# | 제출 시각 | 아이디 | 문제 | 언어 | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 |
710945 | 2023-03-16T06:03:23 Z | willychan | Skandi (COCI20_skandi) | C++14 | 373 ms | 23964 KB |
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; //#include<bits/extc++.h> //__gnu_pbds struct DINIC{ struct edge{ int to; ll cap; int rev; }; vector<vector<edge> > side; vector<int> level; vector<int> next; int n; void init(int s){ n = s; side.resize(n); level.resize(n,0); next.resize(n,0); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) side[i].clear(); } void add_edge(int a,int b,ll c){ side[a].push_back({b,c,(int)(side[b].size())}); side[b].push_back({a,0,(int)(side[a].size()-1)}); } bool bfs(int s,int t){ fill(level.begin(),level.end(),-1); queue<int> q; level[s]=0; q.push(s); while(q.size()){ int cur = q.front(); q.pop(); for(auto e : side[cur]){ if(e.cap<=0) continue; if(level[e.to]<0){ level[e.to] = level[cur]+1; q.push(e.to); } } } return (level[t]!=-1); } ll dfs(int v,int t,ll flow){ if(v==t) return flow; for(;next[v]<side[v].size();next[v]++){ auto& e = side[v][next[v]]; if(e.cap<=0 || level[v]+1!=level[e.to]) continue; ll ans = dfs(e.to,t,min(flow,e.cap)); if(ans>0){ e.cap-=ans; side[e.to][e.rev].cap+=ans; return ans; } } return 0; } ll flow(int s,int t){ ll ans= 0; while(bfs(s,t)){ fill(next.begin(),next.end(),0); ll f = 0; while((f=dfs(s,t,1e18))>0){ ans+=f; } } return ans; } } G; pair<int,int> edge[500][500]; int hoz,ver; bool arr[500][500]; int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0); int n,m;cin>>n>>m; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ string s;cin>>s; for(int j=0;j<m;j++) arr[i][j]= (s[j]=='1'); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=0;j<m;j++){ if(arr[i][j]==0) continue; int k = i+1; while(k<n && arr[k][j]==0){ if(k==i+1) ++ver; edge[k][j].first = ver; k++; } k = j+1; while(k<m && arr[i][k]==0){ if(k==j+1) ++hoz; edge[i][k].second = hoz; k++; } } } G.init(hoz+ver+2); for(int i=1;i<=ver;i++){ G.add_edge(0,i,1); } for(int i=ver+1;i<=hoz+ver;i++){ G.add_edge(i,hoz+ver+1,1); } for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=0;j<m;j++){ if(arr[i][j]) continue; G.add_edge(edge[i][j].first,edge[i][j].second+ver,1); } } int ans = G.flow(0,hoz+ver+1); cout<<ans<<"\n"; return 0; }
Compilation message
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
2 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
3 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
4 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
5 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
6 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
7 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
8 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
9 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
10 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
11 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
12 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
13 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
14 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
15 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
16 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
17 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
18 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
19 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
20 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
21 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 212 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
22 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
23 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 328 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1108 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
2 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1108 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
3 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1748 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
4 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 980 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
5 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 1108 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
6 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 716 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
7 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 724 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
8 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1236 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
9 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
10 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2772 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
11 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
12 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
13 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2892 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
14 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
15 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
16 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2892 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
17 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
18 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
19 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
20 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
21 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
22 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
23 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
24 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
25 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
26 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2772 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
2 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
3 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
4 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
5 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
6 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
7 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
8 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
9 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
10 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
11 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
12 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
13 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
14 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
15 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
16 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
17 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
18 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
19 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
20 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
21 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 212 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
22 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 340 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
23 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 328 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
24 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1108 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
25 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1108 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
26 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1748 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
27 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 980 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
28 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 1108 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
29 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 716 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
30 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 724 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
31 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1236 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
32 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
33 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2772 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
34 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
35 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
36 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2892 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
37 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
38 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
39 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2892 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
40 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
41 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
42 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
43 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
44 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
45 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
46 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
47 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2896 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
48 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2900 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
49 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2772 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
50 | Partially correct | 81 ms | 17708 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
51 | Partially correct | 373 ms | 17920 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
52 | Partially correct | 173 ms | 22772 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
53 | Partially correct | 76 ms | 17644 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
54 | Partially correct | 152 ms | 19792 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
55 | Partially correct | 110 ms | 21004 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
56 | Partially correct | 76 ms | 18404 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
57 | Partially correct | 82 ms | 18048 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
58 | Partially correct | 246 ms | 17936 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
59 | Partially correct | 99 ms | 17792 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
60 | Partially correct | 102 ms | 19456 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
61 | Partially correct | 195 ms | 20164 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
62 | Partially correct | 102 ms | 19732 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
63 | Partially correct | 103 ms | 19700 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
64 | Partially correct | 21 ms | 15476 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
65 | Partially correct | 91 ms | 19392 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
66 | Partially correct | 186 ms | 21152 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
67 | Partially correct | 246 ms | 23356 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
68 | Partially correct | 131 ms | 21760 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
69 | Partially correct | 115 ms | 19200 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
70 | Partially correct | 124 ms | 19280 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
71 | Partially correct | 190 ms | 23964 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
72 | Partially correct | 80 ms | 19680 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
73 | Partially correct | 168 ms | 23536 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
74 | Partially correct | 207 ms | 23956 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
75 | Partially correct | 171 ms | 22980 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |