Submission #922907

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
922907 2024-02-06T09:11:31 Z Pring Alice, Bob, and Circuit (APIO23_abc) C++17
100 / 100
657 ms 427528 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// #include "abc.h"

using namespace std;
#define fs first
#define sc second
#define mp make_pair
#define FOR(i, j, k) for (int i = j, Z = k; i < Z; i++)
typedef pair<int, int> pii;

// you may find the definitions useful
const int OP_ZERO    = 0;  // f(OP_ZERO,    x0, x1) = 0
const int OP_NOR     = 1;  // f(OP_NOR,     x0, x1) = !(x0 || x1)
const int OP_GREATER = 2;  // f(OP_GREATER, x0, x1) = (x0 > x1)
const int OP_NOT_X1  = 3;  // f(OP_NOT_X1,  x0, x1) = !x1
const int OP_LESS    = 4;  // f(OP_LESS,    x0, x1) = (x0 < x1)
const int OP_NOT_X0  = 5;  // f(OP_NOT_X0,  x0, x1) = !x0
const int OP_XOR     = 6;  // f(OP_XOR,     x0, x1) = (x0 ^ x1)
const int OP_NAND    = 7;  // f(OP_NAND,    x0, x1) = !(x0 && x1)
const int OP_AND     = 8;  // f(OP_AND,     x0, x1) = (x0 && x1)
const int OP_EQUAL   = 9;  // f(OP_EQUAL,   x0, x1) = (x0 == x1)
const int OP_X0      = 10; // f(OP_X0,      x0, x1) = x0
const int OP_GEQ     = 11; // f(OP_GEQ,     x0, x1) = (x0 >= x1)
const int OP_X1      = 12; // f(OP_X1,      x0, x1) = x1
const int OP_LEQ     = 13; // f(OP_LEQ,     x0, x1) = (x0 <= x1)
const int OP_OR      = 14; // f(OP_OR,      x0, x1) = (x0 || x1)
const int OP_ONE     = 15; // f(OP_ONE,     x0, x1) = 1

const int LEN = 16, MXC = 26;
const int MXN = 2048;

namespace STRING {
    const int FOOL = 524287;
    int CVT(string s) {
        int ans = 0;
        for (auto &i : s) ans = ans * MXC + (i - 'a');
        if (s.size() > 1) ans += MXC;
        if (s.size() > 2) ans += MXC * MXC;
        if (s.size() > 3) ans += MXC * MXC * MXC;
        return ans;

struct P {
    int a, b, val, t;
    P() {}
    P(int _a, int _b, int _v, int _t) : a(_a), b(_b), val(_v), t(_t) {}

struct PP {
    int pa, pb, pv, pt;
    PP() {}
    PP(int _a, int _b, int _v, int _t) : pa(_a), pb(_b), pv(_v), pt(_t) {}

namespace PERMUTATION {
    string s;
    void PERM(vector<int> v, int dep) {
        int n = v.size();
        // cout << string(2 * dep, ' ') << n << ' ' << s.size() << endl;
        if (n == 1) return;
        int odd = n % 2;
        if (odd) v.push_back(n++);
        int x = n / 2;
        vector<pii> edge(n), e(x, mp(-1, -1));
        FOR(i, 0, n) {
            int id = v[i] % x;
            if (e[id].fs == -1) e[id].fs = i;
            else e[id].sc = i;
        FOR(i, 0, x) {
            edge[i].fs = i + x;
            edge[i + x].fs = i;
            edge[e[i].fs].sc = e[i].sc;
            edge[e[i].sc].sc = e[i].fs;
        vector<bool> b(n);
        vector<int> cyc;
        auto CYC = [&](int sr) {
            int p = sr, now = edge[sr].fs;
            b[p] = true;
            b[now] = true;
            while (true) {
                int nxt = (edge[now].fs ^ edge[now].sc ^ p);
                if (nxt == sr) break;
                b[nxt] = true;
                p = now;
                now = nxt;
        for (int i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (b[i]) continue;
        string t(x, '0');
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
            if (cyc[i] >= x) {
                t[cyc[i] - x] ^= 1;
                swap(v[cyc[i]], v[cyc[i] - x]);
        if (odd) t.pop_back();
        // cout << t.size() << endl;
        s += t;
        vector<int> vl, vr;
        FOR(i, 0, x) vl.push_back(v[i] % x);
        FOR(i, x, n - odd) vr.push_back(v[i] % x);
        // cout << string(2 * dep, ' ') << vr.size() << endl;
        PERM(vl, dep + 1);
        PERM(vr, dep + 1);
        vector<pii> vpl, vpr;
        FOR(i, 0, x) vpl.push_back(mp(vl[i], v[i]));
        FOR(i, x, n - odd) vpr.push_back(mp(vr[i - x], v[i]));
        sort(vpl.begin(), vpl.end());
        sort(vpr.begin(), vpr.end());
        FOR(i, 0, vr.size()) s.push_back((vpl[i].sc > vpr[i].sc) ? '1' : '0');
        // cout << string(2 * dep, ' ') << n << ' ' << s.size() << endl;
    string DO(vector<int> &a) {
        PERM(a, 0);
        return s;

int dp[MXN];

void LEN_INIT() {
    dp[0] = 0;
    dp[1] = 0;
    FOR(i, 2, MXN) {
        dp[i] = i / 2 * 2 + dp[i / 2] + dp[(i + 1) / 2];
    // cout << "DP: ";
    // cout << dp[7] << endl;

int BSH_LEN(int x) {
    int l = 2, r = 2049;
    while (l + 1 < r) {
        int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
        ((mid * 55 + dp[mid]) <= x ? l : r) = mid;
    return l;

// Alice
int // returns la
    /*  in */ const int n,
    /*  in */ const char names[][5],
    /*  in */ const unsigned short numbers[],
    /* out */ bool outputs_alice[]
) {
    vector<pair<P, int>> v(n);
    FOR(i, 0, n) v[i] = mp(P(STRING::CVT(string(names[i])), STRING::CVT(string(names[i])), numbers[i], 0), i);
    v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 0), n));
    v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 0), n + 1));
    int nn = v.size();
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](pair<P, int> a, pair<P, int> b) {
        return a.fs.a > b.fs.a;
    vector<int> p;
    FOR(i, 0, nn) p.push_back(v[i].sc);
    string s = PERMUTATION::DO(p);
    int cnt = 0;
    auto PUT = [&](int x, int len) {
        FOR(i, 0, len) {
            outputs_alice[cnt] = ((x & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0);
    FOR(i, 0, nn) {
        PUT(v[i].fs.a, 19);
        PUT(v[i].fs.b, 19);
        PUT(v[i].fs.val, LEN);
        PUT(v[i].fs.t, 1);
    // cout << s.size() << endl;
    for (auto &i : s) {
        outputs_alice[cnt] = (i & 1);
    return cnt;

// Bob
int // returns lb
    /*  in */ const int m,
    /*  in */ const char senders[][5],
    /*  in */ const char recipients[][5],
    /* out */ bool outputs_bob[]
) {
    vector<pair<P, int>> v(m);
    FOR(i, 0, m) v[i] = mp(P(STRING::CVT(string(senders[i])), STRING::CVT(recipients[i]), 0, 1), 0);
    v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 1), 0));
    v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 1), 0));
    int mm = v.size();
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](pair<P, int> a, pair<P, int> b) {
        return a.fs.b < b.fs.b;
    FOR(i, 0, mm) v[i].sc = i;
    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](pair<P, int> a, pair<P, int> b) {
        return a.fs.a < b.fs.a;
    vector<int> p;
    FOR(i, 0, mm) p.push_back(v[i].sc);
    string s = PERMUTATION::DO(p);
    int cnt = 0;
    auto PUT = [&](int x, int len) {
        FOR(i, 0, len) {
            outputs_bob[cnt] = ((x & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0);
    FOR(i, 0, mm) {
        PUT(v[i].fs.a, 19);
        PUT(v[i].fs.b, 19);
        PUT(v[i].fs.val, LEN);
        PUT(v[i].fs.t, 1);
    for (auto &i : s) {
        outputs_bob[cnt] = (i & 1);
    return cnt;

// Circuit
int // returns l
    /*  in */ const int la,
    /*  in */ const int lb,
    /* out */ int operations[],
    /* out */ int operands[][2],
    /* out */ int outputs_circuit[][16]
) {

    int na = BSH_LEN(la), nb = BSH_LEN(lb);
    int cnt = la + lb;
    int sa = na * 55, sb = la + nb * 55;

    vector<PP> v;
    FOR(i, 0, na) v.push_back(PP(0  + i * 55 + 0, 0  + i * 55 + 19, 0  + i * 55 + 38, 0  + i * 55 + 54));
    FOR(i, 0, nb) v.push_back(PP(la + i * 55 + 0, la + i * 55 + 19, la + i * 55 + 38, la + i * 55 + 54));

    P msk1 = P(1, 0, 0, 1), msk2 = P(0, 1, 0, 1);
    vector<int> cmp_bit;

    auto add_op = [&](int input_a, int input_b, int op) {
        operations[cnt] = op;
        operands[cnt][0] = input_a, operands[cnt][1] = input_b;
        return cnt++;

    auto add_ops = [&](int inputs_a, int inputs_b, int op, int len) {
        int pos = cnt;
        FOR(i, 0, len) {
            add_op(inputs_a + i, inputs_b + i, op);
        return pos;

    auto add_op_obj = [&](PP a, PP b, int op) {
        int pos = cnt;
        FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op( + i, + i, op);
        FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op(a.pb + i, b.pb + i, op);
        FOR(i, 0, LEN) add_op(a.pv + i, b.pv + i, op);
        FOR(i, 0, 1) add_op( + i, + i, op);
        return PP(pos + 0, pos + 19, pos + 38, pos + 54);

    auto add_op_1 = [&](int inputs_a, int input_b, int op, int len) {
        int pos = cnt;
        FOR(i, 0, len) {
            add_op(inputs_a + i, input_b, op);
        return pos;

    auto add_op_obj_1 = [&](PP a, int b, int op) {
        int pos = cnt;
        FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op( + i, b, op);
        FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op(a.pb + i, b, op);
        FOR(i, 0, LEN) add_op(a.pv + i, b, op);
        FOR(i, 0, 1) add_op( + i, b, op);
        return PP(pos + 0, pos + 19, pos + 38, pos + 54);

    while (v.size() != 2048) {
        v.push_back(PP(add_ops(0, 0, OP_ONE, 19), add_ops(0, 0, OP_ONE, 19), add_ops(0, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN), add_op(0, 0, OP_ONE)));

    auto adder = [&](int inputs_a, int inputs_b, int len) {
        int c = 54, c1, c2, g1;
        vector<int> vc, vg;
        FOR(i, 0, len) {
            int a = inputs_a + i, b = inputs_b + i;
            c1 = add_op(a, b, OP_AND);
            g1 = add_op(a, b, OP_XOR);
            c2 = add_op(c, g1, OP_AND);
            c = add_op(c1, c2, OP_OR);
        int pos = cnt;
        FOR(i, 0, len) {
            add_op(vg[i], vc[i], OP_XOR);
        return pos;

    auto CMP = [&](PP a, PP b, P mask) {
        int p = 54;
        if (mask.t) {
            FOR(i, 0, 1) {
                int l = + i, r = + i;
                int s = add_op(l, r, OP_XOR);
                p = add_op(add_op(l, s, OP_AND), add_op(p, s, OP_GREATER), OP_OR);
        if (mask.b) {
            FOR(i, 0, 19) {
                int l = a.pb + i, r = b.pb + i;
                int s = add_op(l, r, OP_XOR);
                p = add_op(add_op(l, s, OP_AND), add_op(p, s, OP_GREATER), OP_OR);
        if (mask.a) {
            FOR(i, 0, 19) {
                int l = + i, r = + i;
                int s = add_op(l, r, OP_XOR);
                p = add_op(add_op(l, s, OP_AND), add_op(p, s, OP_GREATER), OP_OR);
        return p;

    auto SWAP = [&](int &a, int &b, int s, int len) {
        int x = add_op_1(a, s, OP_GREATER, len), y = add_op_1(b, s, OP_AND, len);
        int c = add_ops(x, y, OP_OR, len);
        int d = add_ops(c, a, OP_XOR, len);
        int e = add_ops(d, b, OP_XOR, len);
        a = c, b = e;

    auto SWAP_OBJ = [&](PP &a, PP &b, int s) {
        PP x = add_op_obj_1(a, s, OP_GREATER), y = add_op_obj_1(b, s, OP_AND);
        PP c = add_op_obj(x, y, OP_OR);
        PP d = add_op_obj(c, a, OP_XOR);
        PP e = add_op_obj(d, b, OP_XOR);
        a = c, b = e;

    auto bitonic_sort = [&](auto self, int l, int r, P mask) {
        if (l + 1 == r) return;
        int x = (r - l) >> 1;
        FOR(i, 0, x) {
            cmp_bit.push_back(CMP(v[l + i], v[l + x + i], mask));
            SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[l + x + i], cmp_bit.back());
        self(self, l, l + x, mask);
        self(self, l + x, r, mask);

    auto bitonic_undo = [&](auto self, int l, int r) {
        if (l + 1 == r) return;
        int x = (r - l) >> 1;
        self(self, l + x, r);
        self(self, l, l + x);
        for (int i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[l + x + i], cmp_bit.back());

    auto SHIFT = [&](auto self, int l, int r, int s, int &ptr) {
        if (l + 1 == r) return;
        int n = r - l;
        int x = n >> 1;
        int mid = l + x + (n & 1);
        FOR(i, 0, x) {
            SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[mid + i], s + ptr);
        self(self, l, mid, s, ptr);
        self(self, mid, r, s, ptr);
        FOR(i, 0, x) {
            SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[mid + i], s + ptr);

    auto SWEEP1 = [&]() {
        int x = add_op_1(0, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN);
        FOR(i, 0, MXN) {
            int &val = v[i].pv, s = v[i].pt;
            int tmp = add_ops(add_op_1(x, s, OP_AND, LEN), add_op_1(val, s, OP_GREATER, LEN), OP_OR, LEN);
            int tmp2 = add_ops(tmp, tmp, OP_AND, LEN);
            x = tmp, val = tmp2;

    auto SWEEP2 = [&]() {
        int x = add_op_1(0, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN);
        FOR(i, 0, MXN) {
            int &val = v[i].pv, s = v[i].pt;
            val = add_op_1(val, s, OP_AND, LEN);
            SWAP(x, val, s, LEN);
            val = adder(x, val, LEN);
            x = add_op_1(x, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN);
            SWAP(x, val, s, LEN);

    bitonic_sort(bitonic_sort, 0, MXN, msk1);
    bitonic_undo(bitonic_undo, 0, MXN);
    int ptr = 0;
    SHIFT(SHIFT, na, na + nb, sb, ptr);
    FOR(i, 0, MXN) {
        int &id = v[i].pt;
        id = add_op(id, 0, OP_NOT_X0);
    bitonic_sort(bitonic_sort, 0, MXN, msk2);
    FOR(i, 0, MXN) {
        int &id = v[i].pt;
        id = add_op(id, 0, OP_NOT_X0);
    bitonic_undo(bitonic_undo, 0, MXN);
    ptr = 0;
    SHIFT(SHIFT, 0, 0 + na, sa, ptr);

    FOR(i, 0, na - 2) {
        int id = v[i].pv;
        FOR(j, 0, LEN) outputs_circuit[i][j] = id + j;
    return cnt;
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 194 ms 294960 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 194 ms 294960 KB Correct!
2 Correct 205 ms 294868 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 194 ms 294960 KB Correct!
2 Correct 205 ms 294868 KB Correct!
3 Correct 425 ms 370648 KB Correct!
4 Correct 412 ms 371004 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 191 ms 297080 KB Correct!
2 Correct 312 ms 333188 KB Correct!
3 Correct 348 ms 345976 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 191 ms 297080 KB Correct!
2 Correct 312 ms 333188 KB Correct!
3 Correct 348 ms 345976 KB Correct!
4 Correct 330 ms 333444 KB Correct!
5 Correct 357 ms 344480 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 191 ms 297080 KB Correct!
2 Correct 312 ms 333188 KB Correct!
3 Correct 348 ms 345976 KB Correct!
4 Correct 330 ms 333444 KB Correct!
5 Correct 357 ms 344480 KB Correct!
6 Correct 307 ms 326900 KB Correct!
7 Correct 437 ms 364508 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 619 ms 426036 KB Correct!
2 Correct 619 ms 424040 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 619 ms 426036 KB Correct!
2 Correct 619 ms 424040 KB Correct!
3 Correct 621 ms 413564 KB Correct!
4 Correct 657 ms 425100 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 194 ms 294960 KB Correct!
2 Correct 205 ms 294868 KB Correct!
3 Correct 425 ms 370648 KB Correct!
4 Correct 412 ms 371004 KB Correct!
5 Correct 191 ms 297080 KB Correct!
6 Correct 312 ms 333188 KB Correct!
7 Correct 348 ms 345976 KB Correct!
8 Correct 330 ms 333444 KB Correct!
9 Correct 357 ms 344480 KB Correct!
10 Correct 307 ms 326900 KB Correct!
11 Correct 437 ms 364508 KB Correct!
12 Correct 619 ms 426036 KB Correct!
13 Correct 619 ms 424040 KB Correct!
14 Correct 621 ms 413564 KB Correct!
15 Correct 657 ms 425100 KB Correct!
16 Correct 649 ms 425824 KB Correct!
17 Correct 657 ms 427528 KB Correct!