Submission #466376

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
466376paliloBubble Sort 2 (JOI18_bubblesort2)C++17
100 / 100
3580 ms47340 KiB
#include "bubblesort2.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; template <typename node_t, typename tag_t> class lazy_segtree { // change this (1/2) const node_t e = -0x3f3f3f3f; const tag_t off {}; // change this (1/2) const size_t n, height, size; vector<node_t> tree; vector<tag_t> lazy; public: lazy_segtree(size_t n) : n(n), height(n ? __lg(n - 1) + 1 : 0), size(1 << height), tree(size << 1, e), lazy(size, off) {} node_t& operator[](size_t i) { return tree[size + i]; } void build() { for (size_t i = size; i--;) { pull(i); } } void apply(size_t l, size_t r, tag_t f) { assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= n); apply(l, r, f, 0, size, 1); } node_t prod(size_t l, size_t r) { assert(0 <= l and l <= r and r <= n); return prod(l, r, 0, size, 1); } node_t all_prod() const { return tree[1]; } private: #define lson (i << 1) #define rson (i << 1 | 1) inline int get_index(node_t& node) const { return &node -; } inline int get_depth(node_t& node) const { return __lg(get_index(node)); } inline int get_height(node_t& node) const { return height - get_depth(node); } inline int get_length(node_t& node) const { return 1 << get_height(node); } inline int get_first(node_t& node) const { int idx = get_index(node); int dep = __lg(idx); int len = 1 << height - dep; return len * (idx ^ 1 << dep); } void apply(size_t ql, size_t qr, tag_t f, size_t l, size_t r, size_t i) { if (qr <= l || r <= ql) return; if (ql <= l && r <= qr) { all_apply(i, f); return; } if (lazy[i] != off) push(i); const auto m = (l + r) >> 1; apply(ql, qr, f, l, m, lson), apply(ql, qr, f, m, r, rson); pull(i); } node_t prod(size_t ql, size_t qr, size_t l, size_t r, size_t i) { if (qr <= l || r <= ql) return e; if (ql <= l && r <= qr) return tree[i]; if (lazy[i] != off) push(i); const auto m = (l + r) >> 1; return op(prod(ql, qr, l, m, lson), prod(ql, qr, m, r, rson)); } void pull(size_t i) { tree[i] = op(tree[lson], tree[rson]); } void push(size_t i) { all_apply(lson, lazy[i]); all_apply(rson, lazy[i]); lazy[i] = off; } void all_apply(size_t i, tag_t f) { mapping(tree[i], f); if (i < size) composition(lazy[i], f); } // change this (2/2) node_t op(node_t lhs, node_t rhs) const { return max(lhs, rhs); } void mapping(node_t& node, tag_t f) { node += f; } void composition(tag_t& tag, tag_t f) { tag += f; } // change this (2/2) #undef lson #undef rson }; vector<int> countScans(vector<int> a, vector<int> x, vector<int> v) { constexpr int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; vector<pair<int, int>> vals(a.size() + x.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i != a.size(); ++i) { vals[i] = {a[i], i}; } for (size_t i = 0; i != x.size(); ++i) { vals[a.size() + i] = {v[i], x[i]}; } sort(vals.begin(), vals.end()); vals.erase(unique(vals.begin(), vals.end()), vals.end()); auto get_index = [&](pair<int, int> x) { return lower_bound(vals.begin(), vals.end(), x) - vals.begin(); }; const size_t m = vals.size(); lazy_segtree<int, int> lazy(m); for (size_t i = 0; i != a.size(); ++i) { auto id = get_index(pair(a[i], i)); lazy.apply(id, id + 1, INF + i); lazy.apply(id + 1, m, -1); } vector<int> ret(x.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i != x.size(); ++i) { auto id = get_index(pair(a[x[i]], x[i])); lazy.apply(id, id + 1, -(INF + x[i])); lazy.apply(id + 1, m, 1); a[x[i]] = v[i]; id = get_index(pair(a[x[i]], x[i])); lazy.apply(id, id + 1, INF + x[i]); lazy.apply(id + 1, m, -1); ret[i] = lazy.all_prod(); } return ret; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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