제출 #204773

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
204773TAISA_말 (IOI15_horses)C++14
37 / 100
1092 ms49216 KiB
#include "horses.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll=long long; using P=pair<int,int>; int x[500000],y[500000]; int n; const ll mod=1000000007LL; struct segtree{ int n; vector<ll> dat; void build(int n_){ n=1; while(n<n_)n<<=1; dat.resize(2*n,1); } void upd(int k,ll s){ k+=n; dat[k]=s%mod; k>>=1; while(k>0){ dat[k]=dat[k<<1]*dat[k<<1|1]%mod; k>>=1; } } ll get(int a,int b,int k,int l,int r){ if(b<=l||r<=a)return 1LL; if(a<=l&&r<=b)return dat[k]%mod; int m=(l+r)/2; return get(a,b,k<<1,l,m)*get(a,b,k<<1|1,m,r)%mod; } ll get(int a,int b){return get(a,b,1,0,n);} } seg; struct RMQ{ int n; vector<ll> dat; void build(int n_){ n=1; while(n<n_)n<<=1; dat.resize(2*n,0); } void upd(int k,ll s){ k+=n; dat[k]=s; k>>=1; while(k>0){ dat[k]=max(dat[k<<1],dat[k<<1|1]); k>>=1; } } ll get(int a,int b,int k,int l,int r){ if(b<=l||r<=a)return 0; if(a<=l&&r<=b)return dat[k]; int m=(l+r)/2; return max(get(a,b,k<<1,l,m),get(a,b,k<<1|1,m,r)); } ll get(int a,int b){return get(a,b,1,0,n);} } rmq; set<P> st; ll calc(){ ll id=-1,t=1,by=-1; for(auto it=prev(st.end());;it--){ ll yy=rmq.get(it->first,it->second+1); if(yy>t*by){ by=yy; id=it->first; t=1; } t*=x[it->first]; if(t>=mod)break; if(it==st.begin())break; } return by*seg.get(0,id+1)%mod; } int init(int N, int X[], int Y[]) { n=N; seg.build(n+10); rmq.build(n+10); int l=0; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ x[i]=X[i]; y[i]=Y[i]; if(x[i]!=1){ if(i>0)st.insert(P(l,i-1)); l=i; } seg.upd(i,x[i]); rmq.upd(i,y[i]); } st.insert(P(l,n-1)); return calc(); } int updateX(int pos, int val) { if(x[pos]==val)return calc(); if(x[pos]==1){ auto it=prev(st.lower_bound(P(pos+1,0))); st.insert(P(pos,it->second)); st.insert(P(it->first,pos-1)); st.erase(it); }else if(val==1){ auto it=prev(st.lower_bound(P(pos+1,0))); if(it!=st.begin()){ auto i2=prev(it); st.insert(P(i2->first,it->second)); st.erase(i2); st.erase(it); } } x[pos]=val; seg.upd(pos,val); return calc(); } int updateY(int pos, int val) { y[pos]=val; rmq.upd(pos,val); return calc(); }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

horses.cpp: In function 'll calc()':
horses.cpp:73:24: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'll {aka long long int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
  return by*seg.get(0,id+1)%mod;
horses.cpp: In function 'int init(int, int*, int*)':
horses.cpp:91:13: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'll {aka long long int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
  return calc();
horses.cpp: In function 'int updateX(int, int)':
horses.cpp:94:28: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'll {aka long long int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
  if(x[pos]==val)return calc();
horses.cpp:111:13: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'll {aka long long int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
  return calc();
horses.cpp: In function 'int updateY(int, int)':
horses.cpp:117:13: warning: conversion to 'int' from 'll {aka long long int}' may alter its value [-Wconversion]
  return calc();
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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