이 제출은 이전 버전의 oj.uz에서 채점하였습니다. 현재는 제출 당시와는 다른 서버에서 채점을 하기 때문에, 다시 제출하면 결과가 달라질 수도 있습니다.
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
// #pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")
// #pragma GCC target("avx2,bmi,bmi2,lzcnt,popcnt")
find my code templates at https://github.com/galencolin/cp-templates
also maybe subscribe please thanks
#define send {ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);}
#define help {cin.tie(NULL);}
#define f first
#define s second
#define getunique(v) {sort(v.begin(), v.end()); v.erase(unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end());}
using ll = long long;
// using ll = int;
// #pragma warning("int")
using vl = vector<ll>;
using pl = pair<ll, ll>;
typedef long double ld;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
template <typename num_t>
using ordered_set = tree<num_t, null_type, less<num_t>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>;
// benq - print any container + pair
template<typename T, typename = void> struct is_iterable : false_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_iterable<T, void_t<decltype(begin(declval<T>())),decltype(end(declval<T>()))>> : true_type {};
template<typename T> typename enable_if<is_iterable<T>::value&&!is_same<T, string>::value,ostream&>::type operator<<(ostream &cout, T const &v);
template<typename A, typename B> ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout, pair<A, B> const &p) { return cout << "(" << p.f << ", " << p.s << ")"; }
template<typename T> typename enable_if<is_iterable<T>::value&&!is_same<T, string>::value,ostream&>::type operator<<(ostream &cout, T const &v) {
cout << "[";
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end();) {
cout << *it;
if (++it != v.end()) cout << ", ";
return cout << "]";
template<typename A, typename B> istream& operator>>(istream& cin, pair<A, B> &p) {
cin >> p.first;
return cin >> p.second;
template<typename T> void debug(string s, T x) {cerr << "\033[1;34m" << s << "\033[0;32m = \033[35m" << x << "\033[0m\n";}
template<typename T, typename... Args> void debug(string s, T x, Args... args) {for (int i=0, b=0; i<(int)s.size(); i++) if (s[i] == '(' || s[i] == '{') b++; else
if (s[i] == ')' || s[i] == '}') b--; else if (s[i] == ',' && b == 0) {cerr << "\033[1;34m" << s.substr(0, i) << "\033[0;32m = \033[35m" << x << "\033[31m | "; debug(s.substr(s.find_first_not_of(' ', i + 1)), args...); break;}}
template<typename T> void debug_nameless(T x) {cerr << "\033[35m" << x << "\033[0m\n";}
template<typename T, typename... Args> void debug_nameless(T x, Args... args) {cerr << "\033[35m" << x << "\033[31m | "; debug_nameless(args...);}
#ifdef galen_colin_local
#define pr(...) debug(#__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define prs(...) debug_nameless(__VA_ARGS__)
const bool local_ = true;
#define pr(...) 135
#define prs(...) 135
const bool local_ = false;
mt19937_64 rng(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
// mt19937_64 rng(61378913);
/* usage - just do rng() */
void usaco(string filename) {
// #pragma message("be careful, freopen may be wrong")
freopen((filename + ".in").c_str(), "r", stdin);
freopen((filename + ".out").c_str(), "w", stdout);
// #include <atcoder/all>
// using namespace atcoder;
const ld pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
// const ll mod = 1000000007;
// const ll mod = 998244353;
// ll mod;
ll n, m, q, k, l, r, x, y, z;
const ll template_array_size = 1e6 + 206171;
ll a[template_array_size];
ll b[template_array_size];
ll c[template_array_size];
string s, t;
ll ct[605];
ll& gc(ll v) {
return ct[v + n];
ll take[605];
ll& gt(ll v) {
return take[v + n];
ll dp[200005];
ll ndp[200005];
const bool run = local_ ? 0 : 1;
void solve(int tc = 0) {
cin >> n >> k;
for (ll i = -n; i <= n; i++) cin >> gc(i);
ll t = 0, s = 0;
for (ll i = -n; i <= n; i++) {
t += gc(i);
s += i * gc(i);
s -= k;
ll r = 0;
for (ll i = -n; i < 0; i++) {
if (s < 0) {
ll v = abs(s) / abs(i);
v = min(v, gc(i));
s -= i * v;
gc(i) -= v;
gt(i) += v;
r += v;
for (ll i = n; i > 0; i--) {
if (s > 0) {
ll v = abs(s) / abs(i);
v = min(v, gc(i));
s -= i * v;
gc(i) -= v;
gt(i) += v;
r += v;
if (abs(s) > n) {
cout << "impossible\n";
for (ll i = -n; i < 0; i++) swap(gt(i), gt(-i));
ll L = n * n;
memset(dp, 1, sizeof dp);
dp[L] = 0;
if (local_) {
for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
for (ll i = n; i > 0; i--) {
ll t = abs(i);
for (ll r = 0; r < t; r++) {
deque<pl> dq;
for (ll j = r; j <= 2 * L; j += t) {
ll kill = j - gc(i) * t;
if (dq.size() && dq.front().f < kill) dq.pop_front();
ll v = dp[j] - j / t;
while (dq.size() && dq.back().s >= v) dq.pop_back();
dq.push_back({j, v});
v = j / t;
ndp[j] = v + dq.front().s;
memcpy(dp, ndp, sizeof dp);
if (local_) {
pr(i, gc(i));
for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
for (ll r = 0; r < t; r++) {
deque<pl> dq;
for (ll j = r; j <= 2 * L; j += t) {
ll kill = j - gt(i) * t;
if (dq.size() && dq.front().f < kill) dq.pop_front();
ll v = dp[j] + j / t;
while (dq.size() && dq.back().s >= v) dq.pop_back();
dq.push_back({j, v});
v = -(j / t);
ndp[j] = v + dq.front().s;
memcpy(dp, ndp, sizeof dp);
if (local_) {
pr(i, gt(i));
for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
for (ll i = -n; i < 0; i++) {
ll t = abs(i);
for (ll r = 0; r < t; r++) {
deque<pl> dq;
for (ll j = 2 * L - r; j >= 0; j -= t) {
ll kill = j + gc(i) * t;
if (dq.size() && dq.front().f > kill) dq.pop_front();
ll v = dp[j] + j / t;
while (dq.size() && dq.back().s >= v) dq.pop_back();
dq.push_back({j, v});
v = -(j / t);
ndp[j] = v + dq.front().s;
memcpy(dp, ndp, sizeof dp);
if (local_) {
pr(i, gc(i));
for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
for (ll r = 0; r < t; r++) {
deque<pl> dq;
for (ll j = 2 * L - r; j >= 0; j -= t) {
ll kill = j + gt(i) * t;
if (dq.size() && dq.front().f > kill) dq.pop_front();
ll v = dp[j] - j / t;
while (dq.size() && dq.back().s >= v) dq.pop_back();
dq.push_back({j, v});
v = j / t;
ndp[j] = v + dq.front().s;
memcpy(dp, ndp, sizeof dp);
if (local_) {
pr(i, gt(i));
for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
pr(s, r);
r += dp[s + L];
if (r > 1e16) {
cout << "impossible\n";
r = t - r;
cout << r << '\n';
int main() {
#ifdef galen_colin_local
auto begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
send help
#ifndef galen_colin_local
// usaco("evacuation");
// usaco("cowland");
// freopen("tc.cpp", "r", stdin);
// freopen("tc.cpp", "w", stdout);
// freopen("tc2.cpp", "w", stdout);
// freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
// freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
cout << setprecision(15) << fixed;
cerr << setprecision(4) << fixed;
int tc = 1;
// if (local_)
// if (!run)
// cin >> tc;
for (int t = 0; t < tc; t++) {
pr(t); prs(string(50, '-'));
prs(string(50, '-') + "\n");
#ifdef galen_colin_local
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
cerr << setprecision(4) << fixed;
cerr << "Execution time: " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(end - begin).count() << " seconds" << endl;
컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지
vault.cpp: In function 'void solve(int)':
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:151:5: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
151 | pr(s);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:159:38: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
159 | for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:182:13: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
182 | pr(i, gc(i));
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:183:42: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
183 | for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:204:13: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
204 | pr(i, gt(i));
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:205:42: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
205 | for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:209:5: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
209 | pr(5);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:231:13: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
231 | pr(i, gc(i));
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:232:42: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
232 | for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:253:13: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
253 | pr(i, gt(i));
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:254:42: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
254 | for (ll j = -L; j <= L; j++) pr(j, dp[j + L]);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:258:5: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
258 | pr(s, r);
| ^~
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:261:5: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
261 | pr(r);
| ^~
vault.cpp: In function 'int main()':
vault.cpp:66:17: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
66 | #define pr(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:300:9: note: in expansion of macro 'pr'
300 | pr(t); prs(string(50, '-'));
| ^~
vault.cpp:67:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
67 | #define prs(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:300:16: note: in expansion of macro 'prs'
300 | pr(t); prs(string(50, '-'));
| ^~~
vault.cpp:67:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
67 | #define prs(...) 135
| ^~~
vault.cpp:302:9: note: in expansion of macro 'prs'
302 | prs(string(50, '-') + "\n");
| ^~~
vault.cpp: In function 'void usaco(std::string)':
vault.cpp:77:12: warning: ignoring return value of 'FILE* freopen(const char*, const char*, FILE*)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
77 | freopen((filename + ".in").c_str(), "r", stdin);
| ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
vault.cpp:78:12: warning: ignoring return value of 'FILE* freopen(const char*, const char*, FILE*)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
78 | freopen((filename + ".out").c_str(), "w", stdout);
| ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |