Submission #941562

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
941562GrindMachineAlice, Bob, and Circuit (APIO23_abc)C++17
66 / 100
381 ms493860 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace __gnu_pbds; template<typename T> using Tree = tree<T, null_type, less<T>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>; typedef long long int ll; typedef long double ld; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef pair<ll,ll> pll; #define fastio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL) #define pb push_back #define endl '\n' #define sz(a) (int)a.size() #define setbits(x) __builtin_popcountll(x) #define ff first #define ss second #define conts continue #define ceil2(x,y) ((x+y-1)/(y)) #define all(a) a.begin(), a.end() #define rall(a) a.rbegin(), a.rend() #define yes cout << "Yes" << endl #define no cout << "No" << endl #define rep(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) #define rep1(i,n) for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) #define rev(i,s,e) for(int i = s; i >= e; --i) #define trav(i,a) for(auto &i : a) template<typename T> void amin(T &a, T b) { a = min(a,b); } template<typename T> void amax(T &a, T b) { a = max(a,b); } #ifdef LOCAL #include "debug.h" #else #define debug(x) cout << #x << " = " << x << endl; #endif /* */ const int MOD = 1e9 + 7; const int N = 1e5 + 5; const int inf1 = int(1e9) + 5; const ll inf2 = ll(1e18) + 5; #include "abc.h" // you may find the definitions useful const int OP_ZERO = 0; // f(OP_ZERO, x0, x1) = 0 const int OP_NOR = 1; // f(OP_NOR, x0, x1) = !(x0 || x1) const int OP_GREATER = 2; // f(OP_GREATER, x0, x1) = (x0 > x1) const int OP_NOT_X1 = 3; // f(OP_NOT_X1, x0, x1) = !x1 const int OP_LESS = 4; // f(OP_LESS, x0, x1) = (x0 < x1) const int OP_NOT_X0 = 5; // f(OP_NOT_X0, x0, x1) = !x0 const int OP_XOR = 6; // f(OP_XOR, x0, x1) = (x0 ^ x1) const int OP_NAND = 7; // f(OP_NAND, x0, x1) = !(x0 && x1) const int OP_AND = 8; // f(OP_AND, x0, x1) = (x0 && x1) const int OP_EQUAL = 9; // f(OP_EQUAL, x0, x1) = (x0 == x1) const int OP_X0 = 10; // f(OP_X0, x0, x1) = x0 const int OP_GEQ = 11; // f(OP_GEQ, x0, x1) = (x0 >= x1) const int OP_X1 = 12; // f(OP_X1, x0, x1) = x1 const int OP_LEQ = 13; // f(OP_LEQ, x0, x1) = (x0 <= x1) const int OP_OR = 14; // f(OP_OR, x0, x1) = (x0 || x1) const int OP_ONE = 15; // f(OP_ONE, x0, x1) = 1 // Alice int // returns la alice( /* in */ const int n, /* in */ const char names[][5], /* in */ const unsigned short numbers[], /* out */ bool outputs_alice[] ) { int ptr = 0; // names rep(i,n){ rep(ch,4){ int x = names[i][ch]-'a'; rep(bit,5){ int b = 0; if(x&(1<<bit)) b = 1; outputs_alice[ptr++] = b; } } } // numbers rep(i,n){ rep(bit,16){ int b = 0; if(numbers[i]&(1<<bit)) b = 1; outputs_alice[ptr++] = b; } } return ptr; } // Bob int // returns lb bob( /* in */ const int m, /* in */ const char senders[][5], /* in */ const char recipients[][5], /* out */ bool outputs_bob[] ) { int ptr = 0; // senders rep(i,m){ rep(ch,4){ int x = senders[i][ch]-'a'; rep(bit,5){ int b = 0; if(x&(1<<bit)) b = 1; outputs_bob[ptr++] = b; } } } // receivers rep(i,m){ rep(ch,4){ int x = recipients[i][ch]-'a'; rep(bit,5){ int b = 0; if(x&(1<<bit)) b = 1; outputs_bob[ptr++] = b; } } } return ptr; } // Circuit int // returns l circuit( /* in */ const int la, /* in */ const int lb, /* out */ int operations[], /* out */ int operands[][2], /* out */ int outputs_circuit[][16] ) { int n = la/36; int m = lb/40; int ptr = la+lb; auto f = [&](int t, int x, int y){ operands[ptr][0] = x; operands[ptr][1] = y; operations[ptr] = t; return ptr++; }; rep(i,n){ rep(bit,16){ outputs_circuit[i][bit] = f(OP_ZERO,0,0); } } rep(j,m){ vector<int> bits; rep(bit,16){ bits.pb(f(OP_ZERO,0,0)); } int l1 = la+j*20; rep(i,n){ // is i the sender? // good = 1 if i is the sender int l2 = i*20; int good = f(OP_ONE,0,0); rep(bit,20){ int temp = f(OP_EQUAL,l1+bit,l2+bit); good = f(OP_AND,good,temp); } l2 = n*20+i*16; rep(bit,16){ int temp = f(OP_AND,l2+bit,good); bits[bit] = f(OP_OR,bits[bit],temp); } } // bits[16] now has the bits of the num to be added l1 = la+m*20+j*20; rep(i,n){ // is i the receiver? int l2 = i*20; int good = f(OP_ONE,0,0); rep(bit,20){ int temp = f(OP_EQUAL,l1+bit,l2+bit); good = f(OP_AND,good,temp); } vector<int> add_bits; rep(bit,16){ add_bits.pb(f(OP_AND,bits[bit],good)); } // add add_bits to outputs_circuit[i] int carry = f(OP_ZERO,0,0); rep(bit,16){ int x = add_bits[bit], y = outputs_circuit[i][bit]; int xo_temp = f(OP_XOR,carry,x); outputs_circuit[i][bit] = f(OP_XOR,xo_temp,y); int temp1 = f(OP_AND,carry,x); int temp2 = f(OP_AND,carry,y); int temp3 = f(OP_AND,x,y); int or_temp = f(OP_OR,temp1,temp2); carry = f(OP_OR,or_temp,temp3); } } } return ptr; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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