제출 #169158

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
169158ryansee가로등 (APIO19_street_lamps)C++14
20 / 100
5133 ms524292 KiB
#define LOCAL #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; #define FAST ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); #define LLINF ((long long) 1e18)//1234567890987654321 #define INF 1234567890ll #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define ins insert #define f first #define s second #define db 0 #define EPS (1e-7) //0.0000001 the value #define PI (acos((ld)-1.0)) #define MAXN (300006) #define ll /*long long*/ int #define ld long double mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); //can be used by calling rng() or shuffle(A, A+n, rng) #define FOR(ii, ss, ee) for(ll ii = ss; ii < (ll)ee; ++ii) #define space " " #define cbr cerr << "hi\n" #define mmst(x, v) memset((x), v, sizeof ((x))) #define siz(x) ((ll)x.size()) #define ph push #define btinpct(x) __builtin_popcountll((x)) #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define lbd(x, y) lower_bound(all(x), y) #define ubd(x, y) upper_bound(all(x), y) typedef pair <ll, ll> pi; typedef pair <ll, pi> spi; typedef pair <pi, pi> dpi; inline long long rand(long long x, long long y) { ++y; return (rng() % (y-x)) + x; } //inclusivesss string to_string(char c) {string s(1,c);return s;}string to_string(bool b){return (b ? "true" : "false");}template <typename A, typename B>string to_string(pair<A, B> p) {return "(" + to_string(p.first) + ", " + to_string(p.second) + ")";}template <typename A>string to_string(A v) {bool first = true;string res = "{";for (const auto &x : v) {if (!first) {res += ", ";}first = false;res += to_string(x);}res += "}";return res;}void degug_out() { cerr << endl; }template <typename Head, typename... Tail>void degug_out(Head H, Tail... T) {cerr << " " << to_string(H);degug_out(T...);} #ifdef LOCAL #define degug(...) cerr << "[" << #__VA_ARGS__ << "]:", degug_out(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define degug(...) 42 #define cerr if(0)cout #endif typedef struct node{ /*ll prior=0,size=0;*/ long long prior=0; int size=0; ll val=0;//value stored in the array ll sum=0;//whatever info you want to maintain in segtree for each node ll lazy=0;//whatever lazy update you want to do struct node *l,*r; bool rev=0; ll key = 0; }node; typedef node* pnode; ll sz(pnode t){ return t?t->size:0; } void upd_sz(pnode t){ if(t)t->size=sz(t->l)+1+sz(t->r); } void lazy(pnode t){ if(!t || !t->lazy)return; t->val+=t->lazy;//operation of lazy t->sum+=t->lazy*sz(t); if(t->l)t->l->lazy+=t->lazy;//propagate lazy if(t->r)t->r->lazy+=t->lazy; t->lazy=0; } void push(pnode it) { if(!it)return; if(it && it->rev) { it->rev = false; swap(it->l, it->r); if(it->l) it->l->rev ^= true; if(it->r) it->r->rev ^= true; } } void reset(pnode t){ if(t)t->sum = t->val;//no need to reset lazy coz when we call this lazy would itself be propagated } void combine(pnode& t,pnode l,pnode r){//combining two ranges of segtree if(!l || !r)return void(t = l?l:r); t->sum = l->sum + r->sum; } void operation(pnode t){//operation of segtree if(!t)return; reset(t);//reset the value of current node assuming it now represents a single element of the array lazy(t->l);lazy(t->r);//imp:propagate lazy before combining t->l,t->r; push(t->l), push(t->r); combine(t,t->l,t); combine(t,t,t->r); } void split(pnode t,pnode &l,pnode &r,ll pos,ll add=0){ if(!t)return void(l=r=NULL); lazy(t);push(t); ll curr_pos = add + sz(t->l); if(curr_pos<=pos)//element at pos goes to left subtree(l) split(t->r,t->r,r,pos,curr_pos+1),l=t; else split(t->l,l,t->l,pos,add),r=t; upd_sz(t); operation(t); } void merge(pnode &t,pnode l,pnode r){ //l->leftarray,r->rightarray,t->resulting array lazy(l);lazy(r);push(l); push(r); if(!l || !r) t = l?l:r; else if(l->prior>r->prior)merge(l->r,l->r,r),t=l; else merge(r->l,l,r->l),t=r; upd_sz(t); operation(t); } void init(pnode &ret, ll val, ll key){// key is like "name" maybe index lol // pnode ret = new node; ret->prior=rand(0,1000000000000ll);ret->size=1; ret->val=val; ret->sum=0;ret->lazy=0; ret->l=NULL, ret->r=NULL; ret->key = key; ret->rev=0; // return ret; } // x is key, pos is where u want put, val is value void insert(pnode& t, ll pos, ll x, ll val = 0) { if(!t) return; pnode t1, t2; split(t, t1, t2, pos-1); pnode nv = new node; init(nv,val,x); merge(t1, t1, nv); merge(t,t1,t2); return; } // note: for implicit treap can only delete by position void del_pos(pnode &t, ll pos, ll add = 0) { // assert(t); lazy(t->l); lazy(t->r); push(t->l); push(t->r); ll curr_pos = add + sz(t->l); if(curr_pos == pos) merge(t, t->l, t->r); else { if(curr_pos > pos) del_pos(t->l, pos, add); else del_pos(t->r, pos, add + 1 + sz(t->l)); } upd_sz(t); operation(t); } ll range_query(pnode t,ll l,ll r){//[l,r] pnode L,mid,R; split(t,L,mid,l-1); split(mid,t,R,r-l);//note: r-l!! ll ans = t->sum; merge(mid,L,t); merge(t,mid,R); return ans; } void range_update(pnode t,ll l,ll r,ll val){//[l,r] pnode L,mid,R; split(t,L,mid,l-1); split(mid,t,R,r-l);//note: r-l!! t->lazy+=val; //lazy_update merge(mid,L,t); merge(t,mid,R); } void reverse (pnode t, ll l, ll r) { pnode t1, t2, t3; split (t, t1, t2, l-1); split (t2, t2, t3, r-l); t2->rev ^= true; merge (t, t1, t2); merge (t, t, t3); } void output (pnode t) { if (!t) return; push (t); lazy(t); output (t->l); cout<<t->key<<" "<<t->val<<" ;"; output (t->r); } ll n,q,A[MAXN]; struct node2D { int s,e,m; pnode v;vector<ll>pts; node2D *l,*r; node2D(ll _S, ll _E) { s=_S,e=_E,m=(s+e)/2; v=0;pts.clear(); if(s!=e){ l=new node2D(s,m); r=new node2D(m+1,e); } } void update(ll x, ll y, ll a, ll b, ll nv){ if(s==x&&e==y){ // assert(*lbd(pts,a)==a&&*lbd(pts,b)==b); range_update(v,lbd(pts,a)-pts.begin(),lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin(),nv); return; } if(x>m)r->update(x,y,a,b,nv); else if(y<=m)l->update(x,y,a,b,nv); else l->update(x,m,a,b,nv),r->update(m+1,y,a,b,nv); return; } ll rmq(ll a, ll b) { // cerr<<s<<' '<<e<<' '<<a<<' '<<b<<'\n'; if(s==e){ // assert(lbd(pts,b)!=pts.end()&&*lbd(pts,b)==b); // cerr<<pts.size()<<'\n'; // assert(v); // cerr<<sz(v)<<' '<<lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin()<<'\n'; return range_query(v,lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin(),lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin()); } // assert(lbd(pts,b)!=pts.end()&&*lbd(pts,b)==b); // cerr<<"sz: "<<sz(v)<<' '<<lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin()<<'\n'; ll add=range_query(v,lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin(),lbd(pts,b)-pts.begin()); if(a>m)return r->rmq(a,b)+add; else return l->rmq(a,b)+add; } void range_put(ll x,ll y,ll a,ll b){ pts.pb(a);pts.pb(b); if(s==x&&e==y){ return; } if(x>m)r->range_put(x,y,a,b); else if(y<=m)l->range_put(x,y,a,b); else l->range_put(x,m,a,b),r->range_put(m+1,y,a,b); } pnode tmp=0; void handle() { sort(all(pts));pts.resize(unique(all(pts))-pts.begin()); for(auto i:pts){ if(v){tmp=new node;init(tmp,0,0); merge(v,v,tmp); if(0)insert(v,sz(v),sz(v),0);} else {v=new node;init(v,0,0);} } if(s==e)return; l->handle(); r->handle(); } } *seg; set<ll>close; pi find(ll x) { ll l,r; l=*--close.lower_bound(x);++l; r=*close.upper_bound(x); return pi(l,r); } vector<tuple<bool,ll,ll>>in; bool toggle[MAXN]; bool noblock(ll a, ll b){ return *close.lower_bound(a)>=b; } int main() { FAST cin>>n>>q; FOR(i,0,n){ char ch; cin>>ch; A[i]=ch-'0'; toggle[i]=A[i];} FOR(i,0,n)if(!A[i])close.ins(i); close.ins(-1);close.ins(n); seg=new node2D(0,n); FOR(T,1,q+1){ string op;cin>>op; if(op[0]=='t'){ ll x;cin>>x;--x; toggle[x]^=1; if(toggle[x]){ // all ranges that can be fully on close.erase(x); pi bounds=find(x); // [bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s] seg->range_put(bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s); } else { // all ranges that were fully on b4 this +i pi bounds=find(x); // [bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s] seg->range_put(bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s); close.ins(x); } in.pb(make_tuple(0,x,-1)); } else { ll a,b;cin>>a>>b;--a,--b; seg->range_put(a,a,b,b); in.pb(make_tuple(1,a,b)); } } seg->handle(); FOR(i,0,n)toggle[i]=A[i]; close.clear(); FOR(i,0,n)if(!A[i])close.ins(i); close.ins(-1);close.ins(n); FOR(T,1,q+1){ ll op=get<0>(in[T-1]); if(op==0){ ll x=get<1>(in[T-1]); toggle[x]^=1; if(toggle[x]){ // just on close.erase(x); pi bounds=find(x); // [bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s] seg->update(bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s,-T);// cerr<<"safe\n"; } else { pi bounds=find(x); // [bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s] seg->update(bounds.f,x,x+1,bounds.s,T);// cerr<<"safe\n"; close.ins(x); } } else { ll a=get<1>(in[T-1]),b=get<2>(in[T-1]); ll add=0; if(noblock(a,b)){ add=T; } cout<<seg->rmq(a,b)+add<<'\n'; } } }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

street_lamps.cpp: In member function 'void node2D::handle()':
street_lamps.cpp:229:12: warning: unused variable 'i' [-Wunused-variable]
   for(auto i:pts){
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...