제출 #1130513

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
1130513_rain_Lampice (COCI19_lampice)C++20
컴파일 에러
0 ms0 KiB
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; #define name "main" #define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i) #define FORD(i,a,b) for(int i=(b);i>=(a);--i) #define N 5000 const int MOD=1e9+7; const int base=31; int add(int a,int b){ return a+b>=MOD?a+b-MOD:a+b; } int sub(int a,int b){ return a-b<0?a-b+MOD:a-b; } int mul(int a,int b){ return (LL)a*b%MOD; } int power(int a,int b){ int res=1; for(;b;b>>1,a=mul(a,a)){ if (b&1) res=mul(res,a); } return res; } vector<int>ke[N+2]; char s[N+2]; int n; int h[N+2][N+2]; void add_edge(int u,int v){ ke[u].push_back(v),ke[v].push_back(u); return; } void Dfs_hash(int root,int u,int p){ h[root][u]=((LL)h[root][p]*base+s[u]-'a'+1)%MOD; for(auto&v:ke[u]){ if (v==p) continue; Dfs_hash(root,v,u); } return; } namespace CENTROID{ int sub[N+2],vv[N+2],p[N+2],dep[N+2]={},maxh=0,ans=0; map<int,bool>mp[N+2]; bool del[N+2]; void dfs_size(int u,int p){ sub[u]=1; for(auto&v:ke[u]){ if (v==p||del[v]) continue; dfs_size(v,u); sub[u]+=sub[v]; } return; } int find_centroid(int u,int p,int half){ for(auto&v:ke[u]){ if (del[v]||v==p) continue; if (sub[v]>half) return find_centroid(v,u,half); } return u; } void dfs(int u,int p){ dep[u]=dep[p]+1; vv[dep[u]]=u; maxh=max(maxh,dep[u]); for(auto&v:ke[u]){ if (v==p||del[v]) continue; dfs(v,u); } } void calc(int root,int u,int p,int t){ if (t) mp[dep[u]][h[vv[1]][u]]++; else { int addmore=0,pos=0; if (h[root][u]==h[u][root]){ pos=dep[u]+1; int l=1,r=maxh-dep[u]; while (l<=r){ int m=(l+r)>>1; if (mp[m].find(h[vv[dep[u]+1]][vv[dep[u]+m]])!=mp[m].end()){ addmore=2*m; l=m+1; } else r=m-1; } } // if (root==3) cout<<u<<' '<<maxh<<' '<<pos<<' '<<addmore<<' '<<ans<<'\n'; ans=max(ans,pos+addmore); pos=0,addmore=0; if (p==root){ pos=1; int l=0,r=maxh-dep[u]; while (l<=r){ int m=(l+r)>>1; if (mp[m+1].find(h[vv[dep[u]]][vv[dep[u]+m]])!=mp[m+1].end()){ addmore=2*(m+1); l=m+1; } else r=m-1; } } // cout<<u<<' '<<maxh<<'\n'; ans=max(ans,addmore+pos); } for(auto&v:ke[u]){ if (del[v]||v==p) continue; calc(root,v,u,t); } } void build(int u){ dfs_size(u,u); u=find_centroid(u,u,sub[u]/2); del[u]=true; dep[u]=0; for(auto&v:ke[u]){ if (del[v]) continue; maxh=0; dfs(v,u); calc(u,v,u,0); calc(u,v,u,1); } maxh=0; dfs(u,u); // cout<<u<<' '<<ans<<' '<<maxh<<'\n'; FOR(i,0,maxh) mp[i].clear(); for(auto&v:ke[u]) if (!del[v]) build(v); return; } } using namespace CENTROID; int32_t main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); cin>>n; FOR(i,1,n) cin>>s[i]; FOR(i,1,n-1){ int u,v; cin>>u>>v; add_edge(u,v); } FOR(i,1,n) Dfs_hash(i,i,i); build(1); // cout<<h[5][5]<<' '<<h[3][3]<<'\n'; cout<<ans; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

lampice.cpp: In function 'void CENTROID::calc(int, int, int, int)':
lampice.cpp:77:47: error: use of an operand of type 'bool' in 'operator++' is forbidden in C++17
   77 |                 if (t) mp[dep[u]][h[vv[1]][u]]++;
      |                                               ^~