답안 #217656

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
217656 2020-03-30T11:39:40 Z DodgeBallMan 비밀 (JOI14_secret) C++14
0 / 100
568 ms 4576 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "secret.h"
const int N = 1e3 + 10;
int n, a[N], prer[10][N], prel[10][N];
void solve( int l, int r, int cnt ) {
    if( cnt > 8 || l == r ) return ;
    int mid = l + r >> 1;
    prer[cnt][mid+1] = a[mid+1];
    prel[cnt][mid] = a[mid];
    for( int i = mid - 1 ; i >= l ; i-- ) prel[cnt][i] = Secret( a[i], prel[cnt][i+1] );
    for( int i = mid + 2 ; i <= r ; i++ ) prer[cnt][i] = Secret( prer[cnt][i-1], a[i] );
    solve( l, mid, cnt+1 ), solve( mid+1, r, cnt+1 );
void Init( int N_, int A[] ) {
    n = N_;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) a[i] = A[i];
    solve( 0, n-1, 1 );
int cal( int ll, int rr, int l, int r, int cnt ) {
    if( cnt > 8 ) return 555;
    int mid = l + r >> 1;
    if( ll <= mid && mid + 1 <= rr ) return Secret( prel[cnt][ll], prer[cnt][rr] );
    else if( rr <= mid ) return cal( ll, rr, l, mid, cnt + 1 );
    else return cal( ll, rr, mid + 1, r, cnt + 1 );
int Query( int L, int R ) { 
    if( L == R ) return a[L];
    else if( L + 1 == R ) return Secret( a[L], a[R] );
    return cal( L, R, 0, n-1, 1 ); 

Compilation message

secret.cpp: In function 'void solve(int, int, int)':
secret.cpp:10:17: warning: suggest parentheses around '+' inside '>>' [-Wparentheses]
     int mid = l + r >> 1;
secret.cpp: In function 'int cal(int, int, int, int, int)':
secret.cpp:27:17: warning: suggest parentheses around '+' inside '>>' [-Wparentheses]
     int mid = l + r >> 1;
# 결과 실행 시간 메모리 Grader output
1 Correct 145 ms 2552 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 3578, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
2 Correct 193 ms 2552 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 3586, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
3 Correct 183 ms 2680 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 3594, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
4 Incorrect 499 ms 4472 KB Wrong Answer: Query(334, 336) - expected : 757125453, actual : 555.
5 Incorrect 509 ms 4524 KB Wrong Answer: Query(291, 293) - expected : 410949874, actual : 555.
6 Incorrect 499 ms 4456 KB Wrong Answer: Query(747, 749) - expected : 244228265, actual : 555.
7 Correct 538 ms 4576 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7490, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
8 Correct 564 ms 4472 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7490, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
9 Correct 568 ms 4448 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7490, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
10 Correct 516 ms 4484 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7490, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1