제출 #365080

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
365080crackersamdjamRegions (IOI09_regions)C++17
0 / 100
104 ms48384 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE template<typename T> void pr(T a){std::cerr<<a<<std::endl;} template<typename T,typename... Args> void pr(T a, Args... args) {std::cerr<<a<<' ',pr(args...);} #else template<typename... Args> void pr(Args... args){} #endif using namespace std; const int MM = 2e5+5, SQ = 500; int n, m, q; vector<int> adj[MM]; int in[MM], out[MM], t; map<int, int> cnt[MM], parcnt; int val[MM]; vector<pair<int, int>> down[MM], up[MM]; vector<int> nodes[MM]; int ans[MM], bit[MM]; void update(int i, int v){ for(; i < MM; i += i&-i) bit[i] += v; } int query(int i){ int v = 0; for(; i; i -= i&-i) v += bit[i]; return v; } void dfs(int cur, int pre){ in[cur] = ++t; for(auto u: adj[cur]){ if(u == pre) continue; dfs(u, cur); } out[cur] = t; } void go(int cur, int pre){ parcnt[val[cur]]++; for(auto [a, i]: up[cur]){ ans[i] += parcnt[a]; } int id = 0; for(auto u: adj[cur]){ if(u == pre) continue; go(u, cur); if(size(cnt[u]) > size(cnt[id])) id = u; } cnt[cur] = move(cnt[id]); for(auto u: adj[cur]){ if(u == pre) continue; if(u != id){ for(auto [a, c]: cnt[u]){ cnt[cur][a] += c; } } } cnt[cur][val[cur]]++; for(auto [a, i]: down[cur]){ ans[i] += cnt[cur][a]; } parcnt[val[cur]]--; } int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cin>>n>>m>>q; cin>>val[1]; nodes[val[1]].emplace_back(1); for(int i = 2,p; i <= n; i++){ cin>>p>>val[i]; // pr(p, i, val[i]); adj[p].emplace_back(i); nodes[val[i]].emplace_back(i); } dfs(1, 0); for(int i = 0,a,b; i < q; i++){ cin>>a>>b; // if(size(nodes[a]) > SQ){ // for(int j: nodes[b]) // up[j].emplace_back(a, i); // } // else if(size(nodes[b]) > SQ){ // for(int j: nodes[a]) // down[j].emplace_back(b, i); // } // else { for(int j: nodes[b]){ update(in[j], 1); } for(int j: nodes[a]){ ans[i] += query(out[j]) - query(in[j]-1); } for(int j: nodes[b]){ update(in[j], -1); } } } // go(1, 0); for(int i = 0; i < q; i++) cout<<ans[i]<<'\n'; } /* for pairs < sqrt, update and query on ett O(n log n) dfs small to large O(n log n) for inserting to query, use small to query for large O(small*large) O(n sqrt n) large to large O(sqrtn sqrtn) = O(n) so during dfs, I need one map to store the set of parents and another for subtree (this needs small to large) */
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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