제출 #301433

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
301433NaimSS사다리꼴 (balkan11_trapezoid)C++14
100 / 100
172 ms8460 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ld long double #define endl "\n" #define fastio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); #define pb(x) push_back(x) #define mp(a,b) make_pair(a,b) #define ms(v,x) memset(v,x,sizeof(v)) #define all(v) v.begin(),v.end() #define ff first #define ss second #define rep(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < (b); ++i) #define per(i, a, b) for(int i = b-1; i>=a ; i--) #define trav(a, x) for(auto& a : x) #define allin(a , x) for(auto a : x) #define Unique(v) sort(all(v));v.erase(unique(all(v)),v.end()); #define sz(v) (int)v.size() //#define int long long using namespace std; typedef vector<int> vi; #define y1 abacaba #define left sefude #define db(x) cerr << #x <<" == "<<x << endl; #define db2(x,y) cerr<<#x <<" == "<<x<<", "<<#y<<" == "<<y<<endl; #define db3(x,y,z) cerr << #x<<" == "<<x<<", "<<#y<<" == "<<y<<", "<<#z<<" == "<<z<<endl; #define prl cerr<<"called: "<< __LINE__ << endl; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef pair<ll,ll> pll; inline ll mod(ll n, ll m ){ ll ret = n%m; if(ret < 0) ret += m; return ret; } ll gcd(ll a, ll b){return (b == 0LL ? a : gcd(b, a%b));} ll exp(ll a,ll b,ll m){ if(b==0LL) return 1LL; if(b==1LL) return mod(a,m); ll k = mod(exp(a,b/2,m),m); if(b&1LL){ return mod(a*mod(k*k,m),m); } else return mod(k*k,m); } const int N = 200100,M = 30013; pii tree[4*N]; void upd(int no,int i,int j,int p,pii v){ if(i == j){ if(tree[no].ff == v.ff)tree[no].ss += v.ss; else if(tree[no].ff < v.ff){ tree[no] = v; } if(tree[no].ss>=M)tree[no].ss-=M; return; } int mid = (i+j)>>1,l=no<<1,r=no<<1|1; if(p<=mid)upd(l,i,mid,p,v); else upd(r,mid+1,j,p,v); int mx = max(tree[l].ff,tree[r].ff); tree[no].ff = mx; tree[no].ss = (tree[l].ff==mx?tree[l].ss:0) + (tree[r].ff==mx?tree[r].ss:0); if(tree[no].ss>=M)tree[no].ss-=M; assert(tree[no].ss>=0 and tree[no].ss<M); } pii query(int no,int i,int j,int a,int b){ if(i > b || j < a)return pii(0,0); if(a<=i and j<=b)return tree[no]; int mid = (i+j)>>1,l=no<<1,r=no<<1|1; pii op1 = query(l,i,mid,a,b); pii op2 = query(r,mid+1,j,a,b); int mx = max(op1.ff,op2.ff); int cnt = (op1.ff==mx?op1.ss:0)+(op2.ff==mx?op2.ss:0); if(cnt>=M)cnt-=M; assert(cnt>=0 and cnt<M); return pii(mx,cnt); } int a[N],b[N],c[N],d[N]; pii val[N]; int32_t main(){ fastio; /* ifstream cin("seating.in"); ofstream cout("seating.out"); */ for(int i=0;i<N;i++)tree[i] = pii(0,0); int n; cin >> n; vi comp; vi ids; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin >> a[i] >> b[i] >> c[i] >> d[i]; assert(a[i] < b[i] and c[i] < d[i] and a[i]>0); comp.pb(a[i]); comp.pb(b[i]); ids.pb(i); } comp.pb(0); Unique(comp); int tam = sz(comp); for(int i=1;i<sz(comp);i++)assert(comp[i]>comp[i-1]); upd(1,1,tam,1,pii(0,1)); sort(all(ids),[&](int i,int j){ return c[i] < c[j]; }); priority_queue<pii,vector<pii>,greater<pii> > pq; for(int it=0;it<sz(ids);it++){ int id = ids[it]; a[id] = lower_bound(all(comp),a[id]) - comp.begin() + 1; b[id] = lower_bound(all(comp),b[id]) - comp.begin() + 1; assert(1<a[id] and a[id]<b[id] and b[id]<=tam); while(!pq.empty() and pq.top().ff < c[id]){ int cur = pq.top().ss; pq.pop(); upd(1,1,tam,b[cur],val[cur]); } pii X = query(1,1,tam,1,a[id]-1); X.ff++; val[id] = X; pq.push(pii(d[id],id)); } while(!pq.empty()){ int cur = pq.top().ss; pq.pop(); upd(1,1,tam,b[cur],val[cur]); } pii R = query(1,1,tam,1,tam); cout << R.ff<<" "<< mod(R.ss,M) << endl; // math -> gcd it all // Did u check N=1? Did you switch N,M? }
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