# | Time | Username | Problem | Language | Result | Execution time | Memory |
549835 | lobo_prix | Holiday (IOI14_holiday) | C++17 | 0 ms | 0 KiB |
This submission is migrated from previous version of oj.uz, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
//[Author] tuxedcat
//[Date] 2022.04.17
//[File] src/holiday.cpp
//[Library] https://github.com/tuxedcat/pslib
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define _EXT_ENC_FILEBUF_H 1
#include <bits/extc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define int i64
#define FP_EPS 1e-11
#define COUT_FP 11
using f64=double; //long double(살짝느림),__float128(매우느림)
// #define CPP20 1
#define DBG_SETW 3
// #define endl '\n' //remove it when interactive
#define fi first
#define se second
#define mkp make_pair
#define mkt make_tuple
#define lb lower_bound
#define ub upper_bound
#define bs binary_search
#define itos to_string
#define head(x) (x.begin())
#define tail(x) prev(x.end())
#define dbg(...) void(0)
#define dbgif(...) void(0)
#define dbg1(...) void(0)
#define dbg1if(...) void(0)
using i64=long long;using u64=unsigned long long;using u32=unsigned;
using pint=pair<int,int>;using tint=tuple<int,int,int>;
template<class T>using Str=basic_string<T>;
template<class T,class CMP=less<>>using PQ=std::priority_queue<T,vector<T>,CMP>;
//functions before include <arr.h>
#if !(CPP20)
#define countl_zero(x) __builtin_clzll(x)
#define popcount(x) __builtin_popcountll(x)
#define bit_ceil(x) 1<<clg2(x)
#if CPP20
// #define sz ssize
template<class T>int sz(const T& x){return x.size();}
template<class T>int sz(const T& x){return x.size();}
int fdiv(int a,int b){if(b<0)a=-a,b=-b;return (a>0)?a/b:(a-b+1)/b;}
int cdiv(int a,int b){if(b<0)a=-a,b=-b;return (a>0)?(a+b-1)/b:a/b;}
i64 flg2(u64 x){return 63-countl_zero(x);}
i64 clg2(u64 x){return x-1==0?0:64-countl_zero(x-1);}
int fsqrt(i64 n) {i64 i=1;while(i*i<=n)i++;return i-1;}
int csqrt(i64 n) {i64 i=1;while(i*i<n)i++;return i;}
template<class T>T sq(T x){return x*x;}
template<class T>constexpr T inf(){return numeric_limits<T>::max()/2;}
template<class T>constexpr T nan(){return inf<T>()+1;}
#ifdef CPP20
template<typename T> concept MemberInf=requires(T t){t.inf();};
template<typename T> concept MemberNan=requires(T t){t.nan();};
template<MemberInf T>T inf(){return T().inf();}
template<MemberNan T>T nan(){return T().nan();}
//IO & misc
template<class...A>void print(A...a){((cout<<a),...);}
template<class...A>void println(A...a){((cout<<a),...,(cout<<endl));}
template<class T=int>T input(){T x;cin>>x;return x;}
template<class T,class U>bool assmin(T& a,U&& b){return a>b?a=b,true:false;}
template<class T,class U>bool assmax(T& a,U&& b){return a<b?a=b,true:false;}
void MUST(bool expr){
#include <csignal>
#define ARG(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define func(RetT,fname,...) function<RetT(__VA_ARGS__)> fname=[&](__VA_ARGS__)->RetT
#define lam(expr,...) [&](__VA_ARGS__){return expr;}
#define lamp(expr,...) [](__VA_ARGS__){return expr;}
template<class T, class P=vector<T>>
struct Arr:public P{
explicit Arr(signed n):P(n){}
explicit Arr(signed n,T init):P(n,init){}
Arr(auto its, auto ite):P(its,ite){}
inline T& operator[](signed i){
int n=sz(*this);
if(i<0)i+=n,dbg1("Neg Index Found");
if(i>=n)i-=n,dbg1("Over Index Found");
return P::operator[](i);
const T& operator[](signed i)const{
int n=sz(*this);
if(i<0)i+=n,dbg1("Neg Index Found");
if(i>=n)i-=n,dbg1("Over Index Found");
return P::operator[](i);
T& at(signed i){return *this[i];}
const T& at(signed i)const{return *this[i];}
template<class... A> auto ARR(auto n,A&&... a)
{if constexpr(!sizeof...(a)) return n; else return Arr(n,ARR(a...));}
// const f64 pi=numbers::pi_v<f64>,eps=FP_EPS;
const f64 pi=acos(-1),eps=FP_EPS;
const int dir[4][2]={{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0},{0,-1}};
//functions after include <arr.h>
template<class T>int argmin(const Arr<T>& a){return min_element(a.begin(),a.end())-a.begin();}
template<class T>int argmax(const Arr<T>& a){return max_element(a.begin(),a.end())-a.begin();}
Arr<int> permuinv(const Arr<int>& a){Arr<int> r(sz(a));for(int i=0;i<sz(a);i++)r[a[i]]=i;return r;}
template<class T>map<T,Arr<int>> classify(const Arr<T>& a){
map<T,Arr<int>> r;
for(int i=0;i<sz(a);i++)
return r;
#if !(DEBUG)
auto __PR1=(ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0));
auto& __PR2=(cout<<fixed<<setprecision(COUT_FP));
#ifdef CPP20
template<typename T>
concept Monoid=requires(T t){
#define Monoid class
template<class T, class M> T fn(T x,int n){
//f(...f(f(id,x),x),...,x) n겹 O(log(n))
if(!n)return M::id();
T res=fn<T,M>(x,n/2);
return n%2?M::f(M::f(res,res),x):M::f(res,res);
template<class T>struct MAdd{
static T id(){return T(0);}
static T f(T x,T y){return x+y;}
static T fn(T x,int n){return x*n;}
template<class T>struct MMul{
static T id(){return T(1);}
static T f(T x,T y){return x*y;}
static T fn(T x,int n){return ::fn<T,MMul<T>>(x,n);}
template<class T>struct MAss{
static T id(){return nan<T>();}
static T f(T x,T y){return y==id()?x:y;}
static T fn(T x,int n){return x;}
template<class T>struct MMin{
static T id(){return inf<T>();}
static T f(T x,T y){return min(x,y);}
static T fn(T x,int n){return x;}
template<class T>struct MMax{
static T id(){return -inf<T>();}
static T f(T x,T y){return max(x,y);}
static T fn(T x,int n){return x;}
template<class T>struct MXor{
static T id(){return T(0);}
static T f(T x,T y){return x^y;}
static T fn(T x,int n){return n%2?x:0;}
template<class T>struct MGcd{
static T id(){return T(0);}
static T f(T x,T y){return gcd(x,y);}
static T fn(T x,int n){return x;}
template<class T>struct MFunc{
static T id(){return T();}
static T f(T x,T y){return x.f(y);}
static T fn(T x,int n){return ::fn<T,MFunc<T>>(x,n);}
#ifdef CPP20
//NOTE: non-empty. empty-able일시 max(0,val.m)하면 됨
struct TMaxSubArr{
int s=0,l=-inf<int>(),m=-inf<int>(),r=-inf<int>();
TMaxSubArr f(TMaxSubArr x)const{return {s+x.s,max(l,s+x.l),max({m,r+x.l,x.m}),max(r+x.s,x.r)};}
TMaxSubArr nan()const{return {::nan<int>(),::nan<int>(),::nan<int>(),::nan<int>()};}
friend strong_ordering operator<=>(const TMaxSubArr&,const TMaxSubArr&)=default;
TMaxSubArr rev()const{return {s,r,m,l};}//for commutativeless query, refer boj13519
template<Monoid M>
auto scanl(auto s,auto e){
using T=decltype(M::id()); int n=e-s;
Arr<T> b={M::id()};
return b;
template<Monoid M>
auto scanr(auto s,auto e){
using T=decltype(M::id()); int n=e-s;
Arr<T> b={M::id()};
return b;
template<Monoid Q,auto fupd,int xlo=0,int xhi=inf<signed>()> struct SegPersi{
using T=decltype(Q::id());
T v=Q::id();
SegPersi *l{},*r{};
~SegPersi(){/*double free?*/}
SegPersi* upd(int i,T x,int cs=xlo,int ce=xhi){
if(ce<=i or i+1<=cs) return this;
if(i<=cs and ce<=i+1) return new SegPersi{fupd(v,x)};
int cm=(cs+ce)/2;
if(!l)l=new SegPersi;
if(!r)r=new SegPersi;
auto ret=new SegPersi;
return ret;
T q(int s,int e, int cs=xlo, int ce=xhi){
if(ce<=s or e<=cs)return Q::id();
if(s<=cs and ce<=e) return v;
int cm=(cs+ce)/2;
if(!l)l=new SegPersi;
if(!r)r=new SegPersi;
return Q::f(l->q(s,e,cs,cm),r->q(s,e,cm,ce));
void dnc(Arr<int>& a,const Arr<int>& b,function<int(int,int)> c,int s,int e,int ks,int ke){
int m=(s+e)/2,km=ks;
for(int k=ks;k<ke;k++)
void dnc(Arr<int>& a,const Arr<int>& b,function<int(int,int)> c,int s,int e){dnc(a,b,c,s,e,s-1,e);}
struct A{
int cnt,sum;
A(int cnt=0,int sum=0):cnt(cnt),sum(sum){}
A operator+(A o)const{return {cnt+o.cnt,sum+o.sum};}
using PST=SegPersi<MAdd<A>,lamp(y,A x,A y),0,3333>;
int calc(Arr<int> a,int p,int d){
int n=sz(a);
Arr<int> o(n);
sort(o.begin(),o.end(),lam(a[i]>a[j],int i,int j));
Arr<PST*> ver(n+1);
ver[-1]=new PST;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
func(int,f,int s,int e){
int move=abs(p-s)+e-s-1;
int c=min<int>(d-move,e-s);
//TODO: select largest c numbers in [s,e)
int ss=-1,ee=n-1;
int mm=(ss+ee)/2;
if(ver[mm]->q(s,e).cnt<c) ss=mm;
else ee=mm;
return -ver[ee]->q(s,e).sum;
Arr<int> arr(n+1);
return -*min_element(arr.begin(),arr.end());
void solve(){
int n,p,d; cin>>n>>p>>d;
Arr<int> a(n);
auto b=a;
signed main(){