제출 #374653

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
374653idk321저울 (IOI15_scales)C++11
컴파일 에러
0 ms0 KiB
#include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "scales.h" #define _MAXN 6 #define _MAX_ANSWER_CALLS 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; static int _realC[_MAXN]; static int _ind[_MAXN]; static int _numQueries; static int _numAnswerCalls; static FILE * _f; static FILE * _of; static int _getNumberOfTests() { int T, ret; _f = fopen("scales.in", "r"); _of = fopen("scales.out", "w"); ret = fscanf(stdin, "%d", &T); assert(ret == 1); return T; } static void _initNewTest() { int i, ret; for (i = 0; i < _MAXN; i++) { ret = fscanf(stdin, "%d", &_realC[i]); assert(ret == 1); _realC[i]--; _ind[_realC[i]] = i; } _numQueries = 0; _numAnswerCalls = 0; } void answer(int W[]) { int i; _numAnswerCalls++; if (_numAnswerCalls > _MAX_ANSWER_CALLS) return; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d ", W[i]); fprintf(stdout, "\n%d\n", _numQueries); } static void _checkQuery(int A, int B, int C, int D) { if (D == -1) { if (A < 1 || A > 6 || B < 1 || B > 6 || C < 1 || C > 6) assert(0); if (A == B || B == C || A == C) assert(0); } else { if (A < 1 || A > 6 || B < 1 || B > 6 || C < 1 || C > 6 || D < 1 || D > 6) assert(0); if (A == B || A == C || A == D || B == C || B == D || C == D) assert(0); } } int getMedian(int A, int B, int C) { _numQueries++; _checkQuery(A, B, C, -1); A--; B--; C--; if (_ind[B] < _ind[A] && _ind[A] < _ind[C]) return A + 1; if (_ind[C] < _ind[A] && _ind[A] < _ind[B]) return A + 1; if (_ind[A] < _ind[B] && _ind[B] < _ind[C]) return B + 1; if (_ind[C] < _ind[B] && _ind[B] < _ind[A]) return B + 1; return C + 1; } int getHeaviest(int A, int B, int C) { _numQueries++; _checkQuery(A, B, C, -1); A--; B--; C--; if (_ind[A] > _ind[B] && _ind[A] > _ind[C]) return A + 1; if (_ind[B] > _ind[A] && _ind[B] > _ind[C]) return B + 1; return C + 1; } int getLightest(int A, int B, int C) { _numQueries++; _checkQuery(A, B, C, -1); A--; B--; C--; if (_ind[A] < _ind[B] && _ind[A] < _ind[C]) return A + 1; if (_ind[B] < _ind[A] && _ind[B] < _ind[C]) return B + 1; return C + 1; } int getNextLightest(int A, int B, int C, int D) { int allLess = 1; _numQueries++; _checkQuery(A, B, C, D); A--; B--; C--; D--; if (_ind[A] > _ind[D] || _ind[B] > _ind[D] || _ind[C] > _ind[D]) allLess = 0; if (allLess == 1) { if (_ind[A] < _ind[B] && _ind[A] < _ind[C]) return A + 1; if (_ind[B] < _ind[A] && _ind[B] < _ind[C]) return B + 1; return C + 1; } if (_ind[A] > _ind[D]) { if ((_ind[A] < _ind[B] || _ind[B] < _ind[D]) && (_ind[A] < _ind[C] || _ind[C] < _ind[D])) return A + 1; } if (_ind[B] > _ind[D]) { if ((_ind[B] < _ind[A] || _ind[A] < _ind[D]) && (_ind[B] < _ind[C] || _ind[C] < _ind[D])) return B + 1; } return C + 1; } int main() { int T, i; T = _getNumberOfTests(); init(T); for (i = 1; i <= T; i++) { _initNewTest(); orderCoins(); } return 0; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `answer':
scales.cpp:(.text+0x100): multiple definition of `answer'
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o:grader.c:(.text+0x100): first defined here
/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `getMedian':
scales.cpp:(.text+0x180): multiple definition of `getMedian'
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o:grader.c:(.text+0x190): first defined here
/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `getHeaviest':
scales.cpp:(.text+0x210): multiple definition of `getHeaviest'
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o:grader.c:(.text+0x220): first defined here
/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `getLightest':
scales.cpp:(.text+0x280): multiple definition of `getLightest'
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o:grader.c:(.text+0x290): first defined here
/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `getNextLightest':
scales.cpp:(.text+0x2f0): multiple definition of `getNextLightest'
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o:grader.c:(.text+0x300): first defined here
/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `main':
scales.cpp:(.text.startup+0x0): multiple definition of `main'
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o:grader.c:(.text.startup+0x0): first defined here
/tmp/cc0fJts6.o: In function `main':
grader.c:(.text.startup+0x79): undefined reference to `init'
grader.c:(.text.startup+0xf2): undefined reference to `orderCoins'
/tmp/ccb051PA.o: In function `main':
scales.cpp:(.text.startup+0x70): undefined reference to `init'
scales.cpp:(.text.startup+0xe2): undefined reference to `orderCoins'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status