check (vcll &ar) { ll last=INF; for (const ll &v:ar) { if (v==last) return 0; last=v; } return 1; } bool check_clr_nds() { ll c; f0r(c,1,m) if (!check(clr_nds[c])) return 0; return 1; } bool build_clr_nds() { ll u, c; clr_nds.assign(n+5, {}); sz_clrs.assign(n+5, {}); f0r(u,1,n) for (const ll &v:gr[u]) if (nds[v]) clr_nds[clr[v]].pb(u); if (!check_clr_nds()) return 0; f0r(c,1,m) sz_clrs[clr_nds[c].sz()].pb(c); return 1; } void print (vcll &ar, string starter="") { cout << starter << ": "; for (const ll &x:ar) printf("%lli ", x); printf("\n"); } bool inside (ll sm, ll bg) { // printf("\n"); // print(clr_nds[sm], "sm"); // print(clr_nds[bg], "bg"); ll i=0, j=0; ll szi = clr_nds[sm].sz(); ll szj = clr_nds[bg].sz(); while (i<szi and j<szj) if (clr_nds[sm][i] == clr_nds[bg][i]) i++; else j++; return i==szi; } bool solve() { clr_nds[mxN-4]={root}; ll sz; ll lastc=mxN-5; f0r(sz,0,n) for (const ll &c:sz_clrs[sz]) { if (!inside (lastc, c)) return 0; if (clr_nds[c].sz() and !inside (mxN-4, c)) return 0; lastc=c; } return 1; } void print_nds() { ll u; printf("nds: "); f0r(u,1,n) if (nds[u]) printf("%lli ", u); printf("\n"); } void print_clr_nds() { ll c; f0r(c,1,m) { printf("clr_nds[%lli]", c); print (clr_nds[c]); } } bool calc (ll u) { root=u; build_nds(); // print_nds(); if (!build_clr_nds()) return 0; // print_clr_nds(); // print_clr_nds(); return solve(); } void brute (ll u) { ans[u] = calc(u); for (const ll &v:gr[u]) brute(v); } void brute() { brute(1); } vc<int> beechtree (int N, int M, vc<int> &PAR, vc<int> &CLR) { n=N, m=M; ll i; f0r(i,1,n) par[i]=PAR[i-1]+1, clr[i]=CLR[i-1]; par[1]=0; f0r(i,1,n) gr[par[i]].pb(i); clr_nds[mxN-5].clear(); brute(); f0r(i,1,n) ans[i-1]=ans[i]; return ans; } void output (vcb &answer, ll N) { ll u; f0r(u,1,N) printf("ans[%lli]: %lli\n", u, (ll)answer[u]); }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

beechtree.cpp: In function 'std::vector<int> beechtree(int, int, std::vector<int>&, std::vector<int>&)':
beechtree.cpp:182:9: error: could not convert 'ans' from 'vector<bool>' to 'vector<int>'
  182 |  return ans;
      |         ^~~
      |         |
      |         vector<bool>