# | 제출 시각 | 아이디 | 문제 | 언어 | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 |
566406 | 2022-05-22T09:50:38 Z | BJoozz | Alternating Current (BOI18_alternating) | C++17 | 3 ms | 2772 KB |
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define pb push_back #define X first #define Y second #define int long long void maxx(int &a,int b){if(b>a) a=b;} void minn(int &a,int b){if(b<a) a=b;} mt19937 rng(time(0)); int randint(int l,int r){ return uniform_int_distribution < int > (l,r) (rng); } using ll = long long; using ii = pair < int , int >; const int MAX=1e5+3,inf=1e9,mod=1e9+7; using ld = long double; int n,m; vector < int > pr[MAX]; int C[MAX]; bool vs[MAX]; bool in[MAX],ok[MAX]; bool good[MAX]; int L[MAX],R[MAX]; ii trace[MAX]; bool res[MAX]; int dis(int u,int v){ return (v+n-u)%n+1; } signed main(){ freopen("Alternating Current.inp","r",stdin);freopen("Alternating Current.out","w",stdout); ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); cin>>n>>m; int U=1,V=1; map < ii , int > mp; for(int i=1,x,y;i<=m;i++){ cin>>x>>y; mp[ii(x,y)]=i; pr[x].pb(y); if(dis(U,V)<dis(x,y)){ U=x;V=y; } if(x<=y){ C[x]++;C[y+1]--; }else{ C[x]++;C[1]++;C[y+1]--; } } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { C[i]+=C[i-1]; if(C[i]<2){ cout<<"impossible";return 0; } if(C[i]>2) ok[i]=1; } for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) L[i]=i-1,R[i]=i+1; L[1]=n;R[n]=1; vector < ii > vec; queue < int > Q; if(R[V]==U){ res[mp[ii(U,V)]]=1; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) cout<<res[i];//cout<<'\n'; //getans(vec); return 0; } bool las=1; for(int i=U;i!=R[V];i=R[i]){ in[i]=1; good[i]=las; las&=ok[i]; } //for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)cout<<C[i]<<' ';cout<<'\n'; int dich=-1; //cout<<U<<' '<<V<<'\n'; Q.push(R[V]);vs[R[V]]=1;trace[R[V]]=ii(U,V); ii pd; while(!Q.empty()){ int p = Q.front();Q.pop(); for(int u:pr[p]){ u=R[u]; if(in[u]){ if(!in[p] && good[u]){ pd=ii(p,L[u]); dich=p;break; } continue; } if(!vs[u]){ vs[u]=1;trace[u]=ii(p,L[u]); Q.push(u); } } if(ok[L[p]] && !vs[L[p]] && L[p]!=trace[p].X){ vs[L[p]]=1; trace[L[p]]=trace[p]; } } //cout<<dich<<'\n'; if(dich==-1){ cout<<"impossible";return 0; } int numQ=m; //cout<<pd.X<<' '<<pd.Y<<'\n'; res[mp[pd]]=1; while(numQ--){ ii now=trace[dich]; //cout<<now.X<<' '<<now.Y<<'\n'; res[mp[now]]=1; dich=now.X; if(now==ii(U,V)) break; } /// U pd.Y dich if(pd.Y==L[U] || dich==R[V] || dis(U,pd.Y)+dis(dich,V)<=dis(U,V)){ }else{ res[mp[ii(U,V)]]=0; } for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) cout<<res[i];//cout<<'\n'; }
Compilation message
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 2772 KB | Unexpected end of file - token expected |
2 | Halted | 0 ms | 0 KB | - |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 2772 KB | Unexpected end of file - token expected |
2 | Halted | 0 ms | 0 KB | - |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 2772 KB | Unexpected end of file - token expected |
2 | Halted | 0 ms | 0 KB | - |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 2772 KB | Unexpected end of file - token expected |
2 | Halted | 0 ms | 0 KB | - |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 2772 KB | Unexpected end of file - token expected |
2 | Halted | 0 ms | 0 KB | - |