Submission #911330

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
911330 2024-01-18T18:48:39 Z danikoynov Meetings (IOI18_meetings) C++14
0 / 100
421 ms 100572 KB
#include "meetings.h"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;

const int maxn = 7.5e5 + 10;

int n, q;
ll h[maxn];

/// Cartesian tree data
int left_child[maxn], right_child[maxn];
int left_border[maxn], right_border[maxn];
int root, depth[maxn];

void cartesian_tree()
    stack < int > lf;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
        left_child[i] = -1;
        while(!lf.empty() && h[] <= h[i])
            left_child[i] =;

        if (lf.empty())
            left_border[i] = 1;
            left_border[i] = + 1;


    stack < int > rf;
    for (int i = n; i >= 1; i --)
        right_child[i] = -1;
        while(!rf.empty() && h[] < h[i])
            right_child[i] =;

        if (rf.empty())
            right_border[i] = n;
            right_border[i] = - 1;


    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
        if (left_border[i] == 1 && right_border[i] == n)
            root = i;

void calc_depth(int ver)
    //cout << "vertex " << ver << endl;
    //cout << "left border " << left_border[ver] << " right border " << right_border[ver] << endl;
    if (left_child[ver] != -1)
        depth[left_child[ver]] = depth[ver] + 1;
    if (right_child[ver] != -1)
        depth[right_child[ver]] = depth[ver] + 1;

struct query
    int l, r, idx;

    query(int _l = 0, int _r = 0, int _idx = 0)
        l = _l;
        r = _r;
        idx = _idx;

query task[maxn];
vector < query > spot[maxn];

struct line
    ll k, m;

    line (ll _k = 0, ll _m = 0)
        k = _k;
        m = _m;

    ll get(ll x)
        return k * x + m;

void assign_queries()
    for (int i = 1; i <= q; i ++)
        int mx = -1;
        for (int j = task[i].l; j <= task[i].r; j ++)
            if (mx == -1 || depth[j] < depth[mx])
                mx = j;

const ll inf = 1e18;

void chmin(ll &var, ll val)
    var = min(var, val);

struct li_chao_tree
    struct node
        line cur;
        ll lazy;
        bool act;
        node *lc, *rc;

            cur = line();
            act = false;
            lc = NULL;
            rc = NULL;
            lazy = 0;

    node *root = NULL;

        root = new node();
    void push_lazy(node *ver)
        if (ver -> act)
            ver -> cur.m += ver -> lazy;

        if (ver -> lc != NULL)
            ver -> lc -> lazy += ver -> lazy;
        if (ver -> rc != NULL)
            ver -> rc -> lazy += ver -> lazy;

        ver -> lazy = 0;

    void add_line_conscious(node *ver, ll left, ll right, line target)

        if (ver -> act == false)
            ver -> act = true;
            ver -> cur = target;

        ll mid = (left + right) / 2;
        if (ver -> cur.get(mid) > target.get(mid))
            swap(ver -> cur, target);

        if (left == right)

        if (ver -> cur.get(left) > target.get(left))
            add_line_conscious(ver -> lc, left, mid, target);
        if (ver -> cur.get(right) > target.get(right))
            add_line_conscious(ver -> rc, mid + 1, right, target);

    void add_line(node *ver, ll left, ll right, ll qleft, ll qright, line target)

        if (left > qright || right < qleft || qright < qleft)

        if (left >= qleft && right <= qright)
            add_line_conscious(ver, left, right, target);

        ll mid = (left + right) / 2;
        add_line(ver -> lc, left, mid, qleft, qright, target);
        add_line(ver -> rc, mid + 1, right, qleft, qright, target);

    void range_update(node *ver, ll left, ll right, ll qleft, ll qright, ll val)

        if (left > qright || right < qleft || qright < qleft)

        if (left >= qleft && right <= qright)
            ver -> lazy += val;

        ll mid = (left + right) / 2;
        if (left != right && ver -> act)
            ///cout << "add conscious " << " " << left << " " << mid << " " <<
            add_line_conscious(ver -> lc, left, mid, ver -> cur);
            add_line_conscious(ver -> rc, mid + 1, right, ver -> cur);
            ver -> act = false;
        range_update(ver -> lc, left, mid, qleft, qright, val);
        range_update(ver -> rc, mid + 1, right, qleft, qright, val);
        ///cout << "range update " << left << " " << right << " " << qleft << " " << qright << " " << ver -> act << endl;

    ll query_pivot(node *ver, ll left, ll right, ll pivot)
        ll mx = inf;
        if (ver -> act)
            chmin(mx, ver -> cur.get(pivot));
        if (left == right)
            return mx;

        ll mid = (left + right) / 2;
        if (pivot <= mid)
            chmin(mx, query_pivot(ver -> lc, left, mid, pivot));
            chmin(mx, query_pivot(ver -> rc, mid + 1, right, pivot));

        return mx;


    void build(node *ver, ll left, ll right)
        if (left == right)

        ver -> lc = new node();
        ver -> rc = new node();

        ll mid = (left + right) / 2;
        build(ver -> lc, left, mid);
        build(ver -> rc, mid + 1, right);

    ll get_pivot(ll pivot)
        return query_pivot(root, 1, n, pivot);

    void insert_line(int left, int right, line cur)
        add_line(root, 1, n, left, right, cur);

    void add_to_range(int left, int right, ll val)
        range_update(root, 1, n, left, right, val);
ll left_price[maxn], right_price[maxn];
li_chao_tree li_left_price, li_right_price;

ll answer[maxn];

void conquer(ll root)
    line left_line(h[root], - (root - 1) * h[root]), right_line(- h[root], + (root + 1) * h[root]);
    if (root != left_border[root])
        left_line.m += left_price[root - 1];
        ///left_line.m += li_left_price.get_pivot(root - 1);
    if (root != right_border[root])
        right_line.m += right_price[root + 1];
        ///right_line.m += li_right_price.get_pivot(root + 1);

    if (root == left_border[root])
        ///cout << "conquer " << h[root] << endl;
        li_left_price.insert_line(root, root, line(0, h[root]));
        left_price[root] = h[root];
        li_left_price.insert_line(root, root, line(0, li_left_price.get_pivot(root - 1) + h[root]));
        left_price[root] = left_price[root - 1] + h[root];

        //if (root == 1)
        //cout << "first " << li_left_price.get_pivot(2) << endl;

    li_left_price.add_to_range(root + 1, right_border[root], (root - left_border[root] + 1) * h[root]);
    li_left_price.insert_line(root + 1, right_border[root], left_line);

    for (int pivot = root + 1; pivot <= right_border[root]; pivot ++)

        left_price[pivot] += (root - left_border[root] + 1) * h[root];
        chmin(left_price[pivot], left_line.get(pivot));

    if (root == right_border[root])
        li_right_price.insert_line(root, root, line(0, h[root]));
        right_price[root] = h[root];
        li_right_price.insert_line(root, root, line(0, li_right_price.get_pivot(root + 1) + h[root]));
        right_price[root] = right_price[root + 1] + h[root];

    li_right_price.add_to_range(left_border[root], root - 1, (right_border[root] - root + 1) * h[root]);
    li_right_price.insert_line(left_border[root], root - 1, right_line);
    for (int pivot = root - 1; pivot >= left_border[root]; pivot --)
        right_price[pivot] += (right_border[root] - root + 1) * h[root];
        chmin(right_price[pivot], right_line.get(pivot));
void divide(int root)
    if (left_child[root] != -1)
    if (right_child[root] != -1)

    for (query cur : spot[root])

        ///cout << "answer " << left_border[root] << " " << right_border[root] << " " << cur.idx << endl;
        //ll left_opt = li_right_price.get_pivot(cur.l) + (ll)(cur.r - root + 1) * h[root];
        ll left_opt = right_price[cur.l] + (ll)(cur.r - root + 1) * h[root];
        //ll right_opt = (ll)(root - cur.l + 1) * h[root] + li_left_price.get_pivot(cur.r);
        ll right_opt = (ll)(root - cur.l + 1) * h[root] + left_price[cur.r];
        chmin(answer[cur.idx], min(left_opt, right_opt));


    /**cout << "range " << left_border[root] << " " << right_border[root] << endl;
    for (int i = left_border[root]; i <= right_border[root]; i ++ )
        cout << li_left_price.get_pivot(i) << " ";
    cout << endl;
    for (int i = left_border[root]; i <= right_border[root]; i ++ )
        cout << li_right_price.get_pivot(i) << " ";
    cout << endl;
    cout << "-------------" << endl;
        for (int i = left_border[root]; i <= right_border[root]; i ++ )
        cout << left_price[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    for (int i = left_border[root]; i <= right_border[root]; i ++ )
        cout << right_price[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;*/

    for (int i = 1; i <= right_border[root]; i ++)
        if (li_left_price.get_pivot(i) != left_price[i])

                if (li_right_price.get_pivot(i) != right_price[i])

vector < ll > get_result()
    vector < ll > res;
    for (int i = 1; i <= q; i ++)
    return res;

void build_li_chao()
{, 1, n);, 1, n);
vector<long long> minimum_costs(vector<int> H, vector<int> L,
                                vector<int> R)
    n = H.size();
    q = L.size();
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
        h[i] = H[i - 1];

    for (int i = 1; i <= q; i ++)
        task[i] = query(L[i - 1] + 1, R[i - 1] + 1, i);
        answer[i] = inf;

    vector < ll > res = get_result();
    return res;
5 1
3 1 5 4 3
1 4

# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 9 ms 41304 KB Output is correct
2 Runtime error 47 ms 89428 KB Execution killed with signal 6
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 9 ms 41304 KB Output is correct
2 Runtime error 47 ms 89428 KB Execution killed with signal 6
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 9 ms 41308 KB Output is correct
2 Runtime error 421 ms 100572 KB Execution killed with signal 6
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 9 ms 41308 KB Output is correct
2 Runtime error 421 ms 100572 KB Execution killed with signal 6
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 9 ms 41304 KB Output is correct
2 Runtime error 47 ms 89428 KB Execution killed with signal 6
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -