답안 #46912

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
46912 2018-04-24T16:56:06 Z diegogrc Jetpack (COCI16_jetpack) C++17
0 / 80
38 ms 14548 KB
//  Copyright © 2018 Diego Garcia Rodriguez del Campo. All rights reserved.

#define MAX 100005
#define optimiza_io cin.tie(0); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);
using namespace std;
typedef long long i64;

int N, M, idx;
char a[14][MAX];
int vis[14][MAX];

int dfs( int x , int y )
    if( y == M )
        return vis[x][y] = y;
    // Subir 
    int mx = x - 1;
    int my = y + 1;
    if( ! mx ) mx = 1;
    if( vis[x][y] )
        return vis[x][y];
    int ans = y;
    if( a[mx][my] == '.' )
        ans = max( ans , dfs( mx , my ) );
    mx = x + 1;
    if( mx == 11 ) mx = 10;
    if( a[mx][my] == '.' )
        ans = max( ans , dfs( mx , my ) );
    return vis[x][y] = ans;

int main()
    cin >> M;
    N = 10;
    for( int i = 1; i <= N; i ++ )
        for( int j = 1; j <= M; j ++ )
            cin >> a[i][j];
    dfs( 10 , 1 );
    int j = 10, moves = 0, subiendo = false;
    for( int i = 1; i < N; i ++ )
        int sigj = j - 1;
        if( vis[sigj][i] == M )
            j = sigj;
            if( ! subiendo )
                subiendo = true;
            j ++;
            if( j == 11 ) j --;
            subiendo = false;
    cout << moves << "\n";
    j = 10, subiendo = false, idx = 0; 
    for( int i = 1; i < M; i ++ )
        int sigj = j - 1;
        if( vis[sigj][i] == M )
            j = sigj;
            if( ! subiendo )
                subiendo = true;
                idx = i;
                cout << i - 1 << " ";
            if( subiendo ) cout << i - idx << "\n";
            idx = 0;
            j ++;
            if( j == 11 ) j --;
            subiendo = false;
    if( idx )
        cout << N - idx << "\n";
    return 0;
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 2 ms 376 KB Crashed with an obstacle
2 Incorrect 2 ms 488 KB Extra information in the output file
3 Incorrect 2 ms 728 KB Crashed with an obstacle
4 Incorrect 2 ms 728 KB Crashed with an obstacle
5 Incorrect 4 ms 1176 KB Crashed with an obstacle
6 Incorrect 4 ms 1584 KB Crashed with an obstacle
7 Incorrect 10 ms 3312 KB Crashed with an obstacle
8 Incorrect 23 ms 6956 KB Crashed with an obstacle
9 Incorrect 33 ms 10512 KB Crashed with an obstacle
10 Incorrect 38 ms 14548 KB Crashed with an obstacle