Submission #690651

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
690651browntoadBulldozer (JOI17_bulldozer)C++14
100 / 100
1453 ms132236 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #pragma GCC optimize ("Ofast", "unroll-loops") using namespace std; #define ll long long #define int ll #define FOR(i,a,b) for (int i = (a); i<(b); i++) #define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,n) #define REP1(i,n) FOR(i,1,n+1) #define RREP(i,n) for (int i=(n)-1; i>=0; i--) #define f first #define s second #define pb push_back #define ALL(x) x.begin(),x.end() #define SZ(x) (int)(x.size()) #define SQ(x) (x)*(x) #define pii pair<int, int> #define pdd pair<double ,double> #define pcc pair<char, char> #define endl '\n' //#define TOAD #ifdef TOAD #define bug(x) cerr<<__LINE__<<": "<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl #define IOS() #else #define bug(...) #define IOS() ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0) #endif const ll inf = 1ll<<60; const int iinf=2147483647; const ll mod = 1e9+7; const ll maxn=2005; const double PI=acos(-1); ll pw(ll x, ll p, ll m=mod){ ll ret=1; while (p>0){ if (p&1){ ret*=x; ret%=m; } x*=x; x%=m; p>>=1; } return ret; } ll inv(ll a, ll m=mod){ return pw(a,m-2); } //======================================================================================= struct Point{ int x, y, w; Point operator -(Point b){ return {x-b.x, y-b.y}; } }; struct Seg{ Point a, b; int ida, idb; }; struct Node{ int v, pf, sf, sm; }; bool operator ==(Point a, Point b){ if (a.x==b.x && a.y==b.y) return 1; return 0; } bool operator <(Point a, Point b){ if (a.y == b.y) return a.x<b.x; return a.y<b.y; } int cross(Point a, Point b){ return a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; } vector<int> pos(maxn); vector<Node> seg(4*maxn); vector<Point> vc; vector<Seg> segs; int compslop(Seg A, Seg B){ Point ta=A.b-A.a, tb=B.b-B.a; if (cross(ta, tb)==0) return 0; else if (cross(ta, tb)<0) return -1; else return 1; } bool shareline(Seg A, Seg B){ int tmp2 = cross(A.b-A.a, B.a-A.a), tmp3 = cross(A.b-A.a, B.b-A.a); if (tmp2 == 0 && tmp3 == 0) return 1; return 0; } bool cmp(Seg A, Seg B){ int tmp=compslop(A, B); if (tmp == 0){ if (shareline(A, B)){ // on the same line if (A.a == B.a) return A.b<B.b; else return A.a<B.a; } else{ // doesn't matter how its ordered except for x-axis return A.a<B.a; } } else return (tmp+1)/2; // 1 means its smaller, -1 means its bigger } int n, fans = 0; // seg treeeee void pull(int x){ seg[x].pf = max(seg[x+x].pf, seg[x+x].sm+seg[x+x+1].pf); seg[x].sf = max(seg[x+x+1].sf, seg[x+x].sf+seg[x+x+1].sm); seg[x].sm = seg[x+x].sm+seg[x+x+1].sm; seg[x].v = max({seg[x+x].v, seg[x+x+1].v, seg[x+x].sf+seg[x+x+1].pf}); } void build(int l, int r, int x){ // use vc's order if (l==r){ seg[x].v = seg[x].pf = seg[x].sf = max(0ll, vc[l].w); seg[x].sm = vc[l].w; return; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; build(l, mid, x+x); build(mid+1, r, x+x+1); pull(x); } void modify(int l, int r, int pos, int val, int x){ if (l==r){ seg[x].v = seg[x].pf = seg[x].sf = max(0ll, val); seg[x].sm = val; return; } int mid = (l+r)>>1; if (l<=pos && pos<=mid){ modify(l, mid, pos, val, x+x); } else modify(mid+1, r, pos, val, x+x+1); pull(x); } void swapp(int a, int b){ // index a and b modify(1, n, pos[b], vc[a].w, 1); modify(1, n, pos[a], vc[b].w, 1); swap(pos[a], pos[b]); } void check(){ fans = max(fans, seg[1].v); } signed main (){ // IOS(); cin>>n; vc.resize(n+1); vc[0].x=-inf; vc[0].y=-inf; REP1(i, n){ cin>>vc[i].x>>vc[i].y>>vc[i].w; } sort(ALL(vc)); REP1(i, n){ pos[i]=i; // rank of point indexed as i is pos[i] } REP1(i, n){ FOR(j, i+1, n+1){ segs.pb({vc[i], vc[j], i, j}); } } sort(ALL(segs), cmp); /*REP(i, SZ(segs)){ // cout<<segs[i].ida<<' '<<segs[i].idb<<endl; // cout<<segs[i].a.x<<' '<<segs[i].a.y<<" con "<<segs[i].b.x<<' '<<segs[i].b.y<<endl; } */ build(1, n, 1); fans = seg[1].v; REP(i, SZ(segs)){ swapp(segs[i].ida, segs[i].idb); if (i==SZ(segs)-1 || compslop(segs[i], segs[i+1])!=0) { check(); } } cout<<fans<<endl; } /* 1:15 */
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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