Submission #922907

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
922907PringAlice, Bob, and Circuit (APIO23_abc)C++17
100 / 100
657 ms427528 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> // #include "abc.h" using namespace std; #define fs first #define sc second #define mp make_pair #define FOR(i, j, k) for (int i = j, Z = k; i < Z; i++) typedef pair<int, int> pii; // you may find the definitions useful const int OP_ZERO = 0; // f(OP_ZERO, x0, x1) = 0 const int OP_NOR = 1; // f(OP_NOR, x0, x1) = !(x0 || x1) const int OP_GREATER = 2; // f(OP_GREATER, x0, x1) = (x0 > x1) const int OP_NOT_X1 = 3; // f(OP_NOT_X1, x0, x1) = !x1 const int OP_LESS = 4; // f(OP_LESS, x0, x1) = (x0 < x1) const int OP_NOT_X0 = 5; // f(OP_NOT_X0, x0, x1) = !x0 const int OP_XOR = 6; // f(OP_XOR, x0, x1) = (x0 ^ x1) const int OP_NAND = 7; // f(OP_NAND, x0, x1) = !(x0 && x1) const int OP_AND = 8; // f(OP_AND, x0, x1) = (x0 && x1) const int OP_EQUAL = 9; // f(OP_EQUAL, x0, x1) = (x0 == x1) const int OP_X0 = 10; // f(OP_X0, x0, x1) = x0 const int OP_GEQ = 11; // f(OP_GEQ, x0, x1) = (x0 >= x1) const int OP_X1 = 12; // f(OP_X1, x0, x1) = x1 const int OP_LEQ = 13; // f(OP_LEQ, x0, x1) = (x0 <= x1) const int OP_OR = 14; // f(OP_OR, x0, x1) = (x0 || x1) const int OP_ONE = 15; // f(OP_ONE, x0, x1) = 1 const int LEN = 16, MXC = 26; const int MXN = 2048; namespace STRING { const int FOOL = 524287; int CVT(string s) { int ans = 0; for (auto &i : s) ans = ans * MXC + (i - 'a'); if (s.size() > 1) ans += MXC; if (s.size() > 2) ans += MXC * MXC; if (s.size() > 3) ans += MXC * MXC * MXC; return ans; } } struct P { int a, b, val, t; P() {} P(int _a, int _b, int _v, int _t) : a(_a), b(_b), val(_v), t(_t) {} }; struct PP { int pa, pb, pv, pt; PP() {} PP(int _a, int _b, int _v, int _t) : pa(_a), pb(_b), pv(_v), pt(_t) {} }; namespace PERMUTATION { string s; void PERM(vector<int> v, int dep) { int n = v.size(); // cout << string(2 * dep, ' ') << n << ' ' << s.size() << endl; if (n == 1) return; int odd = n % 2; if (odd) v.push_back(n++); int x = n / 2; vector<pii> edge(n), e(x, mp(-1, -1)); FOR(i, 0, n) { int id = v[i] % x; if (e[id].fs == -1) e[id].fs = i; else e[id].sc = i; } FOR(i, 0, x) { edge[i].fs = i + x; edge[i + x].fs = i; edge[e[i].fs].sc = e[i].sc; edge[e[i].sc].sc = e[i].fs; } vector<bool> b(n); vector<int> cyc; auto CYC = [&](int sr) { int p = sr, now = edge[sr].fs; b[p] = true; b[now] = true; cyc.push_back(p); cyc.push_back(now); while (true) { int nxt = (edge[now].fs ^ edge[now].sc ^ p); if (nxt == sr) break; b[nxt] = true; cyc.push_back(nxt); p = now; now = nxt; } }; for (int i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (b[i]) continue; CYC(i); } string t(x, '0'); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { if (cyc[i] >= x) { t[cyc[i] - x] ^= 1; swap(v[cyc[i]], v[cyc[i] - x]); } } if (odd) t.pop_back(); // cout << t.size() << endl; s += t; vector<int> vl, vr; FOR(i, 0, x) vl.push_back(v[i] % x); FOR(i, x, n - odd) vr.push_back(v[i] % x); // cout << string(2 * dep, ' ') << vr.size() << endl; PERM(vl, dep + 1); PERM(vr, dep + 1); vector<pii> vpl, vpr; FOR(i, 0, x) vpl.push_back(mp(vl[i], v[i])); FOR(i, x, n - odd) vpr.push_back(mp(vr[i - x], v[i])); sort(vpl.begin(), vpl.end()); sort(vpr.begin(), vpr.end()); FOR(i, 0, vr.size()) s.push_back((vpl[i].sc > vpr[i].sc) ? '1' : '0'); // cout << string(2 * dep, ' ') << n << ' ' << s.size() << endl; } string DO(vector<int> &a) { s.clear(); PERM(a, 0); return s; } } int dp[MXN]; void LEN_INIT() { dp[0] = 0; dp[1] = 0; FOR(i, 2, MXN) { dp[i] = i / 2 * 2 + dp[i / 2] + dp[(i + 1) / 2]; } // cout << "DP: "; // cout << dp[7] << endl; } int BSH_LEN(int x) { int l = 2, r = 2049; while (l + 1 < r) { int mid = (l + r) >> 1; ((mid * 55 + dp[mid]) <= x ? l : r) = mid; } return l; } // Alice int // returns la alice( /* in */ const int n, /* in */ const char names[][5], /* in */ const unsigned short numbers[], /* out */ bool outputs_alice[] ) { vector<pair<P, int>> v(n); FOR(i, 0, n) v[i] = mp(P(STRING::CVT(string(names[i])), STRING::CVT(string(names[i])), numbers[i], 0), i); v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 0), n)); v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 0), n + 1)); int nn = v.size(); sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](pair<P, int> a, pair<P, int> b) { return a.fs.a > b.fs.a; }); vector<int> p; FOR(i, 0, nn) p.push_back(v[i].sc); string s = PERMUTATION::DO(p); int cnt = 0; auto PUT = [&](int x, int len) { FOR(i, 0, len) { outputs_alice[cnt] = ((x & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0); cnt++; } }; FOR(i, 0, nn) { PUT(v[i].fs.a, 19); PUT(v[i].fs.b, 19); PUT(v[i].fs.val, LEN); PUT(v[i].fs.t, 1); } // cout << s.size() << endl; for (auto &i : s) { outputs_alice[cnt] = (i & 1); cnt++; } return cnt; } // Bob int // returns lb bob( /* in */ const int m, /* in */ const char senders[][5], /* in */ const char recipients[][5], /* out */ bool outputs_bob[] ) { vector<pair<P, int>> v(m); FOR(i, 0, m) v[i] = mp(P(STRING::CVT(string(senders[i])), STRING::CVT(recipients[i]), 0, 1), 0); v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 1), 0)); v.push_back(mp(P(STRING::FOOL, STRING::FOOL, 0, 1), 0)); int mm = v.size(); sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](pair<P, int> a, pair<P, int> b) { return a.fs.b < b.fs.b; }); FOR(i, 0, mm) v[i].sc = i; sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](pair<P, int> a, pair<P, int> b) { return a.fs.a < b.fs.a; }); vector<int> p; FOR(i, 0, mm) p.push_back(v[i].sc); string s = PERMUTATION::DO(p); int cnt = 0; auto PUT = [&](int x, int len) { FOR(i, 0, len) { outputs_bob[cnt] = ((x & (1 << i)) ? 1 : 0); cnt++; } }; FOR(i, 0, mm) { PUT(v[i].fs.a, 19); PUT(v[i].fs.b, 19); PUT(v[i].fs.val, LEN); PUT(v[i].fs.t, 1); } for (auto &i : s) { outputs_bob[cnt] = (i & 1); cnt++; } return cnt; } // Circuit int // returns l circuit( /* in */ const int la, /* in */ const int lb, /* out */ int operations[], /* out */ int operands[][2], /* out */ int outputs_circuit[][16] ) { LEN_INIT(); int na = BSH_LEN(la), nb = BSH_LEN(lb); int cnt = la + lb; int sa = na * 55, sb = la + nb * 55; vector<PP> v; FOR(i, 0, na) v.push_back(PP(0 + i * 55 + 0, 0 + i * 55 + 19, 0 + i * 55 + 38, 0 + i * 55 + 54)); FOR(i, 0, nb) v.push_back(PP(la + i * 55 + 0, la + i * 55 + 19, la + i * 55 + 38, la + i * 55 + 54)); P msk1 = P(1, 0, 0, 1), msk2 = P(0, 1, 0, 1); vector<int> cmp_bit; auto add_op = [&](int input_a, int input_b, int op) { operations[cnt] = op; operands[cnt][0] = input_a, operands[cnt][1] = input_b; return cnt++; }; auto add_ops = [&](int inputs_a, int inputs_b, int op, int len) { int pos = cnt; FOR(i, 0, len) { add_op(inputs_a + i, inputs_b + i, op); } return pos; }; auto add_op_obj = [&](PP a, PP b, int op) { int pos = cnt; FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op( + i, + i, op); FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op(a.pb + i, b.pb + i, op); FOR(i, 0, LEN) add_op(a.pv + i, b.pv + i, op); FOR(i, 0, 1) add_op( + i, + i, op); return PP(pos + 0, pos + 19, pos + 38, pos + 54); }; auto add_op_1 = [&](int inputs_a, int input_b, int op, int len) { int pos = cnt; FOR(i, 0, len) { add_op(inputs_a + i, input_b, op); } return pos; }; auto add_op_obj_1 = [&](PP a, int b, int op) { int pos = cnt; FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op( + i, b, op); FOR(i, 0, 19) add_op(a.pb + i, b, op); FOR(i, 0, LEN) add_op(a.pv + i, b, op); FOR(i, 0, 1) add_op( + i, b, op); return PP(pos + 0, pos + 19, pos + 38, pos + 54); }; while (v.size() != 2048) { v.push_back(PP(add_ops(0, 0, OP_ONE, 19), add_ops(0, 0, OP_ONE, 19), add_ops(0, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN), add_op(0, 0, OP_ONE))); } auto adder = [&](int inputs_a, int inputs_b, int len) { int c = 54, c1, c2, g1; vector<int> vc, vg; FOR(i, 0, len) { int a = inputs_a + i, b = inputs_b + i; c1 = add_op(a, b, OP_AND); g1 = add_op(a, b, OP_XOR); c2 = add_op(c, g1, OP_AND); vc.push_back(c); vg.push_back(g1); c = add_op(c1, c2, OP_OR); } int pos = cnt; FOR(i, 0, len) { add_op(vg[i], vc[i], OP_XOR); } return pos; }; auto CMP = [&](PP a, PP b, P mask) { int p = 54; if (mask.t) { FOR(i, 0, 1) { int l = + i, r = + i; int s = add_op(l, r, OP_XOR); p = add_op(add_op(l, s, OP_AND), add_op(p, s, OP_GREATER), OP_OR); } } if (mask.b) { FOR(i, 0, 19) { int l = a.pb + i, r = b.pb + i; int s = add_op(l, r, OP_XOR); p = add_op(add_op(l, s, OP_AND), add_op(p, s, OP_GREATER), OP_OR); } } if (mask.a) { FOR(i, 0, 19) { int l = + i, r = + i; int s = add_op(l, r, OP_XOR); p = add_op(add_op(l, s, OP_AND), add_op(p, s, OP_GREATER), OP_OR); } } return p; }; auto SWAP = [&](int &a, int &b, int s, int len) { int x = add_op_1(a, s, OP_GREATER, len), y = add_op_1(b, s, OP_AND, len); int c = add_ops(x, y, OP_OR, len); int d = add_ops(c, a, OP_XOR, len); int e = add_ops(d, b, OP_XOR, len); a = c, b = e; }; auto SWAP_OBJ = [&](PP &a, PP &b, int s) { PP x = add_op_obj_1(a, s, OP_GREATER), y = add_op_obj_1(b, s, OP_AND); PP c = add_op_obj(x, y, OP_OR); PP d = add_op_obj(c, a, OP_XOR); PP e = add_op_obj(d, b, OP_XOR); a = c, b = e; }; auto bitonic_sort = [&](auto self, int l, int r, P mask) { if (l + 1 == r) return; int x = (r - l) >> 1; FOR(i, 0, x) { cmp_bit.push_back(CMP(v[l + i], v[l + x + i], mask)); SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[l + x + i], cmp_bit.back()); } self(self, l, l + x, mask); self(self, l + x, r, mask); }; auto bitonic_undo = [&](auto self, int l, int r) { if (l + 1 == r) return; int x = (r - l) >> 1; self(self, l + x, r); self(self, l, l + x); for (int i = x - 1; i >= 0; i--) { SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[l + x + i], cmp_bit.back()); cmp_bit.pop_back(); } }; auto SHIFT = [&](auto self, int l, int r, int s, int &ptr) { if (l + 1 == r) return; int n = r - l; int x = n >> 1; int mid = l + x + (n & 1); FOR(i, 0, x) { SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[mid + i], s + ptr); ptr++; } self(self, l, mid, s, ptr); self(self, mid, r, s, ptr); FOR(i, 0, x) { SWAP_OBJ(v[l + i], v[mid + i], s + ptr); ptr++; } }; auto SWEEP1 = [&]() { int x = add_op_1(0, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN); FOR(i, 0, MXN) { int &val = v[i].pv, s = v[i].pt; int tmp = add_ops(add_op_1(x, s, OP_AND, LEN), add_op_1(val, s, OP_GREATER, LEN), OP_OR, LEN); int tmp2 = add_ops(tmp, tmp, OP_AND, LEN); x = tmp, val = tmp2; } }; auto SWEEP2 = [&]() { int x = add_op_1(0, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN); FOR(i, 0, MXN) { int &val = v[i].pv, s = v[i].pt; val = add_op_1(val, s, OP_AND, LEN); SWAP(x, val, s, LEN); val = adder(x, val, LEN); x = add_op_1(x, 0, OP_ZERO, LEN); SWAP(x, val, s, LEN); } }; bitonic_sort(bitonic_sort, 0, MXN, msk1); SWEEP1(); bitonic_undo(bitonic_undo, 0, MXN); int ptr = 0; SHIFT(SHIFT, na, na + nb, sb, ptr); FOR(i, 0, MXN) { int &id = v[i].pt; id = add_op(id, 0, OP_NOT_X0); } bitonic_sort(bitonic_sort, 0, MXN, msk2); FOR(i, 0, MXN) { int &id = v[i].pt; id = add_op(id, 0, OP_NOT_X0); } SWEEP2(); bitonic_undo(bitonic_undo, 0, MXN); ptr = 0; SHIFT(SHIFT, 0, 0 + na, sa, ptr); FOR(i, 0, na - 2) { int id = v[i].pv; FOR(j, 0, LEN) outputs_circuit[i][j] = id + j; } return cnt; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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