Submission #973136

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
973136UnforgettableplStrange Device (APIO19_strange_device)C++17
0 / 100
7 ms13440 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long struct Lazy{ bool type; int amount; Lazy(){} Lazy(bool a,int b):type(a),amount(b){} Lazy add(Lazy other){ if(other.type)return other; return {type,amount+other.amount}; } }; Lazy lazy[600001]; int tree[600001]; void update(bool type,int a,int b,int x,int k,int L,int R){ if(lazy[k].amount or lazy[k].type){ if(lazy[k].type)tree[k] = 0; tree[k] += (R-L+1ll)*lazy[k].amount; if(L!=R){ lazy[2*k] = lazy[2*k].add(lazy[k]); lazy[2*k+1] = lazy[2*k+1].add(lazy[k]); } lazy[k].type = false; lazy[k].amount = 0; } if(a>R or b<L)return; if(L==R){ if(type)tree[k]=x; else tree[k]+=x; return; } if(a<=L and R<=b){ if(type)tree[k]=0; tree[k]+=(R-L+1ll)*x; lazy[2*k]=lazy[2*k].add({type,x}); lazy[2*k+1]=lazy[2*k+1].add({type,x}); return; } int mid = (L+R)/2; update(type,a,b,x,2*k,L,mid); update(type,a,b,x,2*k+1,mid+1,R); tree[k] = tree[2*k]+tree[2*k+1]; } int get(int a,int b,int k,int L,int R) { if (a > R or b < L)return 0; if (lazy[k].amount or lazy[k].type) { if (lazy[k].type)tree[k] = 0; tree[k] += (R - L + 1ll) * lazy[k].amount; if (L != R) { lazy[2 * k] = lazy[2 * k].add(lazy[k]); lazy[2 * k + 1] = lazy[2 * k + 1].add(lazy[k]); } lazy[k].type = false; lazy[k].amount = 0; } if (a <= L and R <= b)return tree[k]; int mid = (L + R) / 2; return get(a, b, 2 * k, L, mid) + get(a, b, 2 * k + 1, mid + 1, R); } int32_t main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(nullptr); for(int&i:tree)i=INT32_MAX; int n,A,B; cin >> n >> A >> B; if(A%2==0)A/=2; // update(true,l,r,amount,1,1,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ int l,r;cin>> l >> r; int block_l = l/A; int block_r = r/A; l%=A; r%=A; if(block_l==block_r){ update(true,l,r,1,1,0,A-1); } else if(block_l+1==block_r){ update(true,l,A-1,1,1,0,A-1); update(true,0,r,1,1,0,A-1); } else { cout << A << '\n'; return 0; } } cout << get(0,A-1,1,0,A-1) << '\n'; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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