This submission is migrated from previous version of, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
#define int long long
const int MAXN = 4e5 + 10;
const int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
mt19937_64 rng((int)std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
int rnd(int x, int y) {
int u = uniform_int_distribution<int>(x, y)(rng); return u;
int bm(int b, int p) {
if(p==0) return 1 % MOD;
int r = bm(b, p >> 1);
if(p&1) return (((r*r) % MOD) * b) % MOD;
return (r*r) % MOD;
int inv(int b) {
return bm(b, MOD-2);
int fastlog(int x) {
return (x == 0 ? -1 : 64 - __builtin_clzll(x) - 1);
void printcase(int i) { cout << "Case #" << i << ": "; }
struct segtree_basic {
struct node {
int lazyval, mi, ma, sum; char lazytag;
int len; // not changing
int stok;
vector<node> st;
void bu(int l, int r, int idx) {
st[idx].lazyval = st[idx].mi = st[idx].ma = st[idx].sum = 0;
st[idx].lazytag = '?';
st[idx].len = r - l + 1;
if(l == r) {
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
bu(l, mid, 2*idx+1);
bu(mid+1, r, 2*idx+2);
void push_down(int idx) {
if(st[idx].lazytag == '?') return;
if(st[idx].lazytag == ':') {
st[2*idx+1].lazyval = st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+1].mi = st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+1].ma = st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+1].sum = st[idx].lazyval * st[2*idx+1].len;
st[2*idx+1].lazytag = ':';
st[2*idx+2].lazyval = st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+2].mi = st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+2].ma = st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+2].sum = st[idx].lazyval * st[2*idx+2].len;
st[2*idx+2].lazytag = ':';
else {
st[2*idx+1].lazyval += st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+1].mi += st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+1].ma += st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+1].sum += st[idx].lazyval * st[2*idx+1].len;
st[2*idx+1].lazytag = (st[2*idx+1].lazytag == ':' ? ':' : '+');
st[2*idx+2].lazyval += st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+2].mi += st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+2].ma += st[idx].lazyval;
st[2*idx+2].sum += st[idx].lazyval * st[2*idx+2].len;
st[2*idx+2].lazytag = (st[2*idx+2].lazytag == ':' ? ':' : '+');
st[idx].lazytag = '?';
st[idx].lazyval = 0;
void push_up(int idx) {
st[idx].mi = min(st[2*idx+1].mi, st[2*idx+2].mi);
st[idx].ma = max(st[2*idx+1].ma, st[2*idx+2].ma);
st[idx].sum = st[2*idx+1].sum + st[2*idx+2].sum;
void u1(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // range := v
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
st[idx].lazyval = val;
st[idx].mi = val;
st[idx].ma = val;
st[idx].sum = val * st[idx].len;
st[idx].lazytag = ':';
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) u1(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) u1(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
else {
u1(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
u1(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
void u2(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // range += v
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
st[idx].lazyval += val;
st[idx].mi += val;
st[idx].ma += val;
st[idx].sum += val * st[idx].len;
st[idx].lazytag = (st[idx].lazytag == ':' ? ':' : '+');
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) u2(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) u2(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
else {
u2(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
u2(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
int qu1(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx) { // range min
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) return st[idx].mi;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu1(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu1(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1);
else {
return min(qu1(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1), qu1(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2));
int qu2(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx) { // range max
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) return st[idx].ma;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu2(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu2(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1);
else {
return max(qu2(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1), qu2(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2));
int qu3(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx) { // range sum
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) return st[idx].sum;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu3(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu3(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1);
else {
return qu3(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1) + qu3(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2);
int qu4(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // first at least v
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
if(st[idx].ma < val) return -1;
while(constl < constr) {
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(st[2*idx+1].ma >= val) constr = mid, idx = 2*idx + 1;
else constl = mid+1, idx = 2*idx + 2;
return constl;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu4(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu4(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
else {
int lchild = qu4(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
if(lchild != -1) return lchild;
return qu4(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
int qu5(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // first at most v
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
if(st[idx].mi > val) return -1;
while(constl < constr) {
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(st[2*idx+1].mi <= val) constr = mid, idx = 2*idx + 1;
else constl = mid+1, idx = 2*idx + 2;
return constl;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu5(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu5(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
else {
int lchild = qu5(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
if(lchild != -1) return lchild;
return qu5(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
int qu6(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // last at least v
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
if(st[idx].ma < val) return -1;
while(constl < constr) {
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(st[2*idx+2].ma >= val) constl = mid+1, idx = 2*idx + 2;
else constr = mid, idx = 2*idx + 1;
return constl;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu6(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu6(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
else {
int rchild = qu6(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
if(rchild != -1) return rchild;
return qu6(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
int qu7(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) { // last at most v
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
if(st[idx].mi > val) return -1;
while(constl < constr) {
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(st[2*idx+2].mi <= val) constl = mid+1, idx = 2*idx + 2;
else constr = mid, idx = 2*idx + 1;
return constl;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu7(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid + 1) return qu7(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
else {
int rchild = qu7(l, r, mid+1, constr, 2*idx+2, val);
if(rchild != -1) return rchild;
return qu7(l, r, constl, mid, 2*idx+1, val);
void resize(int k) {
st.resize(4*k + 10);
stok = k;
bu(0, k, 0);
void range_assign(int l, int r, int v) { u1(l, r, 0, stok, 0, v); }
void range_add(int l, int r, int v) { u2(l, r, 0, stok, 0, v); }
int query_min(int l, int r) { return qu1(l, r, 0, stok, 0); }
int query_max(int l, int r) { return qu2(l, r, 0, stok, 0); }
int query_sum(int l, int r) { return qu3(l, r, 0, stok, 0); }
int query_firstAtLeast(int l, int r, int v) { return qu4(l, r, 0, stok, 0, v); }
int query_firstAtMost(int l, int r, int v) { return qu5(l, r, 0, stok, 0, v); }
int query_lastAtLeast(int l, int r, int v) { return qu6(l, r, 0, stok, 0, v); }
int query_lastAtMost(int l, int r, int v) { return qu7(l, r, 0, stok, 0, v); }
pair<int, int> st[4*MAXN];
void push_down(int idx, int l, int r) {
int m = (l + r) >> 1;
st[(idx<<1)+1].first += st[idx].first;
st[(idx<<1)+1].second += st[idx].first * (m-l+1) * (l+m) / 2;
st[(idx<<1)+2].first += st[idx].first;
st[(idx<<1)+2].second += st[idx].first * (r-m) * (m+1+r) / 2;
st[idx].first = 0;
void push_up(int idx) {
st[idx].second = st[(idx<<1)+1].second + st[(idx<<1)+2].second;
void u(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx, int val) {
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) {
st[idx].first += val;
st[idx].second += val * (constr - constl + 1) * (constl + constr) / 2;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
push_down(idx, constl, constr);
if(mid < l || r < constl) u(l, r, mid+1, constr, (idx<<1)+2, val);
else if(constr < l || r < mid+1) u(l, r, constl, mid, (idx<<1)+1, val);
else {
u(l, r, constl, mid, (idx<<1)+1, val);
u(l, r, mid+1, constr, (idx<<1)+2, val);
int qu(int l, int r, int constl, int constr, int idx) {
if(l <= constl && constr <= r) return st[idx].second;
int mid = (constl + constr) >> 1;
push_down(idx, constl, constr);
if(mid < l || r < constl) return qu(l, r, mid+1, constr, (idx<<1)+2);
else if(constr < l || r < mid+1) return qu(l, r, constl, mid, (idx<<1)+1);
else {
return qu(l, r, constl, mid, (idx<<1)+1) + qu(l, r, mid+1, constr, (idx<<1)+2);
segtree_basic ps;
int n;
int weighted_sum(int l, int r) {
int bruh = qu(l, r, 0, 2*n, 0);
bruh *= -1;
bruh += ps.query_sum(l, r) * (r + 1);
return bruh;
void range_add(int l, int r, int v) {
u(l, r, 0, 2*n, 0, v);
void solve(int tc) {
int a[n+1];
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)cin>>a[i];
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)st.insert(a[i]);
int it=0;
for(int x:st)in[x]=++it;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)a[i]=in[a[i]];
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)b[a[i]].push_back(i);
int ans=0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
vector<pair<pair<int, int>, int> > v;
int s=-(b[i][0]-1);
v.push_back({{n+s, n}, 1});
for(int j=0;j<b[i].size();j++){
int c=(j+1==b[i].size()?n:b[i][j+1]-1)-b[i][j];
if(n+s-c-1>=0) ans+=ps.query_sum(0,n+s-c-1)*(c+1);
if(n+s-1 >= 0 && c>0) ans+=weighted_sum(max(0ll, n+s-c), n+s-1);
//for(int k=1; k<=c; k++) if(n+s-k>=0) ans+=ps.query_sum(n+s-k,n+s-k)*k;
range_add(n+s-c, n+s, 1);
v.push_back({{n+s-c, n+s}, 1});
for(auto x: v) range_add(x.first.first, x.first.second, -x.second);
int32_t main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
int t = 1; //cin >> t;
for(int i=1; i<=t; i++) solve(i);
// 勿忘初衷
Compilation message (stderr)
Main.cpp: In function 'void solve(long long int)':
Main.cpp:329:18: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'long long int' and 'std::vector<long long int>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
329 | for(int j=0;j<b[i].size();j++){
| ~^~~~~~~~~~~~
Main.cpp:330:17: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'long long int' and 'std::vector<long long int>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
330 | int c=(j+1==b[i].size()?n:b[i][j+1]-1)-b[i][j];
| ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |