제출 #408727

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
408727CaroLindaInside information (BOI21_servers)C++14
100 / 100
1551 ms59380 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define sz(x) (int)(x.size()) const int MAXN = 240010 ; const int LOG = 20 ; using namespace std ; int N , K ; int aresta_pai[MAXN] , max_crescente[MAXN] , max_decrescente[MAXN] ; int lvl[MAXN] ; int tab[LOG][MAXN] ; pair<int,int> queries[MAXN] ; vector< pair<int,int> > adj[MAXN] ; int dsu[MAXN] ; int find(int x) { return dsu[x] = (dsu[x] == x ) ? x : find(dsu[x]) ; } bool join(int x, int y, bool consulta = false ) { x = find(x) ; y = find(y) ; if(x == y) return false ; if( rand() % 2 ) swap(x,y) ; if( !consulta ) dsu[x] = y ; return true ; } void dfs(int x) { for(int i = 1 ; i< LOG && tab[i-1][x] ; i++ ) tab[i][x] = tab[i-1][ tab[i-1][x] ] ; max_crescente[x] = max_decrescente[x] = tab[0][x] ; if( tab[0][ tab[0][x] ] && aresta_pai[x] < aresta_pai[tab[0][x]] ) max_crescente[x] = max_crescente[ tab[0][x] ] ; if( tab[0][ tab[0][x] ] && aresta_pai[x] > aresta_pai[tab[0][x]] ) max_decrescente[x] = max_decrescente[ tab[0][x] ] ; for(auto e : adj[x] ) { if(e.first == tab[0][x]) continue ; tab[0][e.first] = x ; aresta_pai[e.first] = e.second ; lvl[e.first] = lvl[x]+1 ; dfs(e.first) ; } } int lca(int x, int y) { if( lvl[x] < lvl[y] ) swap(x,y) ; for(int i = LOG-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) if( tab[i][x] && lvl[tab[i][x]] >= lvl[y] ) x = tab[i][x] ; if(x==y)return y ; for(int i = LOG-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) if( tab[i][x] && tab[i][x] != tab[i][y] ) { x = tab[i][x] ; y= tab[i][y] ; } return tab[0][x] ; } //CENTROID DECOMPOSITION STUFF ------------------- int bit[MAXN*LOG] ; void upd(int i) { for(; i < MAXN*LOG ; i += i &-i ) bit[i]++ ; } int qry(int i ) { int tot = 0 ; for(; i > 0 ; i -= i &-i ) tot += bit[i] ; return tot ; } bool marc[MAXN] ; int qtd ; int edge[MAXN][LOG] ; int lim_down[MAXN] , lim_up[MAXN] ; int sub[MAXN] ; int cn_parent[MAXN] , cn_table[MAXN][LOG] ; int cn_lvl[MAXN] ; bool can[MAXN][LOG] ; void dfs1(int x, int par ) { sub[x] = 1 ; for(auto e : adj[x]) { if(marc[e.first] || par == e.first ) continue ; dfs1(e.first, x) ; sub[x]+=sub[e.first] ; } } int dfs2(int x, int par ) { for(auto e : adj[x] ) { if(marc[e.first] || par == e.first ) continue ; if( sub[e.first] > qtd/2 ) return dfs2(e.first, x) ; } return x ; } void dfs3(int x, int par , int cn , int val ) { edge[x][ cn_lvl[cn] ] = val ; cn_table[x][ cn_lvl[cn] ] = cn ; int k ; for(auto e : adj[x] ) if(e.first == par ) k = e.second ; for(auto e : adj[x] ) { if( marc[e.first] || e.first == par ) continue ; can[e.first][ cn_lvl[ cn ] ] = ( e.second > k )&can[x][ cn_lvl[cn] ] ; dfs3(e.first, x, cn , val ) ; } } int currTime ; void decompose(int x, int centroid_parent ) { dfs1(x,-1) ; qtd = sub[x] ; int cn = dfs2(x,-1) ; cn_parent[cn] = centroid_parent ; cn_lvl[cn] = cn_lvl[ centroid_parent ]+1 ; lim_down[cn] = currTime+1 ; for(auto e : adj[cn] ) currTime += !marc[e.first] ; lim_up[cn] = currTime ; for(int i = 0 , id = lim_down[cn] ; i < sz(adj[cn]) ; i++ , id++ ) { int e = adj[cn][i].first; if(marc[e]) { id-- ; continue ; } can[ e ][ cn_lvl[cn] ] = true ; dfs3( e , cn , cn , id ) ; } marc[cn] = true ; for(auto e : adj[cn] ) if( !marc[e.first] ) decompose(e.first, cn ) ; } //--------------------------------------------- void makeUpdate(int u, int v) { for(int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ , swap(u,v) ) { int k = cn_parent[u] ; while( k ) { if( join(u,k, true) && !join(v, k, true) && can[u][ cn_lvl[k] ] ) upd( edge[u][ cn_lvl[k] ] ) ; k = cn_parent[k] ; } } //don't forget to join both of them afterwards join(u, v) ; } bool arrives(int u, int v) { if( join(u, v, true) ) return false ; int k = lca(u,v) ; if( lvl[ max_decrescente[u] ] <= lvl[k] && lvl[ max_crescente[v] ] <= lvl[k] ) { if( k == u || k == v ) return true ; for(int g = LOG-1 ; g >= 0 ; g-- ) if( tab[g][u] && lvl[ tab[g][u] ] > lvl[k] ) u = tab[g][u] ; for(int g = LOG-1 ; g >= 0 ; g-- ) if( tab[g][v] && lvl[ tab[g][v] ] > lvl[k] ) v = tab[g][v] ; if( aresta_pai[v] < aresta_pai[u] ) return true ; } return false ; } int makeQuery(int u) { int ans = qry( lim_up[u] ) - qry(lim_down[u]-1) + 1 ; int k = cn_parent[u] ; while( k ) { if( arrives(k, u) ) { int my_code = edge[u][ cn_lvl[k] ] ; ans += qry(lim_up[k])-qry(my_code)+1 ; } k = cn_parent[k] ; } return ans ; } int main() { scanf("%d %d", &N, &K ) ; for(int i = 1 , a ,b ; i < N+K ; i++ ) { char c ; scanf(" %c", &c ) ; scanf("%d", &queries[i].first ) ; if(c == 'C') continue ; else scanf("%d", &queries[i].second ) ; if( c == 'S' ) { a = queries[i].first ; b = queries[i].second ; queries[i] = make_pair(-a,-b) ; adj[a].push_back( make_pair(b,i) ) ; adj[b].push_back( make_pair(a,i) ) ; } } dfs(1) ; decompose(1,0) ; /*for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; i++ ) { cout << "About " << i << ": " << endl ; cout << cn_parent[i] <<" " << cn_lvl[i] << " " << lim_down[i] <<" " << lim_up[i] << endl ; for(int j = 1 ; j <= 3 ; j++ ) cout << can[i][j] << " " << edge[i][j] << endl ; cout << endl ; } */ iota(dsu+1, dsu+1+N , 1 ) ; for(int i = 1 ; i < N+K ; i++ ) { if(queries[i].second == 0) { printf("%d\n" , makeQuery(queries[i].first)) ; continue ; } if( queries[i].first < 0 ) { makeUpdate( -queries[i].first, -queries[i].second ) ; continue ; } printf("%s\n" , arrives(queries[i].first, queries[i].second ) ? "yes" : "no") ; } }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

servers.cpp: In function 'int main()':
servers.cpp:246:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
  246 |  scanf("%d %d", &N, &K ) ;
      |  ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
servers.cpp:250:8: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
  250 |   scanf(" %c", &c ) ;
      |   ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~
servers.cpp:251:8: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
  251 |   scanf("%d", &queries[i].first ) ;
      |   ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
servers.cpp:254:13: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)' declared with attribute 'warn_unused_result' [-Wunused-result]
  254 |   else scanf("%d", &queries[i].second ) ;
      |        ~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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