제출 #90427

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
90427nikolapesic2802경찰관과 강도 (BOI14_coprobber)C++14
컴파일 에러
0 ms0 KiB
/* -Make a table value[i][j][move], i meaning where the cop is located, j meaning where the robber is located and move telling us who needs to make the next move. -A state is winning if: *i==j *Its the cops move and he can move to a winning state *Its the robbers move and he cant avoid going to a winning state -Calculate the values that we know for sure in this table(there might me a cycle in the graph so we cant tell if a position is winning or losing, in that case we can just think of it as a losing position) -For every cops move calculate the move that leads us to a winning state -All states need to be winning in order to be able to catch the cop. -Also if we can catch a cop starting from one location, we can do it from any location. */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "coprobber.h" using namespace std; #define pb push_back vector<vector<int> > graph(MAX_N); int value[MAX_N][MAX_N][2],nxt[MAX_N][MAX_N],degree[MAX_N][MAX_N],pos=0; int start(int N, bool A[MAX_N][MAX_N]) { for(int i=0;i<N;i++) for(int j=0;j<N;j++) if(A[i][j]) graph[i].pb(j),degree[i]++,degree[j]++; queue<vector<int> > q; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) value[i][i][0]=1,value[i][i][1]=1,q.push({i,i,0}),q.push({i,i,1}); while(q.size()) { vector<int> d=q.front();q.pop(); int x=d[0],y=d[1],z=d[2]; if(z==1) { int i=x,j=y,k=0; if(value[i][j][k]==0) { value[i][j][k]=1; nxt[i][j]=x; q.push({i,j,k}); } for(auto p:graph[x]) { i=p;j=y;k=0; if(value[i][j][k]==0) { value[i][j][k]=1; nxt[i][j]=x; q.push({i,j,k}); } } } else { for(auto p:graph[y]) { int i=x,j=p,k=1; if(value[i][j][k]==0) { degree[i][j]--; if(degree[i][j]==0) { value[i][j][k]=1; q.push({i,j,k}); } } } } } bool t=true; for(int i=1;i<N;i++) if(value[0][i][0]!=1) t=false; if(t) return 0; return -1; } int nextMove(int R) { return pos=nxt[pos][R]; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

coprobber.cpp: In function 'int start(int, bool (*)[500])':
coprobber.cpp:23:41: error: lvalue required as increment operand
coprobber.cpp:23:53: error: lvalue required as increment operand