답안 #446526

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
446526 2021-07-22T10:24:18 Z mansur 밀림 점프 (APIO21_jumps) C++17
컴파일 오류
0 ms 0 KB
using namespace std;

#define all(a) a.begin(),a.end()
#define ll long long
#define pb push_back
#define nl '\n'
#define popb pop_back()
#define sz size()
#define ld long double
#define ull unsigned long long
#define F first
#define S second
#define fix fixed<<setprecision
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define E exit (0)
#define int long long

const int inf=1e18,N=2e5,mod=1e9+7;

int n, h[N + 1];

void init(int nn, vector<int> a) {
	n = nn;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) h[i] = a[i];

int minimum_jumps(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
	return c - b;	

Compilation message

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccwoOgw8.o: in function `main':
stub.cpp:(.text.startup+0x177): undefined reference to `init(int, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >)'
/usr/bin/ld: stub.cpp:(.text.startup+0x1d1): undefined reference to `minimum_jumps(int, int, int, int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status