답안 #365649

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
365649 2021-02-12T05:44:58 Z amunduzbaev Table Tennis (info1cup20_tabletennis) C++14
0 / 100
37 ms 3052 KB
/** made by amunduzbaev **/
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define ub upper_bound
#define lb lower_bound
#define sz(x) (int)x.size()
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define rall(x) x.rbegin(),x.rend()
#define NeedForSpeed ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
#define vv vector
#define int long long
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
typedef pair<int, int> pii; 
typedef pair<ll, ll> pll; 
typedef vector<ll> vll;
typedef vector<int> vii;
typedef vector<pll> vpll;
typedef vector<pii> vpii;
typedef pair<int, pii> ipii;
typedef pair<pii, int> piii;
template<class T> bool umin(T& a, const T& b) {return a > b? a = b, true:false;}
template<class T> bool umax(T& a, const T& b) {return a < b? a = b, true:false;}
const int N = 2e5+5;
const int mod = 1e9+7;
const ll inf = 1e18;
const ld Pi = acos(-1);
#define MULTI 0
int n, m, k, ans, res, a[N];


4 2
1 2 5 7 8 100

6 2
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 11

6 2
1 2 3 5 7 8 9 15

4 2
100 200 1 2 3 4


bool check(int x, int b){
	int l = 0, r = m-1;
	while(l == x || l == b) l++;
	while(r == x || r == b) r--;
	int cur = a[l] + a[r];
	//cout<<a[x]<<" "<<a[b]<<"\n";
	for(int i=0;i<(n>>1);i++){
		while(l == x || l == b) l++;
		while(r == x || r == b) r--;
		//cout<<a[l]<<" "<<a[r]<<"\n";
		if(a[l] + a[r] != cur) return 0;
		l++, r--;
	return 1;

void print(int x, int b){
	//cout<<x<<" "<<b<<"\n";
	for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
		if(i == x || i == b) continue;
		cout<<a[i]<<" ";

void solve(int t_case){
	m = n+k;
	for(int i=0;i<n+k;i++) cin>>a[i];
	sort(a, a+n+k);
	//if(check(7, 4)) { print(4, 7); return; }
	int pos = a[0] + a[m-1];
	int bad1 = -1, bad2 = -1;
	int l = 0, r = m-1;
	for(int i=0;i<(n>>1);i++){
		//cout<<a[l]<<" "<<a[r]<<" "<<pos<<"\n";
		if(a[l] + a[r] != pos){
			int res1 = -1, res2 = -1;
			if(a[l] + a[r-1] == pos) res1 = r, r--;
			else if(a[l+1] + a[r] == pos) res1 = l, l++;
			else if(a[l] + a[r-2] == pos) res2 = r, res1 = r-1, r-=2;
			else if(a[l+2] + a[r] == pos) res1 = l, res2 = l+1, l+=2;
			else if(a[l+1] + a[r-1] == pos) res1 = l, res2 = r, l++, r--;
			else break;
			if(bad1 == -1){
				if(res2 != -1) { bad1 = res1, bad2 = res2; break; }
				else bad1 = res1;
			}else { bad2 = res1; break; }
		}else l++, r--;
	} //cout<<"\n";
	if(bad1 == -1) bad1 = l;
	if(bad2 == -1) bad2 = r;
	if(check(bad1, bad2)) { print(bad1, bad2); return; }
	bad2 = -1, bad1 = 0, pos = a[1] + a[m-1], l = 1, r = m-1;
	for(int i=0;i<(n>>1);i++){
		if(a[l] + a[r] != pos){
			int res1 = -1;
			if(a[l] + a[r-1] == pos) res1 = r, r--;
			else if(a[l+1] + a[r] == pos) res1 = l, l++;
			else { bad2 = res1; break; }
		}else l++, r--;
	if(bad2 == -1) bad2 = l;
	if(check(bad1, bad2)) { print(bad1, bad2); return; }
	bad2 = -1, bad1 = m-1, pos = a[0] + a[m-2], l = 0, r = m-2;
	for(int i=0;i<(n>>1);i++){
		//cout<<a[l]<<" "<<a[r]<<" "<<pos<<"\n";
		if(a[l] + a[r] != pos){
			int res1 = -1;
			if(a[l] + a[r-1] == pos) res1 = r, r--;
			else if(a[l+1] + a[r] == pos) res1 = l, l++;
			else { bad2 = res1; break; }
		}else l++, r--;
	if(bad2 == -1) bad2 = l;
	if(check(bad1, bad2)) { print(bad1, bad2); return; }
	if(check(0, 1)){ print(0, 1); return; }
	print(m-1, m-2);

signed main(){
	if(!MULTI) {
	} else {
		int t; cin>>t;
		for(int t_case = 1; t_case <= t; t_case++) solve(t_case);
	return 0;
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 1 ms 364 KB Unexpected end of file - int32 expected
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 5 ms 748 KB Unexpected end of file - int32 expected
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 37 ms 3052 KB Output does not have symmetry property
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 1 ms 364 KB Extra information in the output file
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 0 ms 364 KB Extra information in the output file
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 0 ms 364 KB Extra information in the output file
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 1 ms 364 KB Extra information in the output file
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Incorrect 1 ms 364 KB Extra information in the output file
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -