제출 #418841

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
418841rama_pang경계 (BOI14_demarcation)C++17
100 / 100
269 ms31884 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); int N; cin >> N; vector<array<int, 2>> A(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { cin >> A[i][j]; } } // We can make it into a tree-like structure. // Then, a split is = pick an edge and delete it. // The size of the remaining must be equal, so // there are only 1 option for vertical (and 1 // for horizontal). // // To check whether they are congruent, we can make // a list of (length, degree) and check whether // some cyclic shift is equal. // // Time complexity: O(N log N). const auto Solve = [&](vector<array<int, 2>> A) -> pair<bool, array<int, 4>> { int N = A.size(); long long area = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { area += 1ll * A[i][0] * A[(i + 1) % N][1]; area -= 1ll * A[i][1] * A[(i + 1) % N][0]; } if (area < 0) { area *= -1; reverse(begin(A), end(A)); } assert(area % 2 == 0); area /= 2; if (area % 2 == 1) { // we cannot divide by 2 return {false, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; } area /= 2; vector<array<int, 4>> lines; vector<array<int, 3>> events; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { auto p = A[i]; auto q = A[(i + 1) % N]; if (p[0] == q[0]) { continue; } if (p[0] < q[0]) { // bottom lines.push_back({p[1], +1, p[0], q[0]}); } else { // top lines.push_back({p[1], -1, q[0], p[0]}); } } vector<int> lastX(lines.size()); for (int i = 0; i < int(lines.size()); i++) { events.push_back({lines[i][2], -1, i}); events.push_back({lines[i][3], +1, i}); lastX[i] = lines[i][2]; } vector<array<int, 4>> rectangle; sort(begin(events), end(events)); set<pair<array<int, 4>, int>> active; for (auto ev : events) { auto [x, type, id] = ev; auto top = active.lower_bound({lines[id], -1}); auto bot = top; bool match = true; if (top == end(active)) { match = false; } else { if (type < 0) { if (bot == begin(active)) { match = false; } else { bot--; } } else { if (lines[id][1] > 0) { if (next(top) == end(active)){ match = false; } else { top++; } } else { if (bot == begin(active)) { match = false; } else { bot--; } } } } if (match && bot->first[1] > 0 && top->first[1] < 0) { if (lastX[bot->second] <= x - 1 && lastX[top->second] <= x - 1) { assert(lastX[bot->second] == lastX[top->second]); rectangle.push_back({lastX[bot->second], x - 1, bot->first[0], top->first[0] - 1}); lastX[bot->second] = lastX[top->second] = x; } } if (type < 0) { active.emplace(lines[id], id); } else { active.erase({lines[id], id}); } } map<int, vector<array<int, 3>>> borderL; map<int, vector<array<int, 3>>> borderR; for (int id = 0; id < int(rectangle.size()); id++) { auto rect = rectangle[id]; borderL[rect[0]].push_back({rect[2], rect[3], id}); borderR[rect[1]].push_back({rect[2], rect[3], id}); } for (auto &p : borderL) sort(begin(p.second), end(p.second)); for (auto &p : borderR) sort(begin(p.second), end(p.second)); vector<vector<int>> treeLft(rectangle.size()); vector<vector<int>> treeRgt(rectangle.size()); for (int id = 0; id < int(rectangle.size()); id++) { auto rect = rectangle[id]; if (borderR.count(rect[0] - 1)) { auto &v = borderR[rect[0] - 1]; auto it = lower_bound(begin(v), end(v), array<int, 3>{rect[3] + 1, -int(1e9), -int(1e9)}); while (it != begin(v)) { it--; if ((*it)[1] < rect[2]) break; treeLft[id].emplace_back((*it)[2]); } } if (borderL.count(rect[1] + 1)) { auto &v = borderL[rect[1] + 1]; auto it = lower_bound(begin(v), end(v), array<int, 3>{rect[3] + 1, -int(1e9), -int(1e9)}); while (it != begin(v)) { it--; if ((*it)[1] < rect[2]) break; treeRgt[id].emplace_back((*it)[2]); } } } vector<array<int, 4>> cut; vector<long long> siz(rectangle.size()); const auto Dfs = [&](const auto &self, int u, int p) -> void { for (auto v : treeLft[u]) if (v != p) { self(self, v, u); siz[u] += siz[v]; } for (auto v : treeRgt[u]) if (v != p) { self(self, v, u); siz[u] += siz[v]; } long long current = 1ll * (rectangle[u][1] - rectangle[u][0] + 1) * (rectangle[u][3] - rectangle[u][2] + 1); siz[u] += current; }; const auto DfsReroot = [&](const auto &self, int u, int p) -> void { for (auto v : treeLft[u]) if (v != p) { siz[u] -= siz[v]; siz[v] += siz[u]; self(self, v, u); siz[v] -= siz[u]; siz[u] += siz[v]; } for (auto v : treeRgt[u]) if (v != p) { siz[u] -= siz[v]; siz[v] += siz[u]; self(self, v, u); siz[v] -= siz[u]; siz[u] += siz[v]; } long long sumLft = 0; long long sumRgt = 0; for (auto v : treeLft[u]) { sumLft += siz[v]; if (siz[v] == area) { cut.push_back({rectangle[u][0], max(rectangle[u][2], rectangle[v][2]), rectangle[u][0], min(rectangle[u][3], rectangle[v][3]) + 1}); } } for (auto v : treeRgt[u]) { sumRgt += siz[v]; if (siz[v] == area) { cut.push_back({rectangle[u][1] + 1, max(rectangle[u][2], rectangle[v][2]), rectangle[u][1] + 1, min(rectangle[u][3], rectangle[v][3]) + 1}); } } long long current = 1ll * (rectangle[u][1] - rectangle[u][0] + 1) * (rectangle[u][3] - rectangle[u][2] + 1); if (sumLft < area && sumLft + current > area) { long long need = area - sumLft; if (need % (rectangle[u][3] - rectangle[u][2] + 1) == 0) { need /= rectangle[u][3] - rectangle[u][2] + 1; assert(rectangle[u][0] + need - 1 <= rectangle[u][1]); cut.push_back({rectangle[u][0] + int(need), rectangle[u][2], rectangle[u][0] + int(need), rectangle[u][3] + 1}); } } if (sumRgt < area && sumRgt + current > area) { long long need = area - sumRgt; if (need % (rectangle[u][3] - rectangle[u][2] + 1) == 0) { need /= rectangle[u][3] - rectangle[u][2] + 1; assert(rectangle[u][0] + need - 1 <= rectangle[u][1]); cut.push_back({rectangle[u][1] + 1 - int(need), rectangle[u][2], rectangle[u][1] + 1 - int(need), rectangle[u][3] + 1}); } } }; Dfs(Dfs, 0, -1); DfsReroot(DfsReroot, 0, -1); sort(begin(cut), end(cut)); cut.resize(unique(begin(cut), end(cut)) - begin(cut)); assert(cut.size() <= 1); if (cut.empty()) { return {false, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; } vector<array<int, 2>> polyA; vector<array<int, 2>> polyB; vector<int> whereIs(2, -1); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { auto p = A[i]; auto q = A[(i + 1) % N]; if (p[0] == q[0]) { continue; } if (p[0] < q[0] && p[0] <= cut[0][0] && cut[0][0] <= q[0] && p[1] == cut[0][1]) { whereIs[0] = i; } if (p[0] > q[0] && q[0] <= cut[0][0] && cut[0][0] <= p[0] && p[1] == cut[0][3]) { whereIs[1] = i; } } assert(whereIs[0] != -1 && whereIs[1] != -1); { // Make polyA int cur = (whereIs[0] + 1) % N; while (true) { polyA.push_back(A[cur]); if (cur == whereIs[1]) { break; } cur = (cur + 1) % N; } polyA.push_back({cut[0][2], cut[0][3]}); polyA.push_back({cut[0][0], cut[0][1]}); } { // Make polyB int cur = (whereIs[1] + 1) % N; while (true) { polyB.push_back(A[cur]); if (cur == whereIs[0]) { break; } cur = (cur + 1) % N; } polyB.push_back({cut[0][0], cut[0][1]}); polyB.push_back({cut[0][2], cut[0][3]}); } const auto DeleteUselessPoints = [&](vector<array<int, 2>> poly) { vector<int> markBad(poly.size()); for (int i = 0; i < int(poly.size()); i++) { auto p = poly[i]; auto prv = poly[(i + poly.size() - 1) % poly.size()]; auto nxt = poly[(i + poly.size() + 1) % poly.size()]; if (prv[0] == p[0] && p[0] == nxt[0]) { markBad[i] = 1; } if (prv[1] == p[1] && p[1] == nxt[1]) { markBad[i] = 1; } } vector<array<int, 2>> newPoly; for (int i = 0; i < int(poly.size()); i++) { if (!markBad[i]) { newPoly.emplace_back(poly[i]); } } return newPoly; }; polyA.resize(unique(begin(polyA), end(polyA)) - begin(polyA)); polyB.resize(unique(begin(polyB), end(polyB)) - begin(polyB)); polyA = DeleteUselessPoints(polyA); polyB = DeleteUselessPoints(polyB); const auto Congruent = [&]() -> bool { const auto MakeCanon = [&](vector<array<int, 2>> poly) { auto mn = poly[0]; for (auto p : poly) { mn = min(mn, p); } for (int i = 0; i < int(poly.size()); i++) { if (poly[i] == mn) { vector<array<int, 2>> newPoly; for (int j = i; j < int(poly.size()); j++) { newPoly.emplace_back(poly[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { newPoly.emplace_back(poly[j]); } poly = newPoly; break; } } assert(mn == poly[0]); for (auto &p : poly) { p[0] -= mn[0]; p[1] -= mn[1]; } return poly; }; polyA = MakeCanon(polyA); polyB = MakeCanon(polyB); for (int ref1 = 0; ref1 < 2; ref1++) { for (int ref2 = 0; ref2 < 2; ref2++) { for (int swp = 0; swp < 2; swp++) { for (int rot = 0; rot < 4; rot++) { if (polyA == MakeCanon(polyB)) { return true; } reverse(begin(polyB), end(polyB)); if (polyA == MakeCanon(polyB)) { return true; } reverse(begin(polyB), end(polyB)); for (auto &p : polyB) { swap(p[0], p[1]); p[1] *= -1; } } for (auto &p : polyB) { swap(p[0], p[1]); } } for (auto &p : polyB) { p[1] *= -1; } } for (auto &p : polyB) { p[0] *= -1; } } return false; }; if (Congruent()) { return {true, cut[0]}; } else { return {false, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; } }; auto ans = Solve(A); if (ans.first) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << ans.second[i] << " \n"[i == 3]; } return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { swap(A[i][0], A[i][1]); } ans = Solve(A); swap(ans.second[0], ans.second[1]); swap(ans.second[2], ans.second[3]); if (ans.first) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cout << ans.second[i] << " \n"[i == 3]; } return 0; } cout << "NO\n"; return 0; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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