이 제출은 이전 버전의 oj.uz에서 채점하였습니다. 현재는 제출 당시와는 다른 서버에서 채점을 하기 때문에, 다시 제출하면 결과가 달라질 수도 있습니다.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using lint = long long;
const int MAXN = 2005;
const int MAXM = 4005;
const int MAXL = 100005;
const lint INF = 1e18;
struct edge_t {
int u, v, w; // u = from, v = to, w = weight
edge_t() {}
edge_t(int u, int v, int w) : u(u), v(v), w(w) {}
int N, M, T, L;
namespace Graph {
vector<edge_t> edges;
vector<int> adj[MAXN];
lint EdgeEdgeDistance[MAXM][MAXM]; // EdgeEdgeDistance[X][Y][Type] = Shortest Path from X.u to Y.v, where we use X and Y
lint Distance[MAXN][MAXN][7]; // Distance[A][B][Type] = Shortest Path between Vertices A and B
int FirstEdge[MAXN][MAXN][7]; // FirstEdge[A][B][Type] = first edge in the shortest path from A to B (adjacent to A)
int LastEdge[MAXN][MAXN][7]; // LastEdge[A][B][Type] = last edge in the shortest path from A to B (adjacent to B)
// Distance Types:
// 1 The overall shortest distance, which uses (X, Y)
// 2 The overall shortest distance without X and Y
// 3 The overall shortest distance without X, which uses (U, V)
// 4 The overall shortest distance without X and V
// 5 The overall shortest distance without Y, which uses (S, E)
// 6 The overall shortest distance without S and Y
void Read() {
M *= 2;
for (int i = 0; i < (M / 2); i++) {
int A, B, C;
cin >> A >> B >> C;
A--, B--;
edges.emplace_back(A, B, C);
edges.emplace_back(B, A, C);
void Dijkstra(int X) { // Finds all EdgeEdgeDistance[X][]
priority_queue<pair<lint, int>, vector<pair<lint, int>>, greater<pair<lint, int>>> pq;
pq.emplace(edges[X].w, X);
EdgeEdgeDistance[X][X] = edges[X].w; // from edges[X].u to edges[X].v
// Run Dijkstra to find EdgeEdgeDistance[X][]
// Make sure we do not do a U-turn
while (!pq.empty()) {
int cur = pq.top().second;
lint cur_dist = pq.top().first;
if (cur_dist != EdgeEdgeDistance[X][cur]) continue;
int u = edges[cur].v;
for (auto nxt : adj[u]) {
if (cur == (nxt ^ 1)) continue; // We cannot U-turn back
lint &nxt_dist = EdgeEdgeDistance[X][nxt];
if (nxt_dist == -1 || nxt_dist > cur_dist + edges[nxt].w) {
nxt_dist = cur_dist + edges[nxt].w;
pq.emplace(nxt_dist, nxt);
void AllPairsShortestPath() { // Compute everything involving Shortest Paths
// Compute EdgeEdgeDistance[][]
memset(EdgeEdgeDistance, -1, sizeof(EdgeEdgeDistance));
for (int X = 0; X < M; X++) Dijkstra(X);
// Compute Distance, FirstEdge, and LastEdge
memset(Distance, -1, sizeof(Distance));
memset(FirstEdge, -1, sizeof(FirstEdge));
memset(LastEdge, -1, sizeof(LastEdge));
// Compute Distance[][][1] = The overall shortest distance, which uses (X, Y)
for (int X = 0; X < M; X++) {
for (int Y = 0; Y < M; Y++) {
if (EdgeEdgeDistance[X][Y] == -1) continue;
int A = edges[X].u;
int B = edges[Y].v;
if (Distance[A][B][1] == -1 || Distance[A][B][1] > EdgeEdgeDistance[X][Y]) {
Distance[A][B][1] = EdgeEdgeDistance[X][Y];
FirstEdge[A][B][1] = X;
LastEdge[A][B][1] = Y;
// Compute Distance[][][2] = The overall shortest distance without X and Y
for (int I = 0; I < M; I++) {
for (int J = 0; J < M; J++) {
int A = edges[I].u;
int B = edges[J].v;
int X = FirstEdge[A][B][1];
int Y = LastEdge[A][B][1];
if (I == X || J == Y) continue;
if (EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J] == -1) continue;
if (Distance[A][B][2] == -1 || Distance[A][B][2] > EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J]) {
Distance[A][B][2] = EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J];
FirstEdge[A][B][2] = I;
LastEdge[A][B][2] = J;
// Compute Distance[][][3] = The overall shortest distance without X, which uses (U, V)
for (int U = 0; U < M; U++) {
for (int V = 0; V < M; V++) {
if (EdgeEdgeDistance[U][V] == -1) continue;
int A = edges[U].u;
int B = edges[V].v;
int X = FirstEdge[A][B][1];
if (U == X) continue;
if (Distance[A][B][3] == -1 || Distance[A][B][3] > EdgeEdgeDistance[U][V]) {
Distance[A][B][3] = EdgeEdgeDistance[U][V];
FirstEdge[A][B][3] = U;
LastEdge[A][B][3] = V;
// Compute Distance[][][4] = The overall shortest distance without X and V
for (int I = 0; I < M; I++) {
for (int J = 0; J < M; J++) {
if (EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J] == -1) continue;
int A = edges[I].u;
int B = edges[J].v;
int X = FirstEdge[A][B][1];
int V = LastEdge[A][B][3];
if (I == X || J == V) continue;
if (Distance[A][B][4] == -1 || Distance[A][B][4] > EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J]) {
Distance[A][B][4] = EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J];
FirstEdge[A][B][4] = I;
LastEdge[A][B][4] = J;
// Compute Distance[][][5] = The overall shortest distance without Y, which uses (S, E)
for (int S = 0; S < M; S++) {
for (int E = 0; E < M; E++) {
if (EdgeEdgeDistance[S][E] == -1) continue;
int A = edges[S].u;
int B = edges[E].v;
int Y = LastEdge[A][B][1];
if (E == Y) continue;
if (Distance[A][B][5] == -1 || Distance[A][B][5] > EdgeEdgeDistance[S][E]) {
Distance[A][B][5] = EdgeEdgeDistance[S][E];
FirstEdge[A][B][5] = S;
LastEdge[A][B][5] = E;
// Compute Distance[][][6] = The overall shortest distance without S and Y
for (int I = 0; I < M; I++) {
for (int J = 0; J < M; J++) {
if (EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J] == -1) continue;
int A = edges[I].u;
int B = edges[J].v;
int S = FirstEdge[A][B][5];
int Y = LastEdge[A][B][1];
if (I == S || J == Y) continue;
if (Distance[A][B][6] == -1 || Distance[A][B][6] > EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J]) {
Distance[A][B][6] = EdgeEdgeDistance[I][J];
FirstEdge[A][B][6] = I;
LastEdge[A][B][6] = J;
class SegmentTree {
struct Data {
array<lint, 7> dp; // dp[Type] = Answer for supply run on current segment
array<int, 7> first_edge;
array<int, 7> last_edge;
lint& operator [] (int i) { return dp[i]; }
const lint& operator [] (int i) const { return dp[i]; }
Data() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
dp[i] = -1;
first_edge[i] = -1;
last_edge[i] = -1;
Data(int u, int v) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
dp[i] = Graph::Distance[u][v][i];
first_edge[i] = Graph::FirstEdge[u][v][i];
last_edge[i] = Graph::LastEdge[u][v][i];
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
if (dp[i] < 0) dp[i] = INF;
Data(Data A, Data B) {
if (A[1] == -1) { *this = B; return; }
if (B[1] == -1) { *this = A; return; }
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) dp[i] = INF;
// Type 1 The overall shortest distance, which uses (X, Y)
for (int P = 1; P <= 6; P++) {
for (int Q = 1; Q <= 6; Q++) {
if (A.last_edge[P] == (B.first_edge[Q] ^ 1)) continue; // cannot make U-turns
if (dp[1] > A[P] + B[Q]) {
dp[1] = A[P] + B[Q];
first_edge[1] = A.first_edge[P];
last_edge[1] = B.last_edge[Q];
// Type 2 The overall shortest distance without X and Y
for (int P = 1; P <= 6; P++) {
for (int Q = 1; Q <= 6; Q++) {
if (A.last_edge[P] == (B.first_edge[Q] ^ 1)) continue; // cannot make U-turns
if (first_edge[1] == A.first_edge[P]) continue;
if (last_edge[1] == B.last_edge[Q]) continue;
if (dp[2] > A[P] + B[Q]) {
dp[2] = A[P] + B[Q];
first_edge[2] = A.first_edge[P];
last_edge[2] = B.last_edge[Q];
// Type 3 The overall shortest distance without X, which uses (U, V)
for (int P = 1; P <= 6; P++) {
for (int Q = 1; Q <= 6; Q++) {
if (A.last_edge[P] == (B.first_edge[Q] ^ 1)) continue; // cannot make U-turns
if (first_edge[1] == A.first_edge[P]) continue;
if (dp[3] > A[P] + B[Q]) {
dp[3] = A[P] + B[Q];
first_edge[3] = A.first_edge[P];
last_edge[3] = B.last_edge[Q];
// Type 4 The overall shortest distance without X and V
for (int P = 1; P <= 6; P++) {
for (int Q = 1; Q <= 6; Q++) {
if (A.last_edge[P] == (B.first_edge[Q] ^ 1)) continue; // cannot make U-turns
if (first_edge[1] == A.first_edge[P]) continue;
if (last_edge[3] == B.last_edge[Q]) continue;
if (dp[4] > A[P] + B[Q]) {
dp[4] = A[P] + B[Q];
first_edge[4] = A.first_edge[P];
last_edge[4] = B.last_edge[Q];
// Type 5 The overall shortest distance without Y, which uses (S, E)
for (int P = 1; P <= 6; P++) {
for (int Q = 1; Q <= 6; Q++) {
if (A.last_edge[P] == (B.first_edge[Q] ^ 1)) continue; // cannot make U-turns
if (last_edge[1] == B.last_edge[Q]) continue;
if (dp[5] > A[P] + B[Q]) {
dp[5] = A[P] + B[Q];
first_edge[5] = A.first_edge[P];
last_edge[5] = B.last_edge[Q];
// Type 6 The overall shortest distance without S and Y
for (int P = 1; P <= 6; P++) {
for (int Q = 1; Q <= 6; Q++) {
if (A.last_edge[P] == (B.first_edge[Q] ^ 1)) continue; // cannot make U-turns
if (first_edge[5] == A.first_edge[P]) continue;
if (last_edge[1] == B.last_edge[Q]) continue;
if (dp[6] > A[P] + B[Q]) {
dp[6] = A[P] + B[Q];
first_edge[6] = A.first_edge[P];
last_edge[6] = B.last_edge[Q];
int sz;
vector<Data> Tree;
vector<int> X; // Supply Plan
void Update(int pos, int u, int v) {
Tree[pos += sz] = Data(u, v);
for (pos /= 2; pos > 0; pos /= 2) {
Tree[pos] = Data(Tree[pos * 2], Tree[pos * 2 + 1]);
Data Query(int L, int R) {
Data left, right;
for (L += sz, R += sz; L < R; L /= 2, R /= 2) {
if (L & 1) left = Data(left, Tree[L++]);
if (R & 1) right = Data(Tree[--R], right);
return Data(left, right);
SegmentTree(vector<int> X) : X(X) {
sz = (int) X.size() - 1;
Tree.resize(2 * sz);
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
Tree[i + sz] = Data(X[i], X[i + 1]);
for (int i = sz - 1; i > 0; i--) {
Tree[i] = Data(Tree[i * 2], Tree[i * 2 + 1]);
void Update(int P, int Q) {
X[P] = Q;
if (P > 0) Update(P - 1, X[P - 1], X[P]);
if (P < sz) Update(P, X[P], X[P + 1]);
lint Query() {
lint res = Query(0, sz).dp[1];
if (res == INF) res = -1;
return res;
void Solve() {
vector<int> X(L);
for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
cin >> X[i];
SegmentTree Solver(X);
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
int P, Q;
cin >> P >> Q;
Solver.Update(--P, --Q);
cout << Solver.Query() << "\n";
int main() {
cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
cin >> N >> M >> T >> L;
return 0;
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |