Submission #295488

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
295488mode149256Split the Attractions (IOI19_split)C++14
40 / 100
255 ms49656 KiB
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include "split.h" using namespace std; #define x first #define y second using ll = long long; using vi = vector<int>; using vl = vector<ll>; using vb = vector<bool>; using vii = vector<vi>; using pi = pair<int, int>; using vpi = vector<pi>; const int MX = 2e5 + 100; int N, M; int A, B, C; vpi visos; vii edges(MX); vii zemyn(MX); unordered_set<int> inTree[MX]; vi col(3); vi kiek(3); vi sz(MX, 0); vi res; vb been(MX, false); vi par(MX); vi szp(MX, 1); int findSet(int i) { return (i == par[i] ? i : (par[i] = findSet(par[i]))); } bool isSameSet(int i, int j) { return findSet(i) == findSet(j); } bool unionSet(int i, int j) { if (isSameSet(i, j)) return false; i = findSet(i); j = findSet(j); if (szp[i] > szp[j]) swap(i, j); par[i] = j; szp[j] += szp[i]; return true; } bool colored = false; bool nepilnas = false; void makeSz(int x) { sz[x] = 1; been[x] = true; for (auto u : edges[x]) { if (been[u]) continue; inTree[x].insert(u); inTree[u].insert(x); // zemyn[x].emplace_back(u); makeSz(u); sz[x] += sz[u]; } } void makeZemyn(int x) { been[x] = true; for (auto u : edges[x]) { if (been[u] or !inTree[x].count(u)) continue; zemyn[x].emplace_back(u); // printf("zemyn x -> u %d -> %d\n", x, u); makeZemyn(u); } } void color(int x, int p, int c) { if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; // printf("c = %d, x = %d, col = %d, kiek = %d\n", c, x, col[c], kiek[c]); res[x] = col[c]; kiek[c]--; if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; for (auto u : edges[x]) if (u != p and res[u] == 0) color(u, x, c); } void colorMult(int x, int c, int cent) { if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; res[x] = col[c]; kiek[c]--; if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; for (auto u : edges[x]) { if (u == cent) continue; if (inTree[x].count(u) == 0) continue; if (res[u] != 0) continue; colorMult(u, c, cent); } } void colorZemyn(int x, int c) { if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; res[x] = col[c]; kiek[c]--; if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; for (auto u : zemyn[x]) colorZemyn(u, c); } void unite(int x) { for (auto u : zemyn[x]) { // printf("jungiu u = %d, x = %d\n", u, x); unionSet(x, u); unite(u); } } void colorAll(int x, int c) { been[x] = true; if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; // printf("c = %d, x = %d, col = %d, kiek = %d\n", c, x, col[c], kiek[c]); res[x] = col[c]; kiek[c]--; if (kiek[c] <= 0) return; for (auto u : edges[x]) if (!been[u]) colorAll(u, c); } void solve(int x) { // x is centroid been = vb(N, false); makeZemyn(x); for (auto u : edges[x]) { unite(u); // printf("x = %d, u = %d, szu = %d, szp = %d\n", x, u, sz[u], szp[findSet(u)]); // assert(sz[u] == szp[findSet(u)]); if (sz[u] >= kiek[0]) { #ifdef LOCAL printf("PIRMO x = %d, u = %d\n", x, u); #endif colorZemyn(u, 0); color(x, u, 1); return; } } // reik jungt for (auto u : visos) { if (u.x == x or u.y == x) continue; if (isSameSet(u.x, u.y)) continue; inTree[u.x].insert(u.y); inTree[u.y].insert(u.x); unionSet(u.x, u.y); if (szp[findSet(u.x)] >= kiek[0]) { #ifdef LOCAL printf("SUJUNGUS x = %d, u = %d %d\n", x, u.x, u.y); #endif colorMult(findSet(u.x), 0, x); color(x, -1, 1); return; } } nepilnas = true; } void dfs(int x, int p) { int centroid = 1; for (auto u : edges[x]) { if (sz[u] > N / 2) centroid = 0; } if (centroid) { colored = true; solve(x); return; } for (auto u : edges[x]) { if (u == p or !inTree[x].count(u)) continue; int prevX = sz[x]; int prevU = sz[u]; sz[x] -= sz[u]; sz[u] += sz[x]; dfs(u, x); sz[x] = prevX; sz[u] = prevU; if (colored) return; } } void sortabc() { if (A >= B and A >= C) { col[2] = 1; kiek[2] = A; col[1] = 2; kiek[1] = B; col[0] = 3; kiek[0] = C; } else if (B >= A and B >= C) { col[2] = 2; kiek[2] = B; col[1] = 1; kiek[1] = A; col[0] = 3; kiek[0] = C; } else { col[2] = 3; kiek[2] = C; col[1] = 2; kiek[1] = B; col[0] = 1; kiek[0] = A; } if (kiek[0] > kiek[1]) { swap(kiek[0], kiek[1]); swap(col[0], col[1]); } } vi find_split(int n, int a, int b, int c, vi p, vi q) { res.resize(n, 0); N = n; A = a; B = b; C = c; M = (int)p.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) par[i] = i; for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) { edges[p[i]].emplace_back(q[i]); edges[q[i]].emplace_back(p[i]); } sortabc(); // if (kiek[0] == 1) { // been.resize(N, false); // colorAll(0, 1); // for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // { // if (!res[i]) { // if (kiek[0]) { // res[i] = col[0]; // kiek[0]--; // } else { // res[i] = col[2]; // } // } // } // return res; // } been.resize(N, false); makeSz(0); been.resize(N, false); dfs(0, -1); // for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) // { // printf("%d ", res[i]); // } // printf("\n"); // printf("col %d %d %d\n", col[0], col[1], col[2]); if (colored and !nepilnas) { for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (!res[i]) res[i] = col[2]; } } return res; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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