Submission #688636

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
688636 2023-01-27T21:53:20 Z asdf1234coding Monkey and Apple-trees (IZhO12_apple) C++14
0 / 100
12 ms 10024 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define int long long
using namespace std;

struct Node {
	int ans, lazy, tl, tr, l, r; //lzset
	Node() : ans(0), lazy(0), l(-1), r(-1) {}

#define MAXN 100009
Node st[MAXN];
int cnt = 2; //scuffed coord compression

void push_lazy(int node) {
	if (st[node].lazy !=0) { //there is shit to lazy set
		st[node].ans = st[node].tr - st[node].tl + 1; // amount set in this interval isj ust size of interval
		int mid = (st[node].tl + st[node].tr) / 2;
		if (st[node].l == -1) { // if no left child, create one (yay)
			st[node].l = cnt++; //create left child
			st[st[node].l].tl = st[node].tl; //left child "border" is same as cur node's border
			st[st[node].l].tr = mid;
		if (st[node].r == -1) { //same shit for right child
			st[node].r = cnt++; //create right child
			st[st[node].r].tl = mid + 1;
			st[st[node].r].tr = st[node].tr;
		st[st[node].l].lazy = st[st[node].r].lazy = 1; //lzset both children
		st[node].lazy = 0;

void update(int node, int l, int r) {
	push_lazy(node); //update/create children
	if (l == st[node].tl && r == st[node].tr) { //if we're fully in a node
		st[node].lazy = 1; //set lzset to 1
		push_lazy(node); // no idea why this is here but taking it out breaks the code
		// never mind i figured out why line above is there lmfao
	} else {
		int mid = (st[node].tl + st[node].tr) / 2;
		if (st[node].l == -1) { //same shit again i guess- create children if children weren't there before
			st[node].l = cnt++;
			st[st[node].l].tl = st[node].tl;
			st[st[node].l].tr = mid;
		if (st[node].r == -1) { //same thing; create children
			st[node].r = cnt++;
			st[st[node].r].tl = mid + 1;
			st[st[node].r].tr = st[node].tr;

		if (l > mid) update(st[node].r, l, r); //see where we are, do updates on children depending on where median is
		else if (r <= mid) update(st[node].l, l, r);
		else {
			update(st[node].l, l, mid);
			update(st[node].r, mid + 1, r);

		push_lazy(st[node].l); // no clue why this line or nextl ine is here reeeee
		st[node].ans = st[st[node].l].ans + st[st[node].r].ans; // answer is sum of segments, ans stored in st[node].ans

int query(int node, int l, int r) {
	if (l == st[node].tl && r == st[node].tr) return st[node].ans;
	else {
		int mid = (st[node].tl + st[node].tr) / 2; // WHY DO WE DO THE SAME SHIT AS PUSH_LAZY
		if (st[node].l == -1) {
			st[node].l = cnt++;
			st[st[node].l].tl = st[node].tl;
			st[st[node].l].tr = mid;
		if (st[node].r == -1) {
			st[node].r = cnt++;
			st[st[node].r].tl = mid + 1;
			st[st[node].r].tr = st[node].tr;

		if (l > mid) return query(st[node].r, l, r); //see where mid lies wrt l, r and qry accordingly
		else if (r <= mid) return query(st[node].l, l, r);
		else return query(st[node].l, l, mid) + query(st[node].r, mid + 1, r);

int32_t main() {
	int m;
	cin >> m;

	st[1].ans = 0; st[1].lazy = 0; //yay initialize shit
	st[1].tl = 1; st[1].tr = 1e9;

	int c = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<m; i++) {
		int d, x, y;
		cin >> d >> x >> y;
		if (d == 1) {
			c = query(1, x + c, y + c);
			cout << c << '\n';
		} else update(1, x + c, y + c);
	return 0;
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 3 ms 4948 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 2 ms 4948 KB Output is correct
3 Correct 2 ms 4948 KB Output is correct
4 Runtime error 12 ms 10024 KB Execution killed with signal 11
5 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -