Submission #749031

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
749031 2023-05-27T09:19:51 Z model_code Alice, Bob, and Circuit (APIO23_abc) C++17
100 / 100
5476 ms 1443052 KB
#include "abc.h"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

const int OP_ZERO    = 0;  // f(OP_ZERO,    x0, x1) = 0
const int OP_NOR     = 1;  // f(OP_NOR,     x0, x1) = !(x0 || x1)
const int OP_GREATER = 2;  // f(OP_GREATER, x0, x1) = (x0 > x1)
const int OP_NOT_X1  = 3;  // f(OP_NOT_X1,  x0, x1) = !x1
const int OP_LESS    = 4;  // f(OP_LESS,    x0, x1) = (x0 < x1)
const int OP_NOT_X0  = 5;  // f(OP_NOT_X0,  x0, x1) = !x0
const int OP_XOR     = 6;  // f(OP_XOR,     x0, x1) = (x0 ^ x1)
const int OP_NAND    = 7;  // f(OP_NAND,    x0, x1) = !(x0 && x1)
const int OP_AND     = 8;  // f(OP_AND,     x0, x1) = (x0 && x1)
const int OP_EQUAL   = 9;  // f(OP_EQUAL,   x0, x1) = (x0 == x1)
const int OP_X0      = 10; // f(OP_X0,      x0, x1) = x0
const int OP_GEQ     = 11; // f(OP_GEQ,     x0, x1) = (x0 >= x1)
const int OP_X1      = 12; // f(OP_X1,      x0, x1) = x1
const int OP_LEQ     = 13; // f(OP_LEQ,     x0, x1) = (x0 <= x1)
const int OP_OR      = 14; // f(OP_OR,      x0, x1) = (x0 || x1)
const int OP_ONE     = 15; // f(OP_ONE,     x0, x1) = 1

static int l, la, lb;
static int* operations;
static int (*operands)[2];
static int (*outputs)[16];

int makeGate(int op, int x0, int x1) {
    operations[l] = op;
    operands[l][0] = x0;
    operands[l][1] = x1;
    return l++;

struct Gate;
using GatePtr = shared_ptr<Gate>;

struct Gate {
    int id;
    Gate() : id(-1) { }
    virtual ~Gate() { }
    virtual int materialize() = 0;

struct InputGate : Gate {
    int from, index;
    InputGate(int from, int index) : from(from), index(index) { }
    int materialize() override {
        if (id != -1)
            return id;
        return id = from * la + index;

struct ComputeGate : Gate {
    GatePtr inputs[2];
    int op;
    ComputeGate(const GatePtr& a, const GatePtr& b, int op) : op(op) {
        inputs[0] = a;
        inputs[1] = b;
    int materialize() override {
        if (id != -1)
            return id;
        return id = makeGate(op, inputs[0]->materialize(), inputs[1]->materialize());

struct NotGate : Gate {
    GatePtr input;
    NotGate(const GatePtr& input) : input(input) { }
    int materialize() override {
        if (id != -1)
            return id;
        return id = makeGate(OP_NOT_X0, input->materialize(), 0);

struct ConstGate : Gate {
    bool value;
    ConstGate(bool value) : value(value) { }
    int materialize() override {
        if (id != -1)
            return id;
        return id = makeGate(value * OP_ONE, 0, 0);

struct UndefinedGate : Gate {
    int materialize() override {
        if (id != -1)
            return id;
        return id = makeGate(OP_ZERO, 0, 0);

static int dual(int op) {
    return op & 9 | (op & 2) << 1 | (op & 4) >> 1;

static GatePtr undefinedGate() {
    static GatePtr undefined = make_shared<UndefinedGate>();
    return undefined;

static GatePtr constGate(bool value) {
    static GatePtr consts[2] = { make_shared<ConstGate>(false), make_shared<ConstGate>(true) };
    return consts[value];

static GatePtr notGate(const GatePtr& input) {
    if (auto c = dynamic_cast<ConstGate*>(input.get()))
        return constGate(!c->value);
    if (auto u = dynamic_cast<UndefinedGate*>(input.get()))
        return undefinedGate();
    if (auto n = dynamic_cast<NotGate*>(input.get()))
        return n->input;
    return make_shared<NotGate>(input);

static map<tuple<GatePtr, GatePtr, int>, GatePtr> computeGateCache;
static GatePtr computeGate(const GatePtr& a, const GatePtr& b, int op) {
    /*if (op == OP_ZERO || op == OP_ONE)
        return constGate(op == OP_ONE);
    if (op == OP_X0)
        return a;
    if (op == OP_X1)
        return b;
    if (op == OP_NOT_X0)
        return notGate(a);
    if (op == OP_NOT_X1)
        return notGate(b);
    if (NotGate* na = dynamic_cast<NotGate*>(a.get()))
        return computeGate(b, a, dual(op));
    if (NotGate* nb = dynamic_cast<NotGate*>(b.get()))
        return computeGate(a, nb->input, op >> 2 | (op & 3) << 2);

    UndefinedGate* ua = dynamic_cast<UndefinedGate*>(a.get()), *ub = dynamic_cast<UndefinedGate*>(b.get());
    if (ua && ub)
        return undefinedGate();
    if (ua)
        return computeGate(b, a, dual(op));
    if (ub) {
        int cnt = __builtin_popcount(op);
        if (cnt >= 3)
            return constGate(1);
        if (cnt <= 1)
            return constGate(0);
        return a;

    ConstGate* ca = dynamic_cast<ConstGate*>(a.get()), *cb = dynamic_cast<ConstGate*>(b.get());
    if (ca && cb)
        return constGate(op >> (ca->value | cb->value << 1) & 1);
    if (ca)
        return computeGate(b, a, dual(op));
    if (cb) {
        int x = op >> (cb->value << 1) & 3;
        if (x == 1)
            return notGate(a);
        if (x == 2)
            return a;
        return constGate(x == 3);

    /*auto& result = computeGateCache[make_tuple(a, b, op)];
    if (result)
        return result;
    result = make_shared<ComputeGate>(a, b, op);
    return result;*/
    return make_shared<ComputeGate>(a, b, op);

static GatePtr inputGate(int from, int index) {
    return make_shared<InputGate>(from, index);

struct Bit {
    GatePtr gate;
    Bit() : gate(undefinedGate()) { }
    explicit Bit(bool value) : gate(constGate(value)) { }
    Bit(const GatePtr& gate) : gate(gate) { }
static Bit operator&(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_AND);
static Bit operator|(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_OR);
static Bit operator^(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_XOR);
static Bit& operator^=(Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    a = a ^ b;
    return a;
static Bit operator~(const Bit& a) {
    return notGate(a.gate);
static Bit operator==(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_EQUAL);
static Bit operator!=(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_XOR);
static Bit operator>=(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_GEQ);
static Bit operator<=(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_LEQ);
static Bit operator>(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_GREATER);
static Bit operator<(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
    return computeGate(a.gate, b.gate, OP_LESS);

struct Integer : vector<Bit> {
    using vector<Bit>::vector;
static Integer operator&(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        result.push_back(a[i] & b[i]);
    return result;
static Integer operator|(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        result.push_back(a[i] | b[i]);
    return result;
static Integer operator^(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        result.push_back(a[i] ^ b[i]);
    return result;
static Integer operator~(const Integer& a) {
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
    return result;
static Integer operator+(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    Integer result;
    Bit carry(false);
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
        Bit x = a[i] ^ b[i];
        result.push_back(x ^ carry);
        carry = (a[i] & b[i]) | (x & carry);
    return result;
static Integer& operator+=(Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    return a = a + b;
static Bit operator==(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    Bit result(true);
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        result = result & (a[i] == b[i]);
    return result;
static Bit operator!=(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    return ~(a == b);
static Bit operator<(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    Bit result(false);
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        result = (a[i] < b[i]) | ((a[i] == b[i]) & result);
    return result;
static Bit operator>(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    return b < a;
static Bit operator<=(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    return ~(a > b);
static Bit operator>=(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    return ~(a < b);
static Bit inputBit(int from, int index) {
    return Bit(inputGate(from, index));
static Integer inputInteger(int from, int index, int size) {
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        result.push_back(inputBit(from, index + i));
    return result;
static Integer zeroInteger(int size) {
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    return result;
static Integer undefinedInteger(int size) {
    Integer result;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
    return result;
static int materialize(const Bit& bit) {
    return bit.gate->materialize();
static vector<int> materialize(const Integer& integer) {
    vector<int> result;
    for (int i = 0; i < integer.size(); i++)
    return result;
static void condSwap(const Bit& cond, Bit& a, Bit& b) {
    Bit x = a ^ b;
    a ^= (x & cond);
    b ^= (x & cond);
static void condSwap(const Bit& cond, Integer& a, Integer& b) {
    assert(a.size() == b.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
        condSwap(cond, a[i], b[i]);
static void condAssign(const Bit& cond, Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
    Integer bb = b;
    condSwap(cond, a, bb);

struct Element {
    Integer src;    // 19b
    Integer dst;    // 19b
    Integer weight; // 16b
    Bit isEdge;
    // 19+19+16+1=55b
static void condSwap(const Bit& cond, Element& a, Element& b) {
    condSwap(cond, a.src, b.src);
    condSwap(cond, a.dst, b.dst);
    condSwap(cond, a.weight, b.weight);
    condSwap(cond, a.isEdge, b.isEdge);

static int charsToInt(const char c[5]) {
    int result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (!c[i])
        result = result * 26 + (c[i] - 'a') + 1;
    return result;

static vector<bool> switchGenerateInv(vector<int> a) {
    // permute `a` to [0, 1, ..., n - 1]
    int n = a.size();
    // cout << "switchGenerateInv " << n << endl;
    if (n <= 1)
        return vector<bool>();
    vector<bool> upHold((n + 1) / 2), downHold((n + 1) / 2);
    if (n % 2) {
        // upHold[n / 2 * 2] = true;
        downHold[a[n - 1] >= n / 2 ? a[n - 1] - n / 2 : a[n - 1]] = true;
    vector<bool> trace(n / 2), sure(n / 2);

    int cnt = n / 2;
    while (cnt > 0) {
        // cout << cnt << endl;
        bool ok = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
            if (!sure[i]) {
                int col = a[i] >= n / 2 ? a[i] - n / 2 : a[i];
                int ncol = a[i + n / 2] >= n / 2 ? a[i + n / 2] - n / 2 : a[i + n / 2];
                if (upHold[col] || downHold[ncol]) {
                    downHold[col] = 1;
                    upHold[ncol] = 1;
                    trace[i] = 1;
                    swap(a[i], a[i + n / 2]);
                    sure[i] = 1;
                    ok = true;
                else if (downHold[col] || upHold[ncol]) {
                    upHold[col] = 1;
                    downHold[ncol] = 1;
                    trace[i] = 0;
                    sure[i] = 1;
                    ok = true;
        if (ok)
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
            if (!sure[i]) {
                int col = a[i] >= n / 2 ? a[i] - n / 2 : a[i];
                int ncol = a[i + n / 2] >= n / 2 ? a[i + n / 2] - n / 2 : a[i + n / 2];
                upHold[col] = 1;
                downHold[ncol] = 1;
                trace[i] = 0;
                sure[i] = 1;
    // cout << cnt << endl;

    vector<int> a1(a.begin(), a.begin() + n / 2);
    vector<int> a2(a.begin() + n / 2, a.end());
    transform(a1.begin(), a1.end(), a1.begin(), [&](int x) { return x >= n / 2 ? x - n / 2 : x; });
    transform(a2.begin(), a2.end(), a2.begin(), [&](int x) { return x >= n / 2 ? x - n / 2 : x; });
    auto trace1 = switchGenerateInv(a1);
    auto trace2 = switchGenerateInv(a2);
    trace.insert(trace.end(), trace1.begin(), trace1.end());
    trace.insert(trace.end(), trace2.begin(), trace2.end());
    vector<bool> trace3(n / 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
        if (a[i] >= n / 2)
            trace3[a[i] - n / 2] = 1;
    trace.insert(trace.end(), trace3.begin(), trace3.end());
    return trace;

static vector<bool> switchGenerate(const vector<int>& a) {
    // permute [0, 1, ..., n - 1] to `a`
    int n = a.size();
    vector<int> invA(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        invA[a[i]] = i;
    return switchGenerateInv(invA);

// Alice
int // returns la
    /*  in */ const int n,
    /*  in */ const char names[][5],
    /*  in */ const unsigned short numbers[],
    /* out */ bool outputs[]
) {
    int l = 0;
    auto addBit = [&](bool bit) {
        outputs[l++] = bit;
    auto addInteger = [&](int integer, int size) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            addBit(integer >> i & 1);

    vector<tuple<int, unsigned short, int>> v;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        v.push_back(make_tuple(charsToInt(names[i]), numbers[i], i));
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        addInteger(get<0>(v[i]), 19);
        addInteger(get<0>(v[i]), 19);
        addInteger(get<1>(v[i]), 16);

    vector<int> p;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    // for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    //     cout << p[i] << " ";
    // cout << endl;
    auto trace = switchGenerateInv(p);
    for (bool bit : trace)

    return l;

// Bob
int // returns lb
    /*  in */ const int m,
    /*  in */ const char senders[][5],
    /*  in */ const char recipients[][5],
    /* out */ bool outputs[]
) {
    int l = 0;
    auto addBit = [&](bool bit) {
        outputs[l++] = bit;
    auto addInteger = [&](int integer, int size) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            addBit(integer >> i & 1);

    vector<pair<int, int>> v;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        v.push_back(make_pair(charsToInt(senders[i]), charsToInt(recipients[i])));
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());

    vector<tuple<int, int, int>> w;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        w.emplace_back(v[i].first, v[i].second, i);
    sort(w.begin(), w.end(), [](const tuple<int, int, int>& a, const tuple<int, int, int>& b) {
        return get<1>(a) < get<1>(b);
    vector<int> p;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    vector<bool> trace = switchGenerate(p);

    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        addInteger(v[i].first, 19);
        addInteger(v[i].second, 19);
        addInteger(0, 16);

    for (bool bit : trace)
    return l;

template <typename F>
static void buildMergeNetworkImpl(const F& yield, int i, int x, int j, int k, int r) {
    int step = r * 2, m = x - i, n = k - j;
    if (m <= 0 || n <= 0)
    if (m <= r && n <= r) {
        yield(i, j);
    buildMergeNetworkImpl(yield, i, x, j, k, step);
    buildMergeNetworkImpl(yield, i + r, x, j + r, k, step);
    for (i += r, x -= r; i < x; i += step)
        yield(i, i + r);
    if (i < x + r) {
        yield(i, j);
        j += r;
    for (k -= r; j < k; j += step)
        yield(j, j + r);

template <typename F>
static void buildMergeNetworkImpl(const F& yield, int l, int m, int r) {
    auto myYield = [&](int x, int y) {
        if (x >= l && x < r && y >= l && y < r)
            yield(x, y);
    buildMergeNetworkImpl(myYield, l, m, m, r, 1);

static vector<pair<int, int>> buildMergeNetwork(int n1, int n2) {
    int mx = max(n1, n2), n = n1 + n2;
    vector<pair<int, int>> ret;
    buildMergeNetworkImpl([&](int x, int y) {
        if (x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n)
            ret.emplace_back(x, y);
    }, n1 - mx, n1, n1 + mx);
    return ret;

template <typename Less>
static void sortElements(vector<Element>& elements, Less less) {
    // TODO: optimize
    for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < elements.size(); j++)
            condSwap(less(elements[j], elements[i]), elements[i], elements[j]);

template <typename Less>
static vector<tuple<int, int, Bit>> mergeElements(vector<Element>& elements, int mid, Less less) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> network = buildMergeNetwork(mid, elements.size() - mid);
    vector<tuple<int, int, Bit>> ret;
    for (auto& p : network) {
        Bit cond = less(elements[p.second], elements[p.first]);
        condSwap(cond, elements[p.first], elements[p.second]);
        ret.emplace_back(p.first, p.second, cond);
    return ret;

static void undoMergeElements(vector<Element>& elements, const vector<tuple<int, int, Bit>>& operations) {
    for (int i = operations.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int x, y;
        Bit cond;
        tie(x, y, cond) = operations[i];
        condSwap(cond, elements[x], elements[y]);

template <typename F>
static void buildSwitchNetworkImpl(const F& yield, int l, int r) {
    if (r - l <= 1)
    int m = (l + r) / 2;
    auto preOrPost = [&]() {
        for (int i = l, j = m; i < m; i++, j++)
            yield(i, j);
    buildSwitchNetworkImpl(yield, l, m);
    buildSwitchNetworkImpl(yield, m, r);

static vector<pair<int, int>> buildSwitchNetwork(int n) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> ret;
    buildSwitchNetworkImpl([&](int x, int y) {
        if (x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n)
            ret.emplace_back(x, y);
    }, 0, n);
    return ret;

static void permuteElements(vector<Element>& elements, const vector<Bit>& trace) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> network = buildSwitchNetwork(elements.size());
    assert(network.size() == trace.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < network.size(); i++)
        condSwap(trace[i], elements[network[i].first], elements[network[i].second]);

static void undoPermuteElements(vector<Element>& elements, const vector<Bit>& trace) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> network = buildSwitchNetwork(elements.size());
    assert(network.size() == trace.size());
    for (int i = network.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        condSwap(trace[i], elements[network[i].first], elements[network[i].second]);

// Circuit
int // returns l
    /*  in */ const int la,
    /*  in */ const int lb,
    /* out */ int operations[],
    /* out */ int operands[][2],
    /* out */ int outputs[][16]
) {
    ::l = la + lb;
    ::la = la;
    ::lb = lb;
    ::operations = operations;
    ::operands = operands;
    ::outputs = outputs;

    // cout << la << ' ' << lb << endl;
    int n = 0;
    while (n * 55 + buildSwitchNetwork(n).size() < la)
    int m = 0;
    while (m * 55 + buildSwitchNetwork(m).size() < lb)
    // cout << n << ' ' << m << endl;
    assert(m * 55 + buildSwitchNetwork(m).size() == lb);
    int nm = n + m;
    vector<Element> elements;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Element element;
        element.src = inputInteger(0, i * 55, 19);
        element.dst = inputInteger(0, i * 55 + 19, 19);
        element.weight = inputInteger(0, i * 55 + 38, 16);
        element.isEdge = inputBit(0, i * 55 + 54);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        Element element;
        element.src = inputInteger(1, i * 55, 19);
        element.dst = inputInteger(1, i * 55 + 19, 19);
        element.weight = inputInteger(1, i * 55 + 38, 16);
        element.isEdge = inputBit(1, i * 55 + 54);
    vector<Bit> perm;
    for (int i = 0; i < lb - m * 55; i++)
        perm.push_back(inputBit(1, m * 55 + i));
    vector<Bit> permA;
    for (int i = 0; i < la - n * 55; i++)
        permA.push_back(inputBit(0, n * 55 + i));

    auto trace = mergeElements(elements, n, [](const Element& a, const Element& b) {
        return (a.src < b.src) | ((a.src == b.src) & (a.isEdge < b.isEdge));
    Integer w = undefinedInteger(16);
    for (int i = 0; i < nm; i++) {
        condAssign(~elements[i].isEdge, w, elements[i].weight);
        condAssign(elements[i].isEdge, elements[i].weight, w);
    undoMergeElements(elements, trace);

    vector<Element> tmp;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        tmp.push_back(elements[n + i]);
    permuteElements(tmp, perm);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
        elements[n + i] = tmp[i];
    trace = mergeElements(elements, n, [](const Element& a, const Element& b) {
        return (a.dst < b.dst) | ((a.dst == b.dst) & (a.isEdge > b.isEdge));
    Integer zero = zeroInteger(16), sum = zero;
    for (int i = 0; i < nm; i++) {
        condAssign(elements[i].isEdge, sum, sum + elements[i].weight);
        condAssign(~elements[i].isEdge, elements[i].weight, sum);
        condAssign(~elements[i].isEdge, sum, zero);
    undoMergeElements(elements, trace);

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    permuteElements(tmp, permA);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        elements[i] = tmp[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        vector<int> w = materialize(elements[i].weight);
        memcpy(outputs[i],, w.size() * sizeof(int));

    return ::l;

Compilation message

abc.cpp: In function 'int dual(int)':
abc.cpp:97:15: warning: suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of '|' [-Wparentheses]
   97 |     return op & 9 | (op & 2) << 1 | (op & 4) >> 1;
      |            ~~~^~~
abc.cpp: In function 'GatePtr notGate(const GatePtr&)':
abc.cpp:113:14: warning: unused variable 'u' [-Wunused-variable]
  113 |     if (auto u = dynamic_cast<UndefinedGate*>(input.get()))
      |              ^
abc.cpp: In function 'Integer operator&(const Integer&, const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:225:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  225 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'Integer operator|(const Integer&, const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:232:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  232 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'Integer operator^(const Integer&, const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:239:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  239 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'Integer operator~(const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:245:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  245 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'Integer operator+(const Integer&, const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:253:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  253 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'Bit operator==(const Integer&, const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:266:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  266 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'Bit operator<(const Integer&, const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:276:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  276 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'std::vector<int> materialize(const Integer&)':
abc.cpp:315:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  315 |     for (int i = 0; i < integer.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'void condSwap(const Bit&, Integer&, Integer&)':
abc.cpp:326:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<Bit>::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  326 |     for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'void permuteElements(std::vector<Element>&, const std::vector<Bit>&)':
abc.cpp:625:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  625 |     for (int i = 0; i < network.size(); i++)
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp: In function 'int circuit(int, int, int*, int (*)[2], int (*)[16])':
abc.cpp:655:50: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} and 'const int' [-Wsign-compare]
  655 |     while (n * 55 + buildSwitchNetwork(n).size() < la)
      |            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~
abc.cpp:658:50: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} and 'const int' [-Wsign-compare]
  658 |     while (m * 55 + buildSwitchNetwork(m).size() < lb)
      |            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~
In file included from /usr/include/c++/10/cassert:44,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10/bits/stdc++.h:33,
                 from abc.cpp:2:
abc.cpp:661:50: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::size_type' {aka 'long unsigned int'} and 'const int' [-Wsign-compare]
  661 |     assert(m * 55 + buildSwitchNetwork(m).size() == lb);
      |            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
abc.cpp: At global scope:
abc.cpp:629:13: warning: 'void undoPermuteElements(std::vector<Element>&, const std::vector<Bit>&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  629 | static void undoPermuteElements(vector<Element>& elements, const vector<Bit>& trace) {
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:286:12: warning: 'Bit operator>=(const Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  286 | static Bit operator>=(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:283:12: warning: 'Bit operator<=(const Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  283 | static Bit operator<=(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:270:12: warning: 'Bit operator!=(const Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  270 | static Bit operator!=(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:260:17: warning: 'Integer& operator+=(Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  260 | static Integer& operator+=(Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |                 ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:243:16: warning: 'Integer operator~(const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  243 | static Integer operator~(const Integer& a) {
      |                ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:236:16: warning: 'Integer operator^(const Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  236 | static Integer operator^(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |                ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:229:16: warning: 'Integer operator|(const Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  229 | static Integer operator|(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |                ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:222:16: warning: 'Integer operator&(const Integer&, const Integer&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  222 | static Integer operator&(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) {
      |                ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:209:12: warning: 'Bit operator<=(const Bit&, const Bit&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  209 | static Bit operator<=(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:206:12: warning: 'Bit operator>=(const Bit&, const Bit&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  206 | static Bit operator>=(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:203:12: warning: 'Bit operator!=(const Bit&, const Bit&)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
  203 | static Bit operator!=(const Bit& a, const Bit& b) {
      |            ^~~~~~~~
abc.cpp:96:12: warning: 'int dual(int)' defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
   96 | static int dual(int op) {
      |            ^~~~
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 3 ms 1080 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 3 ms 1080 KB Correct!
2 Correct 3 ms 1164 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 3 ms 1080 KB Correct!
2 Correct 3 ms 1164 KB Correct!
3 Correct 2596 ms 745844 KB Correct!
4 Correct 2547 ms 747704 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 45 ms 16936 KB Correct!
2 Correct 1230 ms 373292 KB Correct!
3 Correct 1825 ms 509164 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 45 ms 16936 KB Correct!
2 Correct 1230 ms 373292 KB Correct!
3 Correct 1825 ms 509164 KB Correct!
4 Correct 1230 ms 373736 KB Correct!
5 Correct 1789 ms 508136 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 45 ms 16936 KB Correct!
2 Correct 1230 ms 373292 KB Correct!
3 Correct 1825 ms 509164 KB Correct!
4 Correct 1230 ms 373736 KB Correct!
5 Correct 1789 ms 508136 KB Correct!
6 Correct 1052 ms 318980 KB Correct!
7 Correct 2703 ms 701208 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 5070 ms 1416296 KB Correct!
2 Correct 5476 ms 1420020 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 5070 ms 1416296 KB Correct!
2 Correct 5476 ms 1420020 KB Correct!
3 Correct 4564 ms 1310596 KB Correct!
4 Correct 4799 ms 1419036 KB Correct!
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 3 ms 1080 KB Correct!
2 Correct 3 ms 1164 KB Correct!
3 Correct 2596 ms 745844 KB Correct!
4 Correct 2547 ms 747704 KB Correct!
5 Correct 45 ms 16936 KB Correct!
6 Correct 1230 ms 373292 KB Correct!
7 Correct 1825 ms 509164 KB Correct!
8 Correct 1230 ms 373736 KB Correct!
9 Correct 1789 ms 508136 KB Correct!
10 Correct 1052 ms 318980 KB Correct!
11 Correct 2703 ms 701208 KB Correct!
12 Correct 5070 ms 1416296 KB Correct!
13 Correct 5476 ms 1420020 KB Correct!
14 Correct 4564 ms 1310596 KB Correct!
15 Correct 4799 ms 1419036 KB Correct!
16 Correct 5178 ms 1441112 KB Correct!
17 Correct 5122 ms 1443052 KB Correct!