Submission #47093

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
47093tmwilliamlin168Robots (APIO13_robots)C++14
100 / 100
638 ms138392 KiB
#include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #include<queue> #define fr first #define sc second #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define REP(i,m) for(int i=0;i<(int)m;++i) #define REPN(i,m,in) for(int i=in;i<(int)m;++i) #define ALL(t) (t).begin(),(t).end() #define dump(x) cerr<<#x<<" = "<<x<<endl #define prl cerr<<"LINE "<<__LINE__<<" is called"<<endl #define getchar_unlocked getchar #define putchar_unlocked putchar using namespace std; template<class T> void debug(T a,T b){ for(;a!=b;++a) cerr<<*a<<' '; cerr<<endl ; } typedef pair<int,int> pi; typedef long long int lint; const int INF=510000000; inline int in() { int result = 0; char ch = getchar_unlocked(); while (true) { if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') break; ch = getchar_unlocked(); } result = ch-'0'; while(true) { ch = getchar_unlocked(); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') break; result = result*10 + (ch - '0'); } return result; } inline void out(int x) { if(x==-1) { putchar_unlocked('-'); putchar_unlocked('1'); return; } int rev=x, count = 0; if(x == 0) { putchar_unlocked('0'); return; } while((rev % 10) == 0) { ++count; rev /= 10; } //obtain the count of the number of 0s rev = 0; while(x != 0) { rev = rev*10 + x % 10; x /= 10; } //store reverse of N in rev while(rev != 0) { putchar_unlocked(rev % 10 + '0'); rev /= 10; } while(count--) putchar_unlocked('0'); } char buf[505][505]; int dp[50][505][505]; pi g[505][505][4]; bool vis[505][505][4]; int n,w,h; int dx[]={0,1,0,-1},dy[]={1,0,-1,0}; pi rec(int y,int x,int d){ pi& res=g[y][x][d]; if(!=-1) return res; if(vis[y][x][d]) return res=mp(-2,-2); vis[y][x][d]=1; if(buf[y][x]=='A') d=(d+1)%4; if(buf[y][x]=='C') d=(d+3)%4; int px=x+dx[d],py=y+dy[d]; if(px<0 || py<0 || px>=w || py>=h || buf[py][px]=='x') return res=mp(y,x); return res=rec(py,px,d); } pi pos[10]; int hs[10][10]; void prep(int sy,int sx,int id){ queue<pi> q; dp[hs[id][id+1]][sy][sx]=0; q.push(mp(sy,sx)); while(!q.empty()){ pi cur=q.front();q.pop(); REP(d,4){ pi to=g[][][d]; if( continue; if(dp[hs[id][id+1]][][]!=-1) continue; dp[hs[id][id+1]][][]=dp[hs[id][id+1]][][]+1; q.push(to); } } REP(i,h) REP(j,w) if(dp[hs[id][id+1]][i][j]==-1) dp[hs[id][id+1]][i][j]=INF; } vector<pi> posByCost[500*501*10]; vector<int> used; int main(){ int cntt=0; REP(i,9) REPN(j,10,i+1) hs[i][j]=cntt++; n=in(), w=in(), h=in(); REP(i,h) { char c=getchar_unlocked(); while(c=='\n'||c=='\r'||c==' ') c=getchar_unlocked(); REP(j, w) { buf[i][j]=c; c=getchar_unlocked(); } } REP(i,h) REP(j,w){ if(buf[i][j]>='1' && buf[i][j]<='9'){ pos[buf[i][j]-'1']=mp(i,j); } } memset(g,-1,sizeof(g)); REP(i,h) REP(j,w) REP(d,4) rec(i,j,d); memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); REP(i,n) prep(pos[i].fr,pos[i].sc,i); queue<pi> q; for(int len=2;len<=n;++len) REP(i,n-len+1){ int j=i+len; pair<int,pi> mini;; REP(y,h) REP(x,w){ dp[hs[i][j]][y][x]=INF; REP(k,len-1){ int div=i+k+1; dp[hs[i][j]][y][x]=min(dp[hs[i][j]][y][x],dp[hs[i][div]][y][x]+dp[hs[div][j]][y][x]); } if(dp[hs[i][j]][y][x]!=INF){ used.pb(dp[hs[i][j]][y][x]); posByCost[dp[hs[i][j]][y][x]].pb(mp(y,x)); mini=min(mini,mp(dp[hs[i][j]][y][x],mp(y,x))); } } if( continue; REP(k,posByCost[].size()) q.push(posByCost[][k]); posByCost[].clear(); while(!q.empty()){ pi p=q.front();q.pop(); int c=dp[hs[i][j]][][]; if(!posByCost[c+1].empty()){ REP(k,posByCost[c+1].size()){ pi p2=posByCost[c+1][k]; if(dp[hs[i][j]][][]<c+1) continue; q.push(p2); } posByCost[c+1].clear(); } REP(d,4){ pi nxt=g[][][d]; if( || dp[hs[i][j]][][]<=c+1) continue; dp[hs[i][j]][][]=c+1; q.push(nxt); } } REP(k,used.size()) posByCost[used[k]].clear(); used.clear(); } int res=INF; REP(i,h) REP(j,w) res=min(res,dp[hs[0][n]][i][j]); out(res==INF?-1:res); }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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