이 제출은 이전 버전의 oj.uz에서 채점하였습니다. 현재는 제출 당시와는 다른 서버에서 채점을 하기 때문에, 다시 제출하면 결과가 달라질 수도 있습니다.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ALL(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
#define SZ(x) static_cast<int>((x).size())
template<class T, size_t D>
struct vec : vector<vec<T, D - 1>> {
template<class... Args>
vec(size_t n = 0, Args... args)
: vector<vec<T, D - 1>>(n, vec<T, D - 1>(args...)) {}
template<class T>
struct vec<T, 1> : vector<T> {
template<class... Args>
vec(Args... args)
: vector<T>(args...) {}
template<class T>
inline bool Minimize(T& a, const T& b) { return a > b ? a = b, true : false; }
template<class T>
inline bool Maximize(T& a, const T& b) { return a < b ? a = b, true : false; }
inline int Next(int i, int n) { return i == n - 1 ? 0 : i + 1; }
inline int Prev(int i, int n) { return !i ? n - 1 : i - 1; }
mt19937 rng(static_cast<uint32_t>(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()));
struct IT {
int n;
struct Node {
array<vec<pair<int, int>, 1>, 2> segments;
vec<pair<int, int>, 1> queries;
: segments({}),
queries({}) {}
vec<Node, 1> nodes;
IT(int t_n, const vec<pair<int, int>, 2>& queries_time_marks)
: n(t_n),
nodes(n << 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
nodes[i + n].queries = queries_time_marks[i];
for (int i = n - 1; i; --i) {
merge(ALL(nodes[i << 1].queries), ALL(nodes[i << 1 | 1].queries), back_inserter(nodes[i].queries));
void InsertSegment(int be, int en, bool slope, pair<int, int> val) {
for (be += n, en += n; be < en; be >>= 1, en >>= 1) {
if (be & 1) {
if (en & 1) {
int main() {
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
constexpr int kMaxX = 2e8;
int n_stores, n_types, n_queries; cin >> n_stores >> n_types >> n_queries;
vec<int, 1> time_marks; time_marks.reserve((n_stores << 1) + n_queries);
vec<tuple<int, int, int>, 1> changes; changes.reserve(n_stores << 1);
while (n_stores--) {
int x, type, l, r; cin >> x >> type >> l >> r; x <<= 1; --type;
changes.emplace_back(l, x, type);
changes.emplace_back(r + 1, -x, type);
time_marks.emplace_back(r + 1);
vec<pair<int, int>, 1> queries(n_queries);
for (auto& i : queries) {
cin >> i.first >> i.second; i.first <<= 1;
time_marks.erase(unique(ALL(time_marks)), time_marks.end());
vec<int, 1> answers(n_queries);
vec<int, 1> ord_queries(n_queries); iota(ALL(ord_queries), 0);
sort(ALL(ord_queries), [&](int i, int j) { return queries[i].second < queries[j].second; });
vec<map<int, int>, 1> begin_times_types(n_types);
array<vec<tuple<int, int, int, int>, 1>, 2> segments;
for (auto& i_query : ord_queries) {
static auto it_changes = changes.begin();
static int n_open_types = 0;
static vec<map<int, int>, 1> n_occurrences_xs_types(n_types);
for (; it_changes != changes.end() && (!~i_query || get<0>(*it_changes) <= queries[i_query].second); ++it_changes) {
int cur_time, x, type; tie(cur_time, x, type) = *it_changes;
n_open_types -= !!SZ(n_occurrences_xs_types[type]);
cur_time = static_cast<int>(lower_bound(ALL(time_marks), cur_time) - time_marks.begin());
auto Insert = [&](int a) {
begin_times_types[type][a] = cur_time;
auto Erase = [&](int a, int b) {
int pre_time;
if (!a) {
if ((pre_time = begin_times_types[type][0]) < cur_time) {
segments[true].emplace_back(2, b, pre_time, cur_time);
} else if (b > kMaxX) {
if ((pre_time = begin_times_types[type][a]) < cur_time) {
segments[false].emplace_back(a, kMaxX, pre_time, cur_time);
} else {
if ((pre_time = begin_times_types[type][a]) < cur_time) {
segments[false].emplace_back(a, (a + b) >> 1, pre_time, cur_time);
segments[true].emplace_back((a + b) >> 1, b, pre_time, cur_time);
if (x > 0) {
auto it = n_occurrences_xs_types[type].find(x);
if (it == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].end()) {
it = n_occurrences_xs_types[type].emplace(x, 1).first;
if (it == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].begin() && next(it) == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].end()) {
Insert(0); Insert(x);
} else if (it == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].begin()) {
Erase(0, next(it)->first);
Insert(0); Insert(x);
} else if (next(it) == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].end()) {
Erase(prev(it)->first, kMaxX + 2);
Insert(prev(it)->first); Insert(x);
} else {
Erase(prev(it)->first, next(it)->first);
Insert(prev(it)->first); Insert(x);
} else {
} else {
x = -x;
auto it = n_occurrences_xs_types[type].find(x);
if (it->second == 1) {
if (it == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].begin() && next(it) == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].end()) {
Erase(0, x); Erase(x, kMaxX + 2);
} else if (it == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].begin()) {
Erase(0, x); Erase(x, next(it)->first);
} else if (next(it) == n_occurrences_xs_types[type].end()) {
Erase(prev(it)->first, x); Erase(x, kMaxX + 2);
} else {
Erase(prev(it)->first, x); Erase(x, next(it)->first);
} else {
n_open_types += !!SZ(n_occurrences_xs_types[type]);
if (n_open_types != n_types && ~i_query) {
answers[i_query] = -1;
vec<pair<int, int>, 2> queries_time_marks(SZ(time_marks));
for (int i = 0; i < n_queries; ++i) {
if (answers[i]) {
queries_time_marks[static_cast<int>(lower_bound(ALL(time_marks), queries[i].second) - time_marks.begin())].emplace_back(queries[i].first, i);
for (auto& queries_time_mark : queries_time_marks) {
IT it(SZ(time_marks), queries_time_marks);
for (auto& segment : segments[true]) {
int l_x, r_x, be_time, en_time; tie(l_x, r_x, be_time, en_time) = segment;
it.InsertSegment(be_time, en_time, true, make_pair(l_x, r_x));
sort(ALL(segments[false]), [&](auto i, auto j) { return get<1>(i) > get<1>(j); });
for (auto& segment : segments[false]) {
int l_x, r_x, be_time, en_time; tie(l_x, r_x, be_time, en_time) = segment;
it.InsertSegment(be_time, en_time, false, make_pair(l_x, r_x));
for (int i = 1; i < SZ(it.nodes); ++i) {
int max_x = 0;
auto it_segments = it.nodes[i].segments[true].begin();
for (auto& query : it.nodes[i].queries) {
for (; it_segments != it.nodes[i].segments[true].end() && it_segments->first <= query.first; ++it_segments) {
Maximize(max_x, it_segments->second);
Maximize(answers[query.second], max_x - query.first);
int min_x = kMaxX;
it_segments = it.nodes[i].segments[false].begin();
for (auto& query : it.nodes[i].queries) {
for (; it_segments != it.nodes[i].segments[false].end() && it_segments->second >= query.first; ++it_segments) {
Minimize(min_x, it_segments->first);
Maximize(answers[query.second], query.first - min_x);
for (auto& answer : answers) {
cout << (~answer ? answer >> 1 : -1) << '\n';
return 0;
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |