# | 제출 시각 | 아이디 | 문제 | 언어 | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 |
388184 | 2021-04-10T12:33:11 Z | BorisBarca | Skandi (COCI20_skandi) | C++14 | 754 ms | 34824 KB |
/* $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ \__| $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ |$$ _____|$$$$$$$\ | \____$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|\____$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ / $$ |$$ | \__|$$ |\$$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$ | \__|$$ / $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | \____$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ __$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$$$$$$\\$$$$$$$ | \_______/ \______/ \__| \__|\_______/ \_______/ \_______|\__| \_______|\_______| */ #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define PB push_back #define MP make_pair #define INS insert #define LB lower_bound #define UB upper_bound #define pii pair <int,int> #define pll pair <long long, long long> #define X first #define Y second #define _ << " " << #define sz(x) (int)x.size() #define all(a) (a).begin(),(a).end() #define FOR(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i < (b); ++i) #define FORD(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i > (b); --i) #define FORA(i, x) for (auto &i : x) #define REP(i, n) FOR(i, 0, n) #define BITS(x) __builtin_popcount(x) #define SQ(a) (a) * (a) #define TRACE(x) cout << #x " = " << (x) << '\n'; #define YES cout << "YES\n" #define NO cout << "NO\n" #define umap unordered_map typedef long long ll; typedef long double ld; typedef vector <int> vi; typedef vector <pii> vpi; typedef vector <ll> vll; typedef vector <pll> vpl; typedef vector <double> vd; typedef vector <ld> vld; typedef vector<string> vs; //((float) t)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC const int MOD = 1e9 + 2015; const double PI = acos(-1); const int INF = 1e9 + 10; const ll INFL = 1e18 + 10; const int ABC = 30; const int dx[] = {-1, 1, 0, 0}; const int dy[] = {0, 0, -1, 1}; const int dox[] = {-1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1}; const int doy[] = {0, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}; inline int sum(int a, int b){ if (a + b < 0) return (a + b + MOD) % MOD; return (a + b) % MOD; } inline void add(int &a, int b){ a = sum(a, b); } inline int mul(int a, int b){ return (ll)a * (ll)b % MOD; } inline int sub(int a, int b){ return (a - b + MOD) % MOD; } inline int fast_pot(ll pot, ll n){ ll ret = 1; while (n){ if (n & 1LL) ret = (ret * pot) % MOD; pot = (pot * pot) % MOD; n >>= 1LL; } return ret; } inline int divide(int a, int b){ return mul(a, fast_pot(b, MOD - 2)); } ll lcm(ll a, ll b){ return abs(a * b) / __gcd(a, b); } inline double ccw(pii A, pii B, pii C){ return (A.X * B.Y) - (A.Y * B.X) + (B.X * C.Y) - (B.Y * C.X) + (C.X * A.Y) - (C.Y * A.X); } inline int CCW(pii A, pii B, pii C){ double val = ccw(A, B, C); double eps = max(max(abs(A.X), abs(A.Y)), max(max(abs(B.X), abs(B.Y)), max(abs(C.X), abs(C.Y)))) / 1e9; if (val <= -eps) return -1; if (val >= eps) return 1; return 0; } void to_upper(string &x){ REP(i, sz(x)) x[i] = toupper(x[i]); } void to_lower(string &x){ REP(i, sz(x)) x[i] = tolower(x[i]); } string its(ll x){ if (x == 0) return "0"; string ret = ""; while (x > 0){ ret += (x % 10) + '0'; x /= 10; } reverse(all(ret)); return ret; } ll sti(string s){ ll ret = 0; REP(i, sz(s)){ ret *= 10; ret += (s[i] - '0'); } return ret; } const int N = 505; const int NIL = 0; int n, m, idx[N][N], h[N][N], v[N][N], cnt, pair_u[3 * N * N], pair_v[3 * N * N], dist[3 * N * N]; string mat[N]; umap <int, umap <int, int>> e; bool bfs(){ queue <int> q; FOR(u, 1, cnt){ if (pair_u[u] == NIL){ dist[u] = 0; q.push(u); } else dist[u] = INF; } dist[NIL] = INF; while (sz(q)){ int u = q.front(); q.pop(); if (dist[u] < dist[NIL]){ FORA(v, e[u]){ if (dist[pair_v[v.X]] == INF){ dist[pair_v[v.X]] = dist[u] + 1; q.push(pair_v[v.X]); } } } } return (dist[NIL] != INF); } bool dfs(int u){ if (u != NIL){ FORA(v, e[u]){ if (dist[pair_v[v.X]] == dist[u] + 1){ if (dfs(pair_v[v.X])){ pair_u[u] = v.X; pair_v[v.X] = u; return true; } } } dist[u] = INF; return false; } return true; } int hopcroft_karp(){ FOR(u, 1, cnt) pair_u[u] = NIL; FOR(v, cnt, 2 * cnt + 1) pair_v[v] = NIL; int ret = 0; while (bfs()){ FOR(u, 1, cnt){ if (pair_u[u] == NIL){ if (dfs(u)) ret++; } } } return ret; } int main () { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); cin >> n >> m; REP(i, n) cin >> mat[i]; cnt = 1; REP(i, n) REP(j, m) if (mat[i][j] == '1') idx[i][j] = cnt++; REP(i, n){ int tmp = 0; REP(j, m){ if (mat[i][j] == '1'){ tmp = idx[i][j]; } h[i][j] = tmp; } } REP(j, m){ int tmp = 0; REP(i, n){ if (mat[i][j] == '1'){ tmp = idx[i][j]; } v[i][j] = tmp + cnt; } } REP(i, n){ REP(j, m){ if (mat[i][j] == '0'){ e[h[i][j]][v[i][j]] = 1; e[v[i][j]][h[i][j]] = 1; } } } cout << hopcroft_karp() << '\n'; return 0; }
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
2 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
3 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
4 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
5 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
6 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
7 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
8 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
9 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
10 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
11 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
12 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
13 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
14 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
15 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
16 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
17 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
18 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 336 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
19 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
20 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
21 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
22 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
23 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2892 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
2 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1484 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
3 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2636 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
4 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1356 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
5 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1356 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
6 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 972 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
7 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 844 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
8 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 1616 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
9 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 3660 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
10 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
11 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
12 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
13 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
14 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3980 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
15 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
16 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3952 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
17 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
18 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
19 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
20 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
21 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
22 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
23 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
24 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
25 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
26 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
# | 결과 | 실행 시간 | 메모리 | Grader output |
1 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
2 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
3 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
4 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
5 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
6 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
7 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
8 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
9 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
10 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
11 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
12 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
13 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
14 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
15 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
16 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
17 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
18 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 336 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
19 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
20 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
21 | Partially correct | 0 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
22 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
23 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 332 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
24 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 2892 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
25 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1484 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
26 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 2636 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
27 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1356 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
28 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 1356 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
29 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 972 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
30 | Partially correct | 1 ms | 844 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
31 | Partially correct | 2 ms | 1616 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
32 | Partially correct | 3 ms | 3660 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
33 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
34 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
35 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
36 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
37 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3980 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
38 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
39 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3952 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
40 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
41 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
42 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
43 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
44 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
45 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
46 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
47 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
48 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3788 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
49 | Partially correct | 4 ms | 3916 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
50 | Partially correct | 170 ms | 29948 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
51 | Partially correct | 630 ms | 22724 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
52 | Partially correct | 310 ms | 32096 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
53 | Partially correct | 172 ms | 30748 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
54 | Partially correct | 212 ms | 26728 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
55 | Partially correct | 217 ms | 32828 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
56 | Partially correct | 197 ms | 33256 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
57 | Partially correct | 185 ms | 32396 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
58 | Partially correct | 754 ms | 22696 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
59 | Partially correct | 198 ms | 27492 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
60 | Partially correct | 221 ms | 31204 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
61 | Partially correct | 246 ms | 26384 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
62 | Partially correct | 221 ms | 31156 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
63 | Partially correct | 216 ms | 31732 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
64 | Partially correct | 160 ms | 23220 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
65 | Partially correct | 182 ms | 31504 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
66 | Partially correct | 243 ms | 28032 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
67 | Partially correct | 304 ms | 30344 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
68 | Partially correct | 248 ms | 32768 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
69 | Partially correct | 220 ms | 29964 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
70 | Partially correct | 205 ms | 30784 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
71 | Partially correct | 341 ms | 33288 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
72 | Partially correct | 244 ms | 34824 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
73 | Partially correct | 277 ms | 34112 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
74 | Partially correct | 332 ms | 33496 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |
75 | Partially correct | 273 ms | 34400 KB | First line is correct, but the reconstruction is not properly formatted. |