Submission #40543

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
40543pulgaresTeams (IOI15_teams)C++14
77 / 100
4157 ms524288 KiB
//marico el que lo lea #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef vector<ll> vll; typedef pair<int, int> ii; void fastIO() { std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); } #define FOR(i,f,t) for(int i=f; i<(int)t; i++) #define FORR(i,f,t) for(int i=f; i>(int)t; i--) #define FORE(i,c) for(auto i = (c).begin(); i != (c).end(); i++) #define pb push_back #define all(obj) obj.begin(), obj.end() #define ms(obj, val) memset(obj, val, sizeof(obj)) #define ms2(obj, val, sz) memset(obj, val, sizeof(obj[0])*sz) #define fst first #define snd second template<typename T, typename U> inline void mnze(T &x, U y) { if(y < x) x = y; } template<typename T, typename U> inline void mxze(T &x, U y) { if(x < y) x = y; } void _scan( int &x ) { scanf("%d",&x); } void _scan( long long &x ) { scanf("%lld",&x); } void _scan( double &x ) { scanf("%lf",&x); } void _scan( char &x ) { scanf(" %c",&x); } void _scan( char *x ) { scanf("%s",x); } void scan() {} template<typename T, typename... U> void scan( T& head, U&... tail ) { _scan(head); scan(tail...);} template<typename T> void _dbg(const char* sdbg, T h) { cerr<<sdbg<<"="<<h<<"\n"; } template<typename T, typename... U> void _dbg(const char* sdbg, T h, U... t) { while(*sdbg != ',')cerr<<*sdbg++; cerr<<"="<<h<<","; _dbg(sdbg+1, t...); } #ifdef LOCAL #define debug(...) _dbg(#__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__) #define debugv(x) {{cerr <<#x <<" = "; FORE(_i, (x)) cerr <<*_i <<", "; cerr <<"\n"; }} #define debuga(x, sz) {{cerr <<#x <<" = "; FOR(_i, 0, sz) cerr << x[_i] <<", "; cerr <<"\n"; }} #else #define debug(...) (__VA_ARGS__) #define debugv(x) #define debuga(x, sz) #define cerr if(0)cout #endif struct stnode{ int sum; stnode *l=NULL, *r=NULL; void merge(){sum = l->sum + r->sum;} void upd(int x){sum += x;} }; typedef stnode* pstnode; vector<pstnode> root, all; vector<stnode> nodes; int N; inline void clear(){ all.clear(); root.clear(); nodes.clear(); } inline pstnode new_node(){ all.pb(new stnode()); return all.back(); } void init(int n){ root.pb(new_node()); N = n; } void build(){ root[0]->sum = 0; root[0]->l=root[0]; root[0]->r=root[0]; } inline pstnode erase(int b, pstnode v, int l, int r){ if(r<=b) return root[0]; int M = (l+r)>>1; pstnode u = new_node(); if(b<=M){ u->r = v->r; u->l = erase(b, v->l, l, M); }else{ u->l = root[0]; u->r = erase(b, v->r, M, r); } u->merge(); return u; } // erase all elements < b in ver (used) inline int erase(int b, int ver){ root.pb(erase(b, root[ver], 0, N)); return root.size()-1; } int KK; // we are always in nodes were we have enough. inline pstnode bs(pstnode v, pstnode usedv, int l, int r){ int lft = v->sum - usedv->sum; if(lft == KK){ KK=0; return v; } pstnode u = new_node(); u->sum = usedv->sum; if(r-l==1){ u->sum += KK; KK=0; return u; } int M = (l+r)>>1; int llft = v->l->sum - usedv->l->sum; if(llft >= KK){ u->r = usedv->r; u->l = bs(v->l, usedv->l, l, M); }else{ KK -= llft; u->l = v->l; u->r = bs(v->r, usedv->r, M, r); } u->merge(); return u; } inline bool bs(int k, int ver, int &usedver){ KK = k; //debug(k); if(root[ver]->sum - root[usedver]->sum < KK) return false; //debug(root[ver]->sum, root[usedver]->sum); root.pb( bs(root[ver], root[usedver], 0, N) ); usedver = root.size()-1; //debug(root[usedver]->sum); return KK==0; } inline pstnode update(int p, int x, pstnode v, int l, int r){ pstnode u = new_node(); if(r - l < 2){ u->sum = v->sum; u->upd(x); return u; } int M = (l+r)>>1; u->l = v->l, u->r = v->r; if(p < M) u->l = update(p, x, v->l, l, M); else u->r = update(p, x, v->r, M, r); u->merge(); return u; } inline int update(int p, int x, int ver){ root.pb(update(p, x, root[ver], 0, N)); return root.size()-1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const int MAXN = 5e5+5; int A[MAXN], B[MAXN], BtoB[MAXN]; vi AtoB[MAXN]; vi strt; int M, K[MAXN]; int solve(){ int ans = 1; sort(K, K+M); int ni = all.size(); //debug(ni); int usedrt = 0; FOR(i,0,M && ans){ int cnt = 1; while(i+1<M && K[i] == K[i+1]){ cnt++; i++; } usedrt = erase(K[i], usedrt); ans &= bs(K[i]*cnt, strt[K[i]], usedrt); } FOR(i,ni,all.size()) delete all[i]; all.resize(ni); return ans; } void pre(){ FOR(i,0,N){ AtoB[A[i]].pb(B[i]); BtoB[B[i]]++; } N++; init(N); build(); strt.pb(0); FOR(i,1,N){ int nxt = strt.back(); if(AtoB[i].size()){ sort(all(AtoB[i])); int b = AtoB[i][0], cnt=1; FOR(j,1,AtoB[i].size()){ if(AtoB[i][j]==b) cnt++; else{ nxt = update(b, cnt, nxt); cnt=1; b=AtoB[i][j]; } } nxt = update(b, cnt, nxt); } if(BtoB[i-1]) nxt = update(i-1, -BtoB[i-1], nxt); strt.pb(nxt); } } void init(int NN, int *AA, int *BB){ N=NN; FOR(i,0,N) A[i]=AA[i]; FOR(i,0,N) B[i]=BB[i]; pre(); } int can(int MM, int *KK){ M = MM; FOR(i,0,M) K[i]=KK[i]; return solve(); }

Compilation message (stderr)

teams.cpp: In function 'int erase(int, int)':
teams.cpp:112:28: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'std::vector<stnode*>::size_type {aka long unsigned int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
         return root.size()-1;
teams.cpp: In function 'bool bs(int, int, int&)':
teams.cpp:149:17: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'std::vector<stnode*>::size_type {aka long unsigned int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
         usedver = root.size()-1;
teams.cpp: In function 'int update(int, int, int)':
teams.cpp:170:22: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'std::vector<stnode*>::size_type {aka long unsigned int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   return root.size()-1;
teams.cpp: In function 'int solve()':
teams.cpp:187:23: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'std::vector<stnode*>::size_type {aka long unsigned int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
     int ni = all.size();
teams.cpp: In function 'int can(int, int*)':
teams.cpp:243:24: warning: declaration of 'KK' shadows a global declaration [-Wshadow]
 int can(int MM, int *KK){
teams.cpp:114:9: note: shadowed declaration is here
     int KK;
teams.cpp: In function 'void _scan(int&)':
teams.cpp:39:38: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void _scan( int &x ) { scanf("%d",&x); }
teams.cpp: In function 'void _scan(long long int&)':
teams.cpp:40:46: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void _scan( long long &x ) { scanf("%lld",&x); }
teams.cpp: In function 'void _scan(double&)':
teams.cpp:41:42: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void _scan( double &x ) { scanf("%lf",&x); }
teams.cpp: In function 'void _scan(char&)':
teams.cpp:42:40: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void _scan( char &x ) { scanf(" %c",&x); }
teams.cpp: In function 'void _scan(char*)':
teams.cpp:43:38: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void _scan( char *x ) { scanf("%s",x); }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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